I wish I were more mature and practical when I was a 16-year-old. Those days of endless loneliness and aching heartbreaks. Fighting with parents over getting that tattoo or binge-watching movies without a care in the world. There were times when you felt you were not beautiful and intelligent enough. You felt as if no one cares about you and you are totally alone in this world.
Do you ever wonder, “Had I known this before, I wouldn’t have made this mistake?
Don’t worry. With time you will understand how to deal with all these emotions and mood swings. You will understand how amazing and unique you are.
To 16-Year-Old Me
These are some of the things I want to tell you –
1. Be Yourself
Dear 16-year-old, I wish I knew this when I was 16. It took me a long time to realize that all you have to do is be yourself if you want to be liked by people. If you keep trying to be someone else to make others love you, you probably will fail. The only way to win people’s hearts is by being you.
You will be surprised how much people love and appreciate one’s uniqueness.
2. Trust Your Instincts
Dear 16-year-old, you must be familiar with the voice inside your head saying you to do or not to do something. That voice pops up whenever you are making some important decision. Well, that voice is your instinct, and you should follow it. If your instincts tell you not to do something, then you should not do it.
The voice inside your head is always right; listen to it.
3. Love yourself First Before Loving Anyone Else
Dear 16-year-old, to love anyone else, you should first love yourself. If you don’t love yourself, why would anyone else love you?
Love your body, your personality, your color, your strengths, and your weaknesses. You will never be able to love anyone if you hate yourself. Celebrate your imperfectness; yes, nobody is perfect, and neither are you. You are magic, so start by loving yourself.
4. Be Passionate
Dear 16-year-old, you have to be passionate about life. Keep searching, and keep working on yourself. Find what makes you happy; this is when you can actually decide what you want to do in life. If you love writing, be a writer, love painting, be a painter, or love both, then you can be both!
You can be anything in life; all you have to do is find the things you are passionate about. For this, you have to keep trying new things in life. Every day try something new, try something different, and this way you will be able to decide what makes you happy.
5. Stand up For Yourself
Dear 16-year-old, be bold, be courageous, be a fighter!
If you think someone has wronged you, stand up and raise your voice. If you think you are being bullied, stand up and raise your voice. If you don’t stand up for yourself, then I am sure your future self will hate you for not doing so. Not just for yourself, stand up for your loved ones or anyone who is being scourged.
You have to fight for yourself; you cannot be a loser and suffer oppression at others’ hands. Come out of those walls. Be brave, and this is the time for you to be brave.
Dear 16-year-old, you are beautiful, amazing, and magical no matter what others say. always give love, and you will receive love in return.
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian