While you might love to head off to your favourite KFC or McDonald’s outlet near you, there are millions even today who do not have access to basic needs of life.
Even today, there are countries which suffer from extreme food shortage. The phenomenon is more prominently seen in Africa and Asia.
Why does Food Shortage Happen?
Food shortage can occur due to natural calamities or economic shortage.
There can be a widespread shortage of food caused by drought crop failures, and floods. Inappropriate socio-economic policies and population imbalance famines can further lead to epidemics and malnutrition.
Economics reason can be excess demand less productivity leading to food shortage.
Countries Fighting Food Insecurity
1. Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe food shortage has gotten worse over the course of few years. A severe drought has left one-fourth of the population facing food shortage. There is a state of disaster in most rural areas. 2.44 million people have a food shortage.
Zimbabwe has faced many droughts in the past that has affected as much as 80% of its populations that depended on agriculture.
2. Syria
Food security in Syria continues to reduce over the few years. Due to food scarcity more than 5 million people have been displaced. World Food Program is running many operations to provide food security. Civil wars and bombings have created socio-economic imbalance, disrupting the country’s economy severely.
3. Liberia
Liberia has always been a highly ‘food insecure’ country. Liberia has an ideal climate, geographical location and abundance of natural resources for good agriculture but several wars, and failed economic investments make Liberia one of the most hungry countries in the world.
There was also an outbreak of Ebola virus in 2014-15 which killed about 50% of those affected.65% of Liberia’s populations is under the poverty line and has no food and basic security.
4. Nepal
The powerful earthquake in 2015 caused serious food shortage. Many international organizations aided Nepal by supplying food water and medical facilities to those who were affected.The massive earthquake killed more than 5,700 people.
Before the earthquake, poverty and unstable political and economic instability where the primary causes for food shortage in Nepal.
5. India
India was ranked 66th by IFPRI in food shortage. Major reason why we face food shortage is poverty. 21.9% of India’s population is below the poverty line and cannot afford food.
Northern plains in India are highly fertile, but due to lack of farming and irrigation facilities the output remains less. Natural calamities like drought and recent floods lead to crop failure leaving thousands of people without food.
Overpopulation is also an important aspect why adequate food is not produced for all.
6. Afghanistan
Afghanistan faces a serious shortage of food due to civil wars and reoccurring natural calamities. It remains one of the poorest countries. 27 million people are affected by the social unrest. Environmental degradation also contributed to food shortage as natural resources have lost their productivity.
7. Yemen
Yemen is the poorest country in the Middle East and suffers from the socio-political crisis. Many hospitals have been closed due to lack of supply, markets have been bombed, agriculture and water supply has been stopped.
14.4 million people are internally displaced. Half a million population of Yemen is malnutrition.WFP aims to provide food and community aid to those who are affected by the famine.
FAO of United Nations aims to provide food security to all the countries and especially reach out to the hungriest countries in the world.
Governments of the countries facing food shortage must initiate fruitful actions to feed their people by introducing good economic and social policies. Maintaining internal and international peace is also an important factor to avoid famines.
As Jacques Diouf said, ‘hunger is not an issue of charity. It is an issue of justice’.
Last Updated on by Saket Kumar