A cat’s life expectancy is around 12 to 18 years. For an indoor cat, you can extend this lifespan; on the other hand, outdoor cats are more likely to have a shorter life due to being exposed to dangerous situations. Even if an outdoor cat seems to have more freedom of movement, which is very important to a feline, indoor cats can also have an active life if you provide them with healthy meals, fun exercise, and love.
Get a pet insurance
The first step to a long life for a cat is to take care of their health. Take them regularly to the vet for their vaccinations, check-ups and additional treatment. If you want to ensure your cat’s healthcare is covered, opt for affordable pet insurance that covers both preventative and unexpected vet care. It can cover many unexpected accidents and illnesses, such as chronic and hereditary conditions.
Learn about your cat’s breed
Each breed has its particularities that might affect the cat’s behavior, so you must know everything about your cat to take care of them properly. For example, the most known type of cats are domestic (the usual cats are originally bred from two or more types of breeding) and purebred (with a singular breed family).
Regardless of your cat’s breed, you need to treat them with kindness. Some cats are more affectionate than others, so try to behave according to their personality. Don’t adopt a cat and expect it to act like you want it to, but adapt your lifestyle to theirs.
Keep an eye on changed behavior
Like humans, cats can change their behavior when they’re feeling sad or ill. If you notice changes in their vocalization, sleeping or scratching behavior, it might be a sign of stress or pain. The most common signs of illness are:
- Sudden acts of aggressiveness: often caused by traumas or fear;
- Changes in eating habits: caused by dental diseases (if they’re not eating anymore) or hyperthyroidism (if they’re eating more than usual but don’t gain weight);
- Elimination behavior changes: caused by stress, fear or a urinary tract infection);
- Changes in their sleeping habits: caused by obesity in some cats.
Provide a clean environment
The most important aspect of owning a cat is ensuring a clean environment. To accomplish that, you need to:
- Have enough litter boxes: you need a litter box for each cat plus one more. It would be best if you clean them at least once a day.
- Help your cat with grooming: even if they usually groom themselves, cats need brushing from time to time to prevent ingesting too much hair.
- Keep your house clean to reduce the risk of flea infection.
- Have a special scratching surface for your cat’s claws. This behavior is normal and healthy for them, so instead of trying to stop it, buy scratching furniture for cats (or scratching carpets). This will help them have their spot to stretch their muscles and keep their claws in good condition.
- Equip your home with enough toys and furniture for your cat, and make enough space for them to play and hide.
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian