The finals week is here! It’s that time of the year again. Conquering the finals week can be a booster for your grades. Here are a few tips for surviving the finals week and taking care of yourself during this frantic week.
* Make a schedule prior to the finals week: I can tell you the huge difference between a planned and an unplanned week. Make a schedule and jot down realistic goals to be achieved each day. Make use of the memo/note option on your phone and keep a to-do list the week before. It can make your week much more productive.
* Sleep is the key: Pulling an all-nighter is definitely a bad idea. A minimum of 6 hours sleep is necessary for the brain to function and you can remember better the next day. It will also keep you fresh throughout the day.
* Keep yourself hydrated: Your brain cells need water to function. Water will not cause fatigue and keeps you fresh for hours.
* Overthinking will not help : It’s easy to sit idle and think about the loads of notes you have to study. You tend to quickly stress yourself and in that process, you’ve already lost an hour. Instead, when you are ready to study just sit down and do it.
* Treats are not bad: Finals week is hard and your body definitely needs some pampering. Getting a manicure or a spa can be a great relaxing idea. Make a point to go out for an hour during your breaks.
* Set realistic goals: Leave plenty of time to study. If the goals are unrealistic you tend to not follow the schedule you’ve made.
* Organise and get started: Organizing is important when it comes to studying. A clean room and a welcoming study environment can be a great way to get started. Keep necessary stationary and a notebook ready before you start.
And remember, celebrate once your exams are done!
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian