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Considering the increase in literacy rate in India from 12% in 1947 to 74% in 2011, we can proudly say that majority of Indians are educated. But, does the buck stop here?
Here are a few things which should be eradicated from the Indian Education System:
It’s the quality of education and not the quantity which should be of primary importance. We should laud the interactive and e-class learning coupled with many projects that coaxes the students to think “out of the box”. However, owing to the stereotype syllabus and fixed set of questions that appear in the exams every year.
It has become very difficult to wipe out the evil of rote learning. Students should think “out of the box” and “out of the books”. The rat race for scoring 90% marks by mugging up must change. Students should be encouraged to acquire analytical skills and logical thinking.
Grading system:
“Only studies and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. What makes our students lackadaisical is the importance attributed to MARKS. Students are marked and judged for their intelligence based on the three-hour duration of the exams, not considering the stress, nervousness, and peer pressure inflicting the student.
A student can shine out only when the parameter of grading and ranking are not strictly limited to exams and class tests. Schools must mold their students in various other matters, educating them beyond the limits of the textbook. Classroom participation, leadership qualities, communication skills, extracurricular activities, and academic performance should be the criteria to evaluate students.
Respect for selected streams:
Doctor? Wow, intelligent guy
Engineering? Amazing, brains personified
Fashion designing? Uff, she must be a below-average student.
Such disdainful attitudes should not exist anymore. Through counselling and career guidance sessions, students must be made aware of various streams and courses and the important role they play in our economy.
Restricted streams:
The Indian education system has confined the streams to science, commerce, arts or diploma after class 10. However, a student belonging to one stream may want to pursue one or two subjects of his liking from another stream. Isn’t there a need to introduce a system where students can opt for major and minor subjects?
The goal of education must be imparting maximum knowledge to students, be it related to the subjects of their domain or essential general understanding even if it’s not a part of their stream. The concept of “elective subjects” must be introduced at a much earlier stage than it is now.
Parochial outlook:
Our education system focuses mainly on nationalism, which may cultivate a jingoistic outlook rather than a global outlook. Of course, loving our country is important. Still, we are a part of an era that requires people to become global citizens, as one cannot carry the nationalist attitude while studying or working abroad.
Outdated syllabus as per job market:
The major drawback of the Indian education system lies in teachings that are not relevant to current industries anymore. Skills which are a requirement for the various sectors are not present in fresh graduates. Hence, practical sessions require more time and attention rather than theoretical ones.
We spend only a few percent of our GDP on education, so our government should make education its priority and address these issues.
Lavanya Ramnath
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian