Jamshedpur : J.N. Tata’s Dream, Everything You Should Know

Oindrila Gupta
4 Min Read

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Marked by avenues on either side of the road, Jamshedpur is also one of the greenest towns despite being an industrial town.

One of the biggest attractions of Steel City is ironical, the Jubilee Park, a sprawling park over an expanse of 225 acres of land adorned with flowers and fountains along the way through. It also harbors a rose garden that blooms in its revealing sensuality seasonally.

Be sure to lay wide streets planted with shady trees, every other of a quick growing variety. Be sure that there is plenty of space for lawns and gardens. Reserve large areas for football, hockey and parks. Earmark areas for Hindu temples, Mohammedan mosques and Christian churches.”

Those were the words of Jamshetji Nusserwanji Tata –one of the most successful industrialists of his time. He founded the Tata group of companies –as he envisioned the city of his dreams. He hailed from a Parsi Zoroastrian family and was a visionary. J.N.Tata believed that only large-scale industrialization and economic stability could ensure the maintenance of freedom. However, his compassionate nature and love for humanity drove him to picture a city abundant in greenery, pulsing with life and bereft of negativity.

Unfortunately, this dream could not materialize during his lifetime, but a township emerged and was lovingly nurtured in the coming years, following closely along the lines that J.N.Tata had put forth. This small city is in the lap of the Dalma hills, namely Jamshedpur. It was initially the Tatas who brought this town into being. In 2004, JUSCO took over its maintenance. 

Across the park is an awe-inspiring statue of the founder himself, in whose memory the citizens of Jamshedpur decorate the town during the first week of March, the birth month of J.N. Tata. The park is flooded with lights during this time, and the city of Jamshedpur is a sight to soothe sore eyes!

Landscape view of Jubilee Park, Jamshedpur
By mohit7078/ Shutterstock

The aesthetically appealing city combines a healthy mind with a healthy body. It boasts of various courts, an inviting swimming pool, and provisions for rock climbing. Numerous illustrious schools like Loyola accommodate the largest auditorium in Jamshedpur to seat 1,578 people. Prestigious schools like Convent, Rajendra Vidyalaya, DBMS, etc., leave no room for ignorance in the educational department.

At the same time, sports and physical fitness are not neglected owing to the presence of Keenan Stadium and JRD stadium. The colossal stadium is a site where most schools hold their sports days, and both the stadiums are capable of hosting all-important and celebrated events with immense vigor.

Jamshedpur is proud of the serenity and harmony with which the people from diverse groups live. The various religious groups observe their respective occasions and the cosmopolitan culture that glorifies the city itself.

Subarnarekha River
By SOURADIP HALDER/ Shutterstock

Therefore, the new city encrusted within the winding rivers of Subarnarekha and Kharkhai on its north and west side, though small, echoes every founder’s word. This place’s beauty lies not in its materialistic pleasures but in its spirit that defines the very essence of a tranquil mind.

The township also lights up to celebrate the occasions of the many communities it harbors. Its quintessence lies in the fact that the people living in this city find aplomb amidst life’s usual chaos. To those living in this city, the place acquires a particular part in their hearts, knowing that the founder’s words have breathed life into it.

– Oindrila Gupta

Last Updated on by kalidaspandian

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Oindrila Gupta is a student of Delhi University with a passion for Literature and her hobbies include music and dance. Apart from this, she is also a voracious reader and hopes to establish a career as an editor some day. Meanwhile she finds joy in little things and strives to make an impact through her writings in order to touch whatever lives she can. You can read more of her write-ups at pearlsonathread.wordpress.com