Sadly, the following is a piece of news that may not hold great significance for everybody in the world but would baffle the wits out of a category of intellectual souls who describe themselves as History and Architecture enthusiasts and scholars.
So firstly, a big hallelujah to us all for the resurrection of one of the most significant monuments ever erected Colossus of Rhodes, a Wonder of the Ancient World.
The Colossus itself
The Ancient Wonders have for long been an area of considerable intrigue and contention. The Colossus of Rhodes was no exception before and after it collapsed in an Earthquake around 2000 years ago.
It was finished in 282 B.C. after twelve years of labor, the biggest statue ever built from Bronze. It was, surprisingly, paid for not by the Rhodians but by the Egyptian Pharaohs, Ptolemy I and II.
Its appearance has been elucidated differently by various scholars. However, what remains constant in all of them is that it was inspired by the Greek Sun God, Helios, with a torch in one of its hands (which went on to play muse to the Statue of Liberty). The exact location of the Colossus on the Island of Rhodes has also been greatly contested over the years.
The Impending Colossus
The statue is to be rebuilt by the Greek government that has decided to imbibe in the to-be-constructed monument and not the physical characteristics of the old one but for all that it symbolizes.
Its beacon of light will function as a lighthouse and a platform for a panoramic view, also housing a library, a museum, and shops. The figure will be clothed in solar panels to supply electricity to the lighthouse and everything within.
It will cost around 250 million Euros and generate revenues worth 35 million Euros per year.
The Colossus will face the Aegean and will be five times mightier than the original one. Hence, visible not only to the ships passing by the harbor but even to those present on the Turkish shore, 35 miles afar.
The Spirit
The construction of such a mammoth structure is seen as a source of motivation and empowerment for the grave hit that Greece’s economy took during the recent financial crisis.
“We want to show that Greece can get back on its feet again, that it has the power and people to do so, and that the economy here can recover,” said Aris A. Pallas, the project’s Head Architect, to The Times.
While the mysteries surrounding the demolished monument will be further investigated, the fabrication of the new one will positively generate new questions in its own ‘modern’ way. Moreover, it will be interesting to see whether it will cut the list of Wonders of the World in the future, post its completion.
Nevertheless, the upcoming Colossus will be etched forever in history as well as the minds of all of us who are fortunate enough to witness the rebirth of something that existed and signified so much, so many centuries ago.