Girls Or Boys? Who Has The Final Say In Relationship

Aashna Rohira
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A relationship is said to be a healthy one only if both the partners make equal contribution in a relationship. Dominance takes place in a relationship when either of the partners tries to have a control on the actions of the other partner or entire relationship. But due to inherent nature of the genders there are few areas where either a man or woman dominates in a relationship. When the balance in a relationship mismatches and one dominates the other then it creates problems and then they prefer parting ways. 

 1.Household finances


Women are the best managers because they have an inherent quality of managing more than one situation at a time. In matters like household finances or looking into household requirements, women are generally the ones to dominate.



We all know that rare is a girl who hates shopping .So when it comes to deciding on to buy clothes, furniture or any decorative items for one’s house then the final call is taken by women of the house because their taste matters a lot. If in case things don’t go as per their suggestions then we all know what will happen in your kingdom.

3.Design and layout of the house


When it comes to decorating one’s nest then the final call regarding the colour choices the patterns of the on the wall, the flooring, the fancy electrical fittings are all conducted under the supervision of the female partner. This happens because female are inclined towards decorating their small nest and are fond of good interior. So it’s basically out of liking that such kind of dominance happens.


In a relationship, no man has ever won an argument with a woman. Try doing it and you will give up. So when it comes to arguments it’s always the woman who wins over and the man takes a backseat on such matters.

5.Travel or Dining at new Place


When it comes to going on date or planning a trip, the destination to be explored and the restaurant to be tried is generally given a final call by the girls. The boys are the ones who generally get into the operational mode for seeking the best deals, bookings, itinerary and so on.


Deposit your budget for investment in the future

As boys are more inclined towards making their investments sustainable, the decisions regarding buying a house or a car or be it any other assets the girls barely have a final say. Maybe because it is believed that the boys have good business acumen or the other reason could be that as their money is at stake they wish to invest it with utmost care resulting in gains in the near future.

7.Gadgets and bikes


Every boy is a gadget lover and when it comes to making a decision regarding its purchase it’s only their heart who has the power to overrule their mind. They are very calculative at the same time when it comes to making such purchases. As females wait for SALE on apparels men wait for the biggest electronic SALES in the year to fetch the best product at the best price. Again we all know that bikes are men’s first love so even if man loves his woman to infinity the bikes hold a little higher position than the lady love. So all you ladies! You know that when your guy decides to buy his favourite bike and you try to play around with his feelings or manipulate him to delay the purchase, it turns out to be a ferocious argument where you are ought to lose.

8.Physical abuses


In a patriarchal society that we live in, women are subject to various physical abuses in instances where they rebel to the demands of their male partner. Male chauvinism is no new concept that exists in almost 90% of relationship. This behaviour is developed when men feel superior to females and do not believe in the concept of equality. We have often heard multiple cases of relationship breaking when a female climbs a ladder higher on professional front when compared to her male counterpart partner. The male ego is the roots that grows the tree that bears fruits of jealousy, superiority, abuses, etc. of any form and at times these root are so grounded that it becomes fatal for the female counter parts. This also forms one of the biggest social issues that many of the countries are even battling with.

9.Emotional dominance


We all know that women are inclined towards emotions when compared to men. They tend to be emotionally more giving in a relationship. Men very smartly use this emotional quotient as a trick to convince their female partners over many issues that crop up in the daily routine and try to subtly dominate them emotionally without the picture been portrayed as without the colours of dominances.

Last Updated on by Himani Rawat

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