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Nobody in this world wants to have his/her precious files and documents lost accidentally (from an unintentional format, or a virus attack), but sadly it’s not something exceptional and if you are not ready for it then you are possibly about to have a tough time restoring the removed data back. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard is very useful in this case because it has efficient features and plainness.
What is the process of Installation?
There are very few and simple steps that need to be followed for installing EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard. Once you download the application you will get a prompt to choose the language of the installation wizard. After that, during the installation process you will need to make some very fundamental configurations (installation directory, shortcuts etc.) and then you need to wait for few minutes for the key installation process to be finished. You will also get warning about setting up the program in the similar partition where you wish to restore documents from (I would suggest you don’t do it and choose another partition).
Well, the interface of EaseUS data recovery software is very smart and modern. When you open this wizard for the first time, you’ll notice three options on it in the centre: Partition Recovery, Complete Recovery, and Deleted File Recovery. Every option is employed for different reasons and to begin the restoration process you need to pick the one that matched your requirement. Well, this is the very first step, and there are further steps to be followed in order to complete the process.
Know the benefits of the EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard
As I already mentioned that, you will see three options for the recovery of your data that you can pick to restore your files and docs. You can use the first option ‘Deleted File Recovery’ for cases where documents are removed by mistake through software or from the recycle bin. You can use the second option ‘Complete Recovery’ when the entire partition was formatted. Other instances are virus attacks, system crashes and if the option Deleted File Recovery not succeeded to bring back your files. You can use third option ‘Partition Recovery’ to restore partitions that have been formatted because of setback in Boot Manager, disk partitioning etc. There are the same steps to be followed in every mode. You choose what type of documents you wish to bring back (like videos, files, and images) and then choose the partition that you wish to scan. After a few minutes, you will see the lost files and then you can pick those you wish to bring back. This wizard comes in three languages: Japanese, Dutch, and English.
EaseUS file recovery software is very reliable product which I used personally and found awesome results. This product really helped me a lot and that’s why I am giving the review of it so that many people who are facing the problem of lost data can easily recover the same. This product has so many great features and helped a number of people to recover major documents.
Last Updated on by Neha Jain