Being a Tall Girl – The 7 Disadvantages

richa bhartiya
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Whenever we see a tall girl, we compliment her height and her looks. People think the girl is lucky to have such a perfect height, and they think that she looks fantastic, but only some know about the disadvantages of being a tall girl. With a height of 5’9″, below are my true feelings about being a tall girl. 

1. Size Issues of A Tall Girl

This is one of the biggest problems in my life. Whenever I’m out shopping and want to try on a cute top/dress that I like, it doesn’t fit! Urgh!! Sometimes there’s a problem with the sleeves, and sometimes even the normal-sized top is a crop top for us.

When you try a bigger size, it doesn’t fit either because it is BIG. And yes, when you want to buy a full-sleeved top, you get a top with ¾ sleeves because your hands are too long! *cries*

2. Heels

Woman wearing red heels
By ucyln/ Shutterstock

Next comes the heels. Whenever I go to a footwear shop, hoping to buy those pretty, sexy heels, I can’t because it would make me look even taller. Some girls might prefer wearing them despite their heights, but I personally feel awkward in them. I console myself by saying, “heels are not good for health, they have several side effects, and you should not wear them” *laughs*

3. You Look Very Tall!

This happens to me every time. Whenever I see myself in a full-length mirror, I scream. I LOOK SOOOO TALLL! No matter what I wear, I always look tall. There is one incident that I remember. We were in PVR, and I had to use the restroom. So I went there with my mom. There was a huge mirror, and when I saw myself in that mirror, I screamed. All the staff members were staring at me, including the other ladies there.

My mother asked me the reason for my insane behavior. I said, “Maaa!! I look sooo tall.’’ While my mom laughed, all I could do was sigh.

4. Short Boys? NAH.

Whenever we see a cute guy in some random shop, we go all, “Awww!! He’s so cute”. And when he stands up, *FACEPALM*. This has happened so often that now we have started thinking there is no one for us and we’ll probably end up single. And we cry over the fact that even our bedsheet is a double. *sniff*

5. People Think You’re an Alien

extraterrestrial life or alien - 3d rendering
By: HUT Design/Shutterstock

I’m tired of this. Every time I go to the market, people think I’m an alien because of this endless staring. I have even picked up a fight with a couple of people regarding this. Duhhhh! We are not aliens. We are just a perfect combination of great height and smart looks. So rethink your judgment.

6. Ceiling Touches Your Head

In Delhi, there are many underground shops, and their ceilings are not very high. Whenever I visit one of those, *BAMMM*. I always get a return gift in the form of that little bump on my head.

7. All Those Door Frames Love You a Lot!

I don’t know what is with the door frames and our heads. I think they love each other. So basically, when you try to enter somebody’s room, you end up hitting the top. And what next? You’ve to bend a little bit and sometimes a little too much so that you can pass the hurdle.

But despite these disadvantages of being a tall girl, let us not forget we have got the charm that the world loves, and so do we. *winks*

Last Updated on by Steffy Michael

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