Writing is an inevitable part of school life. Throughout your education, you have to write papers to prove understanding of topics taught in class and also show critical thinking. The toughest aspect of writing a paper is the introduction. Most students get stuck at this point leading to frustration and stress. This is also the most important section of your essay because it acts as a bridge into your world for the reader. With a good introduction, it is easy to captivate the reader throughout the paper which in turn leads to a good grade.
Most students have a hard time completing writing project in school. Whether in lower school, high school or college, writing takes up a lot of a learner’s time due to research and this makes it a much-disliked task. The lack of balance between school and personal life leads to high-stress levels. A 2008 survey from the Associated Press and mtvU shows 80% of American college students suffer daily stress. This situation arises due to increasing academic demands. But it is possible to avoid these problems with proper planning of writing projects. For a paper writing project, the most important part is the introduction and you should focus a lot of your energies here. A good introduction helps make a good impression, creates a roadmap for the rest of the paper and captivates the attention of a reader. You can buy college essays to see how expert writers compose winning introduction for their essays or research papers.
Well, if you have a writing project on your hands, this article offers tips to help you come up with a powerful introduction. Keep reading.
- Appreciate the Value of a Great Introduction
Before you get started writing an introduction, you need to appreciate the value it adds to the project. Most students rush into their paper writing without thinking much about the introduction and the result is inevitably a poor grade. A great introduction is a bridge which transports your readers from their world into your paper’s world.
It provides a transition between a reader’s immediate situations to what you want them to learn. Your paper’s intro serves as a foundation for the rest of the essay and makes it easier for readers to continue reading. If you don’t have a captivating introduction, you will have problems hooking readers to the end. Think of an introduction as your only chance to make a good impression to the reader to keep them glued to the conclusion.
- Define the Problem
You need to assume that anyone who reads your paper is busy and for this reason, make sure you give them a reason to continue reading. By the end of the introduction, the reader should know what your objective for the paper is and this will motivate them to read on.
- Decide on the Introduction Approach
There are many ways to start an introduction and you can choose whichever suits your topic. These approaches include:
- Using a brief anecdote: This is a short, relevant story related to your subject which invites the reader to continue reading.
- Set out an opposing argument for a common belief: A good introduction should provoke the reader’s mind and you can do this by opposing something which is the norm.
- Ask a question (s): Questions also provoke a reader’s mind and when well connected to your topic, they serve as a great approach for your paper’s introduction.
- Use a relevant quotation: If you can get a catchy quotation that relates to your topic, it can captivate the reader’s attention. Such a quotation tied with your argument in the introduction makes for a powerful start to your paper.
- Use facts or statistics: Numbers never lie and if you have relevant statistics to support your argument, you can include these in your introduction. Do not overdo it with numbers at this stage but instead use a few statistics to prick the interest of the reader.
- State the Thesis
Your paper must have a clear approach to the topic you wish to handle. This approach comes out clearly in the thesis. A good thesis showcases the argument in your paper and gives the reader an idea of what to expect. You must include your thesis in the introduction to capture the interest of the reader early enough and prepare them for what is to come.
- Include a Roadmap of Your Paper
Where do you plan to take the reader? Reading your paper is a journey for the reader and they need to know where you will take them. You should indicate what the reader expects to find inside including data, findings, conclusions, interviews, etc. You should also use this opportunity to clarify the need for your paper.
In summary, your paper’s introduction should hook the reader and for this to happen. It has to be short, concise and precise. Get to the point fast enough and keep it simple. Make sure the reader understands your objective and give them a roadmap of your paper at this point. If the introduction proves too tough, you can use a coursework help expert to guide you through it.
Last Updated on by Himani Rawat