No matter how easy the term for calling an end is, it’s just not that easy to carry on after breakups. Everyone gets to read this heart-wrenching chapter in the course of their love book at least once. And this is when the world around seems to stop and life sticks to a seemingly irreparable loss. But time never fails to prove itself as the best healer and you sail and move on with it. A lot happens in between that makes a breakup much more significant than calling it a mere tragedy.
Breakups – More Than a Mere Tragedy
1. You Realize What Actually Moving on is
Easier said than done, as they say, you might have been irritated by a friend who always cries for the same girl and wonder why he just can’t move on. Now, being back from the same roller-coaster ride yourself, you know why it’s not easy, still, you keep trying as there’s no other way out.
2. No Longer a Holy Cow
Now that you know that the world isn’t as ‘straight’ as you thought and there are people who like manipulations, you no longer trust them blindly and realize the power of cross-checks and being assured. There’s nothing wrong with being careful, isn’t it?
3. Know Your Moods and Handle them Better
Since it all has to be done by yourself, no one to message at midnight “Shona, don’t be gussa..”, you get better at managing your moods. Sometimes a scoop of your favorite ice cream can set it all right. 🙂 What if it doesn’t? Simple, have another!
4. Enjoying Your own Company
Breakups make you independent. about shopping alone? or watching your favorite movie without compromising your share of popcorn? or trying a new haircut for a change? Experiment yourself. There’s no fun like enjoying your company, do give it a try! 😀 Afterall, you need to love yourself enough to make others fall in love with you. 🙂
5. Being Easy
You get more flexible with people around you after breakups. Why think so much before talking to a cute fellow around when you know it’s actually never enough to know someone. “The world isn’t a bad place to be in”. If a bad thing has happened when all seemed to be perfect, you never know if things could go another way around this time!
6. Expect Less, Get More
The world has many faces and people can come up with a new shadow anytime- and breakups teach you to be ready for this! Only when you expect less from people, can you surprise yourself with good?
“One can never enjoy a painting with a brush in his hand. For that, you need to be a good observer not an excellent painter.”
7. Develop Strong Bonds
There’s nothing like having a meaningful conversation with your dad. And life gets the life only with the bunch of buddies around. Breakups aren’t that bad if it makes you realize how lucky you are to have them all.
8. Humor Like Never Before
Strange as it may sound, hard-hitting breakups really help to develop a better sense of humor. Looking into the lighter side of things helps a lot in moving on.
9. Getting to the Other Side
Once you stop victimizing yourself and take the charge, your experiences from overcoming breakups can also help hope others to cope with the same. Now there is a lot of good advice to share.
10. Single – In a Whole New Way
Being single again, this time with memories and life lessons means fewer worries and insecurities and loads of confidence and emotional independence. Enjoy the new version of yours and never forget to value the curve on your face, more than anything!
“The end of any concatenation is the beginning of a new you.”
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian