Essay Writing Tips from A Professional Essay Writer

Icy Tales Team
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If you’re in college, chances are you’ve had to write an essay or two by now. And whether you like it or not, you’ll probably have to write several more before you graduate and enter the workforce. Because of this, it’s important to know how to write an essay that will impress your professor and earn you high marks on your assignments. Fortunately, we have some tips on writing an essay that will help ensure that your paper earns you the best grade possible.

Start your essay with an engaging hook

You have only one chance to grab your reader’s attention just like a professional essay writer would. One chance to make them fall in love with your writing and commit their time to finishing what you’ve started. Don’t blow it. Hook them right off the bat. Make them laugh, cry, swoon – whatever works for your essay. Just don’t bore them into opening another tab and starting something else before they get five words in!

If you need help crafting an engaging hook that will capture your audience, check out our previous post on hooks and structure here

Begin the main body of your essay with a strong thesis statement

This is one of most important parts of your essay, because if you don’t grab your reader’s attention here they will likely put down your essay and look for something better to read. Strong thesis statements give readers an idea of what kind of information to expect throughout your paper. They also let readers know that you have thought carefully about your topic and are ready to present it in an interesting and informed way. To write a strong thesis statement, try asking yourself these questions: What do I want my audience to think or feel after reading my essay? What question do I want them to be left with? What position am I taking on my topic?

Introduce your topic in two paragraphs

When writing an essay, you should always make sure to introduce your topic in two paragraphs. This will help you set up your entire paper and define your stance on it. The first paragraph of any essay should be the introduction. This is where you let your reader know what they’re getting into when they read your work. It’s not just a summary of what’s to come; rather, it should provoke some questions in readers’ minds that are answered throughout the rest of your essay. In other words, your introduction is meant to hook them.


The second paragraph in an essay is called a thesis statement. In short, it’s a one-sentence declaration about your stance on whatever issue you’re addressing. For example, if you were writing about gun control laws, then I believe we need stricter gun control laws because more guns equal more crime would be your thesis statement.

Add two more paragraphs that support your thesis

As you work on developing your argument, keep in mind that there are four elements to any essay. They include:


• Topic sentence – The topic sentence is usually found at or near your essay’s beginning and serves as an introduction for what you will discuss later in your paper.


• Supporting details – Supporting details are parts of your discussion that back up your thesis statement or main point. These elements prove why you believe what you do and help strengthen or clarify it.

• Transition sentences – Transition sentences allow you to move smoothly between different points of your essay. Without them, it can be difficult for readers to follow along with your train of thought.


• Conclusion paragraph – In conclusion paragraphs, wrap things up with a final summary statement about your argument or idea.

Conclude your essay with a summary paragraph and restate your thesis

The final step in writing your essay is to look back at what you’ve written so far. Make sure you’ve included all relevant information, that your argument has been clearly stated and supported with specific examples, and that your essay flows logically from one point to another. Now it’s time to wrap everything up in a tidy conclusion paragraph. Your conclusion might seem difficult, instead of getting something substandard, get help from and end strong.


Jared Houdi is one of the Grademiner’s team finest! If there’s anyone who won’t sleep and eat until a customer’s essay is done, that will be Jared hands down. Some say that there’s no such assignment Jared can’t pull off. A simple 5-paragraph essay or a complex 50-page course work, our man Jared Houdi will meet the deadline no matter what.

Last Updated on by Sathi

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