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Libras are the most friendly and compassionate people you’ll ever meet of all the twelve zodiac signs. And, you should thank your lucky stars if you have a friend who’s a Libra. Here are 7 things that you’ll surely relate to if you are closely familiar with one –

1. Libras are very fair
In case you didn’t know, no human or animal represents this sign. Scales are the Libran symbol, and hence the inclination towards truth, order and balance is justified. Trust me, and they are the most unbiased people you’ll ever meet in your life. They have this unique ability to put themselves in other people’s shoes and imagine things from others’ points of view. Go to them with any problem, and they will carefully judge right from wrong and deliver a fair solution.
2. A binding force
Libras tend to be the glue that holds their group together. Exhibiting a tranquil and calm attitude, they will always shy away from any conflict and always prefer compromise and cooperation over a hassle and argument. They always try to unite the group members together by acting as a mediator in times of conflict. They are the pillars that support their loved ones and often act as the middle man in bridging the gap between people.

3. Diplomatic
Libras are true diplomats. They have amazing powers of persuasion and can handle the weirdest of situations in the classiest of ways possible. They carefully think before they speak and usually prefer to walk on eggshells.
4. Bon-vivant.
Yes, the hedonist in Libras drives them to lead a luxurious and self-indulgent lifestyle. They are captivated by the splendour of things around them and never think twice before spending money on the irrelevant objects they feel are important to them. They are highly concerned with superficial appearances and take pride in their good taste. Their houses are adorned with exquisite items, and it doesn’t surprise you anymore.

5. The strong, silent types.
Got a lot of stuff to share? Just go to your Libran buddy and confide in them. They are great observers as well as great listeners. They will always listen intently to your sob stories, incessant worries without judgement. And that’s the beauty of having a Libran friend. You know that you can just be yourself in front of them and still never be judged.
6. Sociable
They are highly sociable people. Just imagine them going alone for a party! I can bet that they won’t return alone. Their amazing listening skills and charming personality give them an edge over others in making people gravitate towards them. Libras hate to be alone. They always need a bunch of people to hang around with. These people prefer working in groups rather alone and make for great team players.

7. Laid-Back people
This is something all of us can relate to (obviously, you have a Libran friend. That’s why you dropped by to read this). Their happy-go-lucky and nonchalant attitude might rub people the wrong way and cause them to be labelled as indifferent. But at the back of our minds, we always know that they are truly amazing people and are always just a call away.
Don’t forget to tag all your Libran friends here!
Last Updated on by hamna