Just for a while, sit silently and imagine your life without beauty, wealth and intellect. If there was a concept of opting for any one of these elements, what would you choose? Beauty brings a glow on our physical appearance; wealth is the currency of our living and intellect controls our mental ability. Out of these three elements, which, according to you is the most essential in our lives?
Beauty is every woman’s wealth. Every lady around this globe desires to now and then with natural and appealing physical appearance. Even men are too conscious about their personalities. Perfect and sizzling appearance can offer a person, stage of glamor and huge popularity. All the models, air hostesses and actors are famous worldwide only due to their natural beauty.
Wealth is necessary for living. We can never dream of our lives without money. Currency provides us essentials required in our day to day lives. We feel the thirst of money every now and then. But can we only lead our lives with the pleasure of wealth? Can wealth buy us all the happiness we are endowed with, regularly? Can wealth fetch us the appreciation that we earn by self-achievements?
Our wisdom and intelligence are vital in our lives. Our intellect gives us self-satisfaction, accomplishments, and treasures to cherish on, forever. A witty person is appreciated by all human beings. It’s our brains that enable us to score well in our examinations and gain victory in every field. It gets us closer to our career that ultimately develops our personality as well as our hard work showers wealth over us. Beauty can fetch us applause and temporary compliments only. On the other hand, wealth can only provide us unlimited luxuries to ponder over for the rest of our lives. But intellect presents us both.
Always remember, a beautiful and wealthy person may live happily, but its temporary joy. A sharp minded person earns his happiness that gives a human the best pleasure that beauty and wealth can never offer. Therefore, always respect your intellect and make the best use of it.
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian