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We all meet hundreds of people in our lifetime, and every person we meet is a combination of different experiences and characters.
Both these factors play a vital role in shaping the personality of a human being. It is these varied personalities that make human interaction a truly fruitful experience.
There are various personality types classifications based on different criteria, but one of the well-known ones is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (16 personalities), better known as MBTI.
How often have we come across someone describing themself using four letters, like ENFP or ISFJ?
Well, we meet so many different kinds of people. Surely not all of these 16 types may be evenly distributed amongst the population. That’s right, and some personality types are more common than others.
So let’s find out a bit more about how this interesting classification attempts to understand the human personality and what is the most common personality type among the 16 defined ones.
1. What is MBTI?

MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It is the name given to a method designed by the mother-daughter duo Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs to identify an individual’s personality.
The MBTI inventory comprises statements that attempt to understand our habitual preferences and strengths. In turn, it categorizes us under one of the 16 personality types.
We all have used the statement “I’m an introvert” or “I’m an extrovert” several times. But do you know who came up with these terms? This theory was given to the world by Carl Jung and formed the foundational rock of MBTI.
It’s important to know that MBTI is a dynamic classification and is as relevant to serious psychological discourses as it is too common for people curious to discover more about themselves.
2. The When, How, and Why
During the Second World War, Myers and Briggs came up with the idea of developing an indicator of personality to understand human beings better and apply the understanding to solve real-life problems.
Since they were intrigued by Carl Jung’s theory of introversion versus extroversion, they decided to build upon it to develop a more vast personality indicator.
One of the possible applications of this indicator they came up with while its development involved the selection of professions according to the personality type, leading to the general betterment of the quality of life.
From the 1940s, Myers and Briggs developed this personality test over the next 20 years.
3. The MBTI Test
What does an MBTI inventory look like? An MBTI inventory comprises several statements that assess the subject’s preferences, strengths, and weaknesses.
The subject is expected to determine the accuracy of the statement concerning themselves. This is done with the help of a rating scale.
This rating scale varies from inventory to inventory. While some have a five-point rating scale, others have a more objective two-point one.
There are several websites where you can find the inventory and even take the test online if you want to know your personality type.
4. What Does the MBTI Reveal About Your Personality?
We hope we have piqued your interest in these personality types and your curiosity to know yours by now.
But what exactly will this personality test reveal about you in the first place? The MBTI has four scales. This means that it will tell you about four characteristics of your personality.
That’s right. Along with introversion or extraversion, you get to discover three other personality characteristics by taking this test.
4.1. Extraversion (E) – Introversion (I)
What kind of a person are you? Are you the social and outgoing type or the silent and brooding type?
This aspect explored by the MBTI is based on Carl Jung’s theory. This tells us about how an individual interacts with the world and other people around them.
While extroverts derive their energy from the outside world by interacting with others, introverts get their energy from within and need solitude.
4.2. Sensing (S) – Intuition (I)
The second trait MBTI will reveal about you deals with how you form an impression of the world and the way you collect relevant information.
If you are a sensor, you place your faith only in your sensing and the facts collected from real-life experiences.
However, an intuitive can consider other possibilities and abstractions and view the situation’s big picture.
4.3. Thinking (T) – Feeling (F)
Do you prefer listening to your heart or your head (Nah, we know that the heart pumps blood!)? This is what the scale tells about your personality.
After interacting with the world and getting the required information, you are required to make a decision. Here we get to know the process used by a person to make the decision.
Thinkers generally prioritize logic and rationale over all else and can completely separate the problem at hand from the self.
However, feelers tend to consider emotions while deciding on something. Personal factors and experiences play a huge role in influencing their decision-making process.
4.4. Judging (J) – Perceiving (P)
The last step after making a decision is implementing it and acting. The fourth personality trait revealed by this test is how you prefer your actions while dealing with the world.
If you are high on judging, you prefer an organized and structured mode of action. On the other hand, is high on perceiving means that you are more flexible and adaptable and can go with the flow.
Here, don’t forget that these classifications are neither absolute nor superior to the other. Depending on the situation, you can be either introverted or extraverted, a thinker or a feeler.
The division of these aspects stems from the fact that people are more inclined to choose one of them. That does not necessarily mean you do not have the other.
5. The 16 Personalities

All these personality traits can be found in an individual in different combinations. These combinations depend on the trait towards which an individual is more inclined.
Each of these personality types has its unique features and quirks. The Myers-Briggs type indicator admirably succeeds in encompassing various diverse characteristics of human nature within its ambit.
So what are these combinations? Here are the names of the 16 MBTI personality types.
- ISTP (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving) – The Crafter
- ISTJ (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) – The Inspector
- ISFP (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) – The Artist
- ISFJ (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) – The Protector
- INTP (Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) – The Thinker
- INTJ (Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging) – The Architect
- INFJ (Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging) – The Advocate
- INFP (Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) – The Mediator
- ESTP (Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving) – The Persuader
- ESTJ (Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) – The Director
- ESFP (Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) – The Performer
- ESFJ (Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) – The Caregiver
- ENTP (Extraverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) – The Debator
- ENTJ (Extraverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging) – The Commander
- ENFJ (Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging) – The Giver
- ENFP (Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) – The Campaigner

6. The Most Common Personality Type
Now that we know a bit about the MBTI personality types, the next question is what is my type, and how common is it? You can get the answer to the first half by taking a simple online MBTI personality test (most of them are free and don’t take more than 15 minutes).
We might be able to help with the latter half. The most common among these 16 personality types is ISFJ, the protector.
This type occurs among almost 14% of the general population, making it the most common personality type overall among women. Almost 19% of the female population falls under this type.
Speaking of the characteristics and personality traits of this common Myers-Briggs type, ISFJs tend to be introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging.
Behind their mask of brooding silence, ISFJs are very observant people. This gives them the ability to be empathetic to other people’s feelings. But despite their deep understanding of human emotions, it is not easy for them to express themselves.
They are practical people who swear by real-life experiences when facing problems. ISFJs tend to work better in a structured way and need time to come to terms with changes.
Most importantly, ISFJs are very caring and responsible people; everyone loves them for this! Some famous ISFJ personalities include George HW Bush, Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa, and even Beyonce.
7. What is the Most Common Personality Type Among Men

The most commonly occurring personality type among men is the ISTJ type. Almost 16% of the male population falls under this personality type.
However, ISTJ is the third most common personality type overall, making up about 12% of the general population and 7% of the female population.
ISTJs tend to be detail-oriented and are known for their strategic nature. Their planning is immaculate; you rarely find them in messy situations, literally or otherwise!
This makes them highly reliable when it comes to important jobs. Moreover, their practical approach and sense of responsibility towards a task in truly noteworthy. You will NEVER be able to distract an ISTJ from the task at hand, no matter what
Given their preference for order, ISTJs tend to believe in established rules while going about a task. This rigidity stems from their intention of avoiding chaos.
If you are an ISTJ, you share the same personality type as Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Meryl Streep, and Kobe Bryant.
8. Other Common Types
Most common personality types are good enough. But what about the other types? What are some other common Myers-Briggs types?
8.1. ESFJ Personality Type

Closely following its ISFJs among common personality types is its more outgoing counterpart, the ESFJ personality type. Almost 12% of the population falls under this personality type.
ESFJs tend to derive their energy from the external world. They thrive on external validation and expect their work to be appreciated. But at the same time, they are natural caregivers and can sense others’ feelings.
ESFJs are loved because of their loyal and kind-hearted nature. Some well-known ESFJ names include Joe Biden, Taylor Swift, and Jennifer Lopez.
9. The Rare Personality Types
We’ve talked enough about the common Myers-Briggs types by now. What about the rarer gems? If you don’t fit into these most common types, let’s check out some rare personality types.
9.1. INFJ Personality Type

INFJs are also known as idealists or advocates. Such people are introverted, intuitive, feeling and judging.
It is the rarest personality type in just 1% of the United States population. While INFJs is also the rarest personality type among men, it is the third rarest among women.
These rare gems have the admirable ability to strike the perfect balance between emotions and rationales, creativity and analysis. They tend to put all their faith in their gut feeling.
INFJs are compassionate havens, enabling them to connect to people despite their introverted nature.
Despite being the rarest personality type, the INFJ type has no dearth of famous names. Jimmy Carter, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Mohandas Gandhi are some of these rare gems. Fun fact: Carl Jung was himself an INFJ.
9.2. ENFJ Personality Type

This is the second-rarest Myers Briggs type. Warm and sensitive at the same time, these enthu cutlets are loved by all!
ENFJs are extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging and form about 3% of the general population. While it is the second rarest personality type among men, it is slightly more common among women.
Owing to their outgoing nature, such people enjoy helping others and like to motivate people. But due to the same trait, they are prone to neglect their needs and be hard on themselves.
Some famous ENFJs include Martin Luther King Jr, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Johnny Depp.
10. The Dynamic Nature of Myers-Briggs Personality Types
Change is the only constant, and this also applies to our personalities. Once you take the MBTI test and know your personality type, it is important to understand that the result is not absolute.
Personality types often change with age, depending on life experiences and other factors.
Despite all we know about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the personality theory, we should not forget that our personality cannot be defined by just four letters or a single psychological type.

The Bottom Line
We hope to have been able to feed your curiosity about the Myers-Briggs personality types and the common types. What is your personality type? Is it the most common personality type or one of the rare ones? Don’t forget to let us know. Please share this with your friends and get them to take the personality test!
Last Updated on by Sathi