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There are a lot of places on this Earth that are yet to be fully explored due to inhuman conditions – the frozen caves on the Everest, the deep sea; even the vast deserts are mapped only so. Hence, it’s no wonder that myths take form everywhere. Scientists discover new plant and animal life every other day, so it’s not a surprise that beneath the scorching sands of the Sahara lies some animal we don’t yet know about. It is this uncertainty about the territory not yet ventured which keeps people believing in the story of the Bigfoot or the Himalayan Yeti.
Usually described as six feet tall with a simian appearance, scientists think it’s the product of the habitat and folklore. Let’s take a look at what we’ve found on this subject.
Descriptions vary from 6ft to 9ft, is, and it is said to eat clams. Most of the sightings were in the northwest pacific and reached a crescendo in the 1970s. In 1967, Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin filmed what seemed to be the Bigfoot walking across and then disappearing into the bushes with a quick backward glance.
It is the only cryptological evidence found, and while many theories were put forward to explain it is ranging from an ape to a hoax, it has never been satisfactorily debunked till date. Climbers of the Everest once found an inexplicable foot sign outside their tent after a particularly stormy night. It was too big to be human, looked fresh but there were no others in sight.

While finding footprints and hair are common, a new twist when Professor Bryan Skyes decided to investigate further. He subjected the hair DNA to complicated tests and compared it to every other animal DNA available from the GenBank database. The results surprisingly were a complete match to the DNA of that of a polar bear jawbone – one that loved 40,000 years ago. Back the polar bears and the closely related brown bears were still separating as a species. He placed a call all over the world for DNA of unidentified animals to be brought.
He said they were still trying to decide if it’s a hominid or a Netherlander-type of a relative. He said the results will be shown in a two hour documentary soon. Scientists almost unanimously agree that such an animal could not exist without leaving a huge trail.
Last Updated on by Rahul Malpe