‘The Work of Christmas Begin’ by Howard Thurman- A Review

By Mansi07
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In his poem “The Work of Christmas Begin“, Thurman shows the excitement of Christmas Eve and its importance in our daily lives. Howard Thurman the work of Christmas emphasizes that one should always carry the teaching of Christ of kindness, justice, and service that they learn by the way of Christmas celebration.

Verse 1

“When the song of the angels the song of the angels is stilled,”

The work of Christmas begin
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From the poem’s opening line, Howard Thurman acknowledges the beauty and pleasant vibes of nature even after the Christmas celebration ends. Further, the poet tells us how the atmosphere of celebration of Christmas converts into peaceful phrases after Christmas.

Verse 2

“When the star in the sky is gone,”

Sky with star
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Here, the poet addresses the disappearance of the guiding star who guides the wise man in the sky. That symbolizes some miraculous events, like the birth of Jesus Christ and the end of the Christmas story.

Verse 3

When the kings and princes are home,”

king palace
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From the above lines, the poet tells us about the wise men’s departure and their rules toward their kingdom to fulfill their responsibilities. This symbolizes that Christmas is over now, and we have to get back to our daily routine.

Verse 4

When the shepherds are back with their flocks, “

sheep grazing
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From the above lines, the poet addresses the people who also return to their routine work after the Christmas celebration, just as shepherds return to their work of sheep grazing after witnessing Jesus’ birth.

Verse 5

“The work of Christmas begins:”

The poet wants to say that Christmas is over now, and we have to come back to our everyday lives and fulfil our duties and responsibilities as individual human beings. He wants to say that the Christmas Eve celebration of togetherness is over, and now we are back to our lonely lives.

Verse 6

To find all the lost, the rest is lost,”

The poet tells us about our responsibility to support people who are homeless, lonely, and forgotten by society. According to him, people forget their responsibility as good humans that the Christmas Eve celebration makes them.

Verse 7

“To heal the broken,”

According to the poet, one must help those suffering or broken and require emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. Christmas gives us a message of togetherness and helpfulness, which is why this nature changed with the end of Christmas.

Verse 8

“To feed the hungry,”

feeding animals
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The poet further tells us people about responsibility as an active citizen. He says we must address the root causes of poverty and inequality and remove these root causes. So that everyone gets equality in society.

Verse 9

“To release the prisoner,”

Thurman addresses the inequality and injustice in society and conveys the need for a law that provides forgiveness and reconciliation.

Verse 10

“To rebuild the nations,”

symbol of unity
Image by: Pixabay

From the above lines, the Poet says we must create peace and justice in society and remove inequality and injustice that fuel conflict and division.

Verse 11

“To bring peace among the people,”

From these lines, the poet conveys the idea of a peaceful society brought about by people. He further says that peace and togetherness build an ideal nation. That is far away from conflict and on the path of development.

Verse 12

“To make music in the heart.”

In the poem’s closing lines, the poet says that if every person in society wants to live with happiness, they must have beautiful hearts that have feelings for all the people in society.

Summary of the Poem

The poem tells us about the Christmas holiday season, how people prepare for Christmas celebrations, and how they are excited about Christmas Eve. They purchase gifts for their near-dear ones and try to make their celebration enjoyable because they have been waiting for this for a long time. 

In the poem’s second line, the poet tells us about the end of Christmas Eve by denoting the departure of the king and prince to his palace. Now, the author came to the motive behind the poem, which is why happiness and joy in the Christmas celebration limit themselves to Christmas.

According to the poet, people should continue doing the tasks of Christmas, which are finding the lost, feeding the hungry, releasing the prisoner, seeing beyond sorrow, and making music in the heart. In the closing lines, the poet says that if people want to live happily, they should open their hearts and have feelings for everyone in society. 

About the Author

Howard Thurman was a famous American writer born on 18 November 1899. In the 20th century, he actively participated in the Social Justice Movement, which opposed racial discrimination. He passed away on April 10, 1981, at the age of 81, having been born on November 18, 1999. He wrote a famous poem, ” The Work of Christmas Begins,” about social justice and spiritual renewal.

Some Famous works by Thurman include:

  • The Growing Edge (1956)
  • Deep River (1945)
  • The Negro Spiritual Speaks of Life and Death (1947)
  • Deep is the Hunger: Meditation for Apostles of Sensitiveness (1951)
  • Meditations of the Heart (1953)
  • Jesus and the Disinherited (1949)
  • The Creative Encounter: An Interpretation of Religion and the Social Witness (1954)
  • Footprints of a Dream (1959)
  • The Inward Journey (1961)
  • Disciplines of the Spirit (1963)
The Great Howard Thurman  -  What Do You Want, Really
Source: YouTube

 Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What message did the poem convey?
    • Howard Thurman’s poem tells us to work together to create a world entire of compassion, peace, and justice for everyone.
  2. Who is the author of the poem “The Work of Christmas Begins”?
    • Howard Thurman, a famous American writer and theologian, was the poem’s author.
  3. When was the poem written?
    • It was written in 1985 by Howard Thurman in his book “The Mood of Christmas and Other Celebrations”.


The poem starts with the exciting preparation of the Christmas Eve Celebration, where everyone is preparing for the Christmas celebration. Everyone is inviting and purchasing gifts for others. But when Christmas celebrations end, everyone is busy with their daily work, and nobody thinks about others.

The poet conveys his thoughts through a poem that people have to be humble and helpful in their lives. People should not change their behavior toward lonely and homeless people. According to the poet Jesus Christ, the Christmas celebration teaches us to live together without social discrimination.

Last Updated on by laibaarif

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By Mansi07
I am a passionate content writer with expertise in content writing. For me, content writing means providing correct and exact information to readers. Providing exact information in some words with easy language is my main component of writing. 
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