8 Qualities of a Boyfriend that Make him Truly Special

Anjali Nair
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images My love is selfish. I can’t breathe without you”, wrote Keats to his beloved Fanny. Every girl wants to be in possession of someone who treats her like a princess, to lover as much as no one has ever loved anyone. When we begin a relationship, there comes along EXPECTATIONS. It is really difficult to maintain a fine relationship. Following are 10 major qualities which a girl loves to see in her prince charming. These are some parameters which I find in my partner. This is for you my love 🙂

1)BE BFF MORE THAN A BF                                                                                        
boybffEvery girl yearns to see a good friend in her partner. Fact is, boyfriends can never think like a  friend. So if you can inculcate the traits of a bestfriend along with your boyfriendship you can view the crisis from a loyal perspective which would be ally in sorting out the issues.

2)HOLD HER HAND IN PUBLIC                   

couple,holding,hands,love,boy,cute,girl-6337b3b373e70eab74f82c9f0d784d4f_hA clandestine relationship is not what a girl prefers. She likes to be made felt special by her boyfriend. Be brave enough to stand beside her in public. Make her feel that no matter what and inspite of all differences you would her hand at any time. A girl loves to hear you addressing her to friends as “MY GIRL”.    🙂


images (1)Its natural that girls would be hurt by the silliest things. It is you whom she is going to approach first to break away from her gloom. Being a boyfriend, it is your duty to listen to her. Even if it is a silly-pilly stuff, don’t just ignore her, cuddle her and give the warmth of your love and be the healer.


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Girls love to receive surprises. Provide her with sweet romantic surprises which she had never ever expected. I am sure this would sweep her feets off.


 tumblr_nk1ebxGDWe1sbskzlo2_500We girls will definitely tolerate a tinge of possessiveness in our BFs. It would make a girl confident that ‘yes he wants me’. Over possessiveness usually ends up in restrictions which is not at all a favourable sign in a relationship. Treat her as your soul not a slave.


friends on date

A cute teddy or a bunch of flowers talk alot of feelings than a diamond necklace. True love usually don’t look forward to be gifted by expensive stuffs. A simple and sweet thing can express all the emotions .


Multiracial friends

Everyone loves to spend time at a beautiful place with their beloves one. Girls wish to make new memories every time,so they could cherish them years later. A walk in the rain will be memorable than a luxurious dinner. Love is all about making wonderful moments together, which could be late pondered on and laigh together.


71346Girls don’t appreciate their BFs being sleuthing in their lives. Checking her inbox , questioning about whom did she meet , how long did she talk on phone, can render her in tantrum.

           Women are the tender creatures made by god. They have to be properly cared . A single fault in ypur side could destroy her whole mental strength. We girls want a guy who would take care us like a father and love like a husband. The success of a relationship  completely depends on how we treat our partners.

Last Updated on by Icy Tales Team

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