Lavender essential oil is the best relaxation medicine that is used by many people. Some may have a doubt about is lavender essential oil safe for dogs. Diluted lavender oil is considered as safe for topical use in dogs.
As in humans, pure lavender oils must not be applied directly or intake it. To dilute it must be added with other oils. This highly potent oil can have many benefits and side effects in dogs as well as in humans. So we must check ‘is lavender essential oil safe for dogs?’
In this article, we describe the topic is lavender essential oil safe for dogs. After reading this you can give decide whether lavender oil is safe for dogs.
1. What are Lavender Essential Oils?
Lavender oil is much-concentrated oil that is made from flower spikes of lavender plants. It is a pure and colorless oil that does not dissolve in water.
It consists of the phytochemicals that are present in the lavender plant which must be avoided for some animals. Lavender essential oils are used in perfumes and aromatherapy.
Nowadays people use it for different purposes, mainly to promote relaxation. It will be the best medicine to relieve stress. Lavender essential oils is is anti-inflammatory that can be applied to the skin. Like these, there are my health benefits of Lavender oil when it is applied topically.
2. Is Lavender Essential Oil Safe for Dogs: Guides to Be Followed
Making lavender safe for dogs is done by using it properly in the correct manner. Otherwise many dangerous problems must be faced by your pets. You must treat dogs in normal ways otherwise it causes irritations to the dog’s skin.
2.1 Seek the Help of a Holistic Vet
Before using essential oil for your dog, talk to the holistic vet to gain certain information regarding essential oils safe for dogs. This will be useful to find the right oil that is good for your pet’s health.
You must clearly talk about the other natural products or essential oils that are used for your dog. As pet parents, we must take more care of our dog’s health. By knowing these guides you can avoid the use of other oils or supplements.
2.2 Check If They Like It
You may not like all the scents and smells, it is the same as in the case of other dogs. Some dogs may show the same character as the pet owners. So give your pet some diffused or diluted lavender oil to smell and know how it reacts with it.
If the dog runs away after smelling or rubs its nose on the carpet it seems that it is not diluted better and dogs do not like its fragrance. According to the dog’s taste, you must start to use these oils in them.
2.3 Diluted Oil for Topical Use
Humans can use undiluted lavender oil on non-sensitive skin in the same as that other essential oils. But in the case of dogs, Using in topical action diluted lavender oil must be used to avoid lavender poisoning. It can be diluted using carrier oil or other base oil. To make sure is lavender essential oil safe for dogs we must dilute it.
The options for good oils are jojoba oil, almond oil, tea tree oil, sesame oil, etc, and other natural oils. Diffuse essential oils in certain proportions to get diluted lavender oil. Lavender poisoning can be avoided by diluting it.
2.4 Start with A Small Quantity
When we start to give diluted lavender essential oil to our dogs, firstly start with only a small amount. After giving this small amount see how your dog reacts to it. If you find any allergic reactions or other discomforts seek a solution for it.
Some dogs may have reactions to the lavender plant or its pollen. This can be understood by the symptoms like itchy skin, runny nose, red eyes, etc. If any of this is present in your dog stop using it.
When you are using lavender essential oil in your dog, you don’t make the dog ingest the oil. It will make the dog sick. An inhaling method, diffusing oils, or spraying in a dog bed can be used to avoid a direct attack. You can also apply it to your dog’s favorite stuffed toy.
2.5 Spot Check
If you are using topically Try to apply the diluted lavender oil on your dog’s neck and leave for 24 hours. It is done so as to check any reactions on its skin in the first use, it should be done particularly if your dog has sensitive skin. So you must spot-check is lavender essential oil safe for dogs.
3. Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil for Dogs
There are many benefits for lavender oil as it has medicinal properties. Its pleasant smell gives stress relaxation and excellent air freshener that produces the presence of lavender flowers. High-quality oil must be used to get these benefits.
Same as in the case of dogs, apply the first use see the dog’s reactions, and if any doubt consults the doctor. After knowing these benefits for your dogs, You will be able to know if is lavender safe for dogs.
3.1 Itchy Skin
If your dog’s skin gets a few itchy reactions like allergies, the lavender essential oil will soothe your dog’s skin. Because lavender oil is anti-inflammatory and a pain reliever and anti-bacterial it quickly gives the result.
The antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties of lavender oil will help to soothe your dog’s red, irritated, or itchy pet’s skin. It also helps to reduce allergic reactions and will be best to soothe dry skin. When applied on inflamed skin, its properties help to get the back skin to normal stage.
If your dog has itchy skin try the mix of lavender oil with almond oil. A Few drops of both these oils, when applied to the dog’s affected area, will get relief from irritated skin. Lavender essential oils will be the best solution against skin irritation in dogs.
3.2 Joint Pain
The Lavender oil is safe for dogs to treat joint pain. Because of some properties, it will work best to reduce pain. It can be also treated as the above-mentioned methods by mixing a few drops of lavender oil and almond oil.
If your dog is suffering from some pain in joints or pain after an injury lavender oil will help to get relief from the pain. Many studies have proven that lavender oil is the best remedy to relieve pain.
You can apply lavender oil on the pain area of the dog. Pet parents must carefully apply it on the dog without any mistakes. These properties help to know ‘is lavender essential oil safe for dogs?
3.3 Reduce Anxiety
Lavender oil is safe for its calming effect and prevents anxiety and reduces stress. It will be effective for dogs while they travel. An anxious dog can be made calm by using these as air fresheners in your cars or other vehicles.
Some will feel heartbreaking when seeing their dog in anxious mode. Some dogs will be hyperactive which has more power and be difficult to make them calm. In these situations, does lavender essential oil will help you? You may know its amazing calming effect on humans, lavender oil is one of the most effective essential oil to calm dogs.
It is a natural dog anxiety treatment that is used with nervous, anxious, depressed, and hyperactive pups. It is also used as the best sleep medicine if your dog has insomnia. This property says is lavender essential oil safe for dogs.
It can be applied on a dog bed to avoid its tendency to become anxious dogs. You can make a mix of essential oils and carrier oil or castor oils and take them in a glass spray bottle and use them on the dog.
3.4 Motion Sickness
Like in humans, the motion of the vehicle while traveling can affect dogs’ nervous systems. This will make many severe problems in the dog’s body functioning. To limits the difficulty of motion sickness while traveling, oils of lavender safe for dogs.
You can use the above-mentioned spray mix to reduce this problem. Thus lavender oil will be pet safe and extremely potent to reduce these symptoms. Diluted oil will work well for this process. By removing this action we can say is lavender essential oil safe for dogs.
3.5 Bug Repellent
Lavender oil can help to keep away the bugs or tiny insects that whisper around the dogs. Hence it can be used as a powerful insect repellent. It is safe to use by adding a few drops to a dog’s coat and even spraying on its bedding.
While lavender essential oil will destroy the bugs, it goes away by the smell on both humans and dogs. So if your dog has an issue with flies, or is attacked by mosquitoes Spraying diluted lavender oil will help to get rid of these bugs.
You must be sure to use reputable company oil for your dog which will be pet safe. People will use all brands of lavender oil and essential oil, but you must correctly know about the brand which is comfortable for your dog.
4. Is Lavender Essential Oil Safe for Dogs
Lavender oil safe for dogs can be said only after using it in the proper way. Lavender oil will quickly work on the skin as it is absorbed by the bloodstream. As in humans, it will be safe to use this manner, but your pet may not sink with it at first time.
By following these safe ways you can say is lavender essential oil safe for dogs.
- Diffusion: Essential oil diffuser is the simplest way to make a comfortable environment for your sleepy, depressed, or overactive pet. First, you must ask the vet how must be diffused for your pet. Then mix a few drops of lavender essential oil with a water-based diffuser. Always try to use pet-safe oils to avoid causing irritation in your pets.
- Topical Application: Before applying the lavender oil to your pet, check whether it is properly diluted. Dilute it best with other carrier oils or base oils according to the dog Gently massage this diluted lavender oil can help to ease joint pains, and itchy skin, and even get rid of flies attack. The holistic vet uses anti-bacterial lavender infusions to clean wounds and remove itching and scratching.
- Direct Inhalation: Lavender oil will be safe with dogs and is safe to inhale it. You can introduce this to your dog’s environment, so they can inhale it without getting the strong smell of the scent. In the car drive, it can be sprayed on the dog’s neck to its struggle to sleep, anxiety, and depressed dog. Inhaling will not be difficult as it inhales the lavender smell along with the fresh air.
So after following these safety ways you can use lavender essential oils in your pets which will be the best medicine for them for various diseases. Now you may understand is lavender essential oil safe for dogs.
Final Note
After reading this article, you can say ‘yes’ to the question is lavender essential oil safe for dogs? It can be made safe by its proper use on your pets. It will be the best medicine for your pet against anxiety, pain relief, skin irritation, and even insect repellent. These benefits together can be bought from lavender essential oils.
Certain safety precautions must be considered while using it on your pets. Many pet parents will be careless while using it. Avoid it from dogs’ eyes, mouth, or genital areas while spraying it on dogs’ bodies. You must not use undiluted lavender oil for your pets. Ingesting lavender oil is harmful to your dog so, avoid it orally.
Lavender oil is the best medicine for stress in humans as well as in pets, even cats will be safe after using lavender essential oils. So if you are trying to use lavender essential oils for your dogs, use pet-safe oil that makes your furry pet happy.
If you like this article, read more
Q1. How Does Lavender Oil Affect Dogs?
Lavender oil contains linalool, which will be toxic for dogs and cats. But it will help to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress. Lavender poisoning may result in vomiting, reduce appetite, and other symptoms.
Q2. How Can We Dilute Lavender Oils?
Diluted lavender oil will be safe for your pets, so we can dilute it with other carrier oils or base oils. A certain proportion of almond oils, tea tree oil, and sesame oil will help in the process to dilute lavender oils.
Q3. Does Inhaling Lavender Oil Safe for Dogs?
Yes, inhaling is the best way to treat lavender oil with dogs. It will give many benefits. It is a safe way to introduce the lavender smell to a dog’s environment and easily inhale it without the scent being too strong.
Q4. Is Lavender Oil an Insect Repellent?
Lavender plant fragrance is hated smell by insects and other bugs. So, it acts as the best insect repellent to avoid areas where there is a lavender smell. Simply spray it to avoid mosquitoes, gnats, and other flies.
Last Updated on by Himani Rawat