3 Harsh Realities of Being in a Long Distance Relationship

By Ipsita
8 Min Read

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Long distance relationships are an incredible testament to the strength of human connection. No matter how far we are from each other, two souls will always find a way to stay together. When couples embark on a long-distance journey, they do so with optimism and a promise of forever. But as with any journey, this one is not without its hardships.

1. Harsh Reality 1: Communication Issues

Communication issues in long distance relationships
Image: Kevin from Unsplash

While technology has enabled us to be connected no matter where we are in the world, there’s still work to be done when it comes to cross-border love. For starters, time zones can limit the hours you can talk with your partner. This makes every chat feel like a meeting, with strategic planning involved just to say hello. Second, electronic messages don’t allow you to hear each other’s voice or touch each other’s skin—two things that bring emotional intimacy into play. Lastly, sometimes misunderstandings occur when tone is lost through text message or email and video calls just won’t cut it.

2. Harsh Reality 2: The Financial Strain

This is an issue that isn’t talked about enough but actually might be even more important than some others (gasp)!

Technology has allowed many couples to maintain their love even though they’re oceans apart—a feat that wouldn’t have been possible in past generations (unless you count sending letters through homing pigeons). As grand as all of these gestures are… there’s something about physical presence and touch that can’t be replicated through technology—the essence of being together physically.

3. Harsh Reality 3: We’re All Human — We Need Touch

3.1. Importance of Physical Intimacy

Physical touch in romantic relationships is what connects care, affection and emotional support; and without it? It becomes much harder for people express those feelings verbally or non-physically.

3.2. Emotional Connection vs Physical Touch

In moments where two people can’t physically be together, they have to put a high focus on their emotional connection. Strong ties are made through shared experiences and deep conversations. But the heavy reliance does not diminish the importance of physical touch. There’s no denying that a long hug, holding hands or being in the same room as someone you love can bring such a sense of comfort. Couples must find ways to bridge this gap creatively, whether it’s sending gifts frequently or having some sort of item that smells like your partner.

3.3. Planning for the Future

Plan your future in a long distance relationship
Image: Gomez from Unsplash

Long-distance relationships come with many obstacles; one often being not knowing when the distance will finally close. Many couples aren’t long distance by choice—ultimately they want to live in the same place. But before that can happen there are so many other factors at play—job opportunities, education commitments and visas among them all. Though partners may both have good intentions about eventually living together, the uncertainty about when and how could take a toll on them mentally—who knows where life will take them?

The delays of being able to start a shared life with your partner can be frustrating and patience testing—requiring strong commitment and clear visions from both sides to be able to handle these uncertainties. Effective communication is needed as well as mutual support because who knows what might happen?

3.4. Closeness and Personal Space, a Paradox

The state of personal space is a strange one in long-distance relationships. It’s difficult to maintain emotional closeness without physical touch. And, as the saying goes – “absence makes the heart grow fonder” – Is there such thing as too much closeness? Balancing the two is no doubt an arduous task.

3.5. Communication: The Key to Understanding

Open and honest communication is always important, but distance makes it vital. When partners can only rely on words to understand each other, they need to be communicated in a way that leaves no room for confusion or misinterpretation.

3.6. Time Zones Can Tear Schedules Apart

When you’re living so far apart, time zones are bound to cause conflicts. Not syncing up well with your partner could lead to less time spent talking which can hurt your connection.

3.7. Clear Expectations for Clearer Communication

Harsh realities
Image: Kelly from Unsplash

Before starting a long-distance relationship, it’s crucial that you set clear expectations with your partner. Things like how often you’ll talk and what modes should be used will create boundaries which let you both know when to expect contact.

3.8. Emotional Strain of Living Too Far Away

Long-distance relationships take their toll on our emotions. It’s inevitable that sometimes we’ll feel lonely when our partner isn’t around. However, establishing coping strategies early on can make these feelings easier to bear for both sides.

3.9. Support System Helps Everyone Involved

Having an empathetic support system outside your romantic relationship can work wonders for stress relief. Building close friendships with people who understand what you’re going through will help ease the burden from everyone’s shoulders.

3.10. Hobbies Foster Independence & Wellbeing

Though it may sound counterintuitive, engaging more in personal hobbies while being in a relationship cultivates independence and wellbeing within ourselves. Pursuing self-care or new professional goals helps remind us that we existed before this person entered our lives.

4. How Do They Do It?

4.1. Tips for Keeping the Connection

Making a long-distance relationship work is no easy task. And while it may seem impossible at times, there are ways to ensure that emotional closeness remains present between you and your partner.

4.2. The Power of Video Calls & Meaningfulness

Video calls in long distance relationship
Image: Visuals from Unsplash

Video calls aren’t as good as the real thing, but they’re better than nothing. Taking advantage of them will help to make a face-to-face feel when you’re miles away. Having meaningful conversations alongside this will enhance emotional intimacy and connection.

4.3. Time Together vs Time Apart

Just like any other couple, you two need to find a balance between spending time together and apart. Too much time spent on one without the other could lead to affection fading away from your relationship.

5. Final Thoughts on Long Distance Relationships

Long-distance relationships are built through commitment, communication, and resilience – things that most relationships are built on regardless of distance. So yes, it’s going to be tough… really tough actually. But everything comes with its own benefits and opportunities for growth. With understanding, patience, and endurance – the pain of being away will transform into a testament of true connection.

Last Updated on by laibaarif

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