Rejection In Love – 10 Best Ways to Handle It

Anjali Nair
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Love is beyond any measurements. It can neither be bought nor be sold. But that’s not the only thing in life. There is life beyond that one person you thought would be your love forever.

Rejections are part of life. Everyone in this world has tasted a tinge of failure or rejection at some point. And rejection is perceived in a million different ways by different people.

Love is beyond measurements. It can neither be bought nor be sold.  Thus, when we get rejected in love, we have to accept it and make it our inspiration to metamorphose into a much more desirable human being.

Heart beat
By Alex Yakimov/ Shutterstock

10 Best Ways to Handle Rejection in Love

The following is a list of 10 ways that I believe are the right things you can do to cope with rejection from a loved one.

1. Chocolates

Chocolate is concomitant to matters of the heart. Consumption of chocolate speeds up the functioning of love hormones in our bodies. On the other hand, it is also the best cure to bandage our broken hearts. Rejection is bothersome. If we consume chocolate products like chocolate pastries, toffees, or even an entire chocolate cake, it will gradually fill our hearts and body with the essence of sugar-sweet. It is time to replace that bitterness in your heart with something chocolaty. 

Chocolate. rejection
By ivan_kislitsin/ Shutterstock

2. Books and Coffee

Books are our real companions. Rejection may make us feel trapped in a dark pit, but a good book brings forth rays of hope. Go to the balcony, smell the strong, comforting aroma of the coffee, and read one of your favorite books. Try to dissolve with one of the characters in the book for a while. Coffee offers you a fresh mind, and the book will inspire you. I am sure you will gradually forget your rejection and develop better ideas and more enthusiasm. 

3. Hang out with Friends

Friends hanging out
By Jacob Lund/ Shutterstock

Isolating yourself would make the situation worse. Call your friends and make plans to meet up with them. Even if you don’t have many friends, meet up with that single best friend who has been with you forever and hang out and do some crazy things together. Shopping can be the best idea for girls to a large extent. Guys can go to a match or a movie with their close mates.

4. Get rid of the Memories

You have to keep yourself away from all those things that remind you of your ex-lover. Complete eradication of such things would give you relief.

5. Self-consoling

Rejection In Love - 10 Best Ways to Handle It 1
By Artur Szczybylo/ Shutterstock

No one knows you better than yourself. Go in front of the mirror and tell yourself that you are not broken. You are perfect the way you are, and that person does not deserve you. If you love something, let it go; if it is destined to be yours, it will be yours one day.

6. Build your Passion

Diverting your mind by taking classes for dance, music, or even joining the gym can make you feel better. It will change your mundane mind and fill it with new thoughts, aspirations, and pleasure.

7. Mothers are the Best

Nothing in this world is a better coffee of love and sincerity. Mothers have magic with them. Just go and help her with the household chores and open up your mind to her. An excellent sweet talk with your mother can make you feel good. You can talk and discuss anything with your mother without fear of being judged. Finally, I got a hug from her. There is no other therapy for a broken heart other than a mother’s cuddle.

Mother daughter
By Olena Yakobchuk/ Shutterstock

8. Change the Taste of Music

Music is the best remedy to transform our mental state. Rejection in love will naturally drag us to sad, gloomy songs. Try to replace your play tracks with a list of upbeat, happy songs. It will give you a new happy wave.  

9. Articulate your Emotions

According to Wordsworth, “poetry is the spontaneous overflow of feelings recollected in tranquility. Pen out your internal mental conflicts. I am 200% sure that articulation will help you free yourself from emptiness and rejection.

10. Confront your Rejection

The best method to convince yourself that you are strong is to confront that person who rejected you. I am not suggesting you get into an open fight with them. All I am saying is do not vanish from the frame during that person’s presence. Either you ignore them or smile at that person. It would let the other person know that you are going even without them, which will give you a feeling of satisfaction from being emotionally independent of them.

Last Updated on by kalidaspandian

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