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Dear Future Child,Hi! This is a little creepy. But I’m going to do this because I want you to know that this letter will be the basis of our understanding. And also, because I was a rebel back in my days, my mom got tired of lecturing me for my good. So, I’ll cut you some slack. No lectures. This letter is going to be the preamble of our relationship.
Dear Future Child
Hi Baby! Whether you are our biological child or not, we love you. You’ve promoted ourselves to a new step, increased our responsibilities, and given me borderline OCD about little things. But still, we love you. Unconditionally.

See, there might be instances where we screw things up. Parenthood doesn’t come with a handbook. But we are determined to make you into a good human being. That would never be compromised, and if there is anyone who could help us do this, it’s you. I might get super hyper and possessive sometimes.
No amount of ‘Chill, mom!’ would calm me down because you would want to jump off an airplane with a parachute or race your car at speed beyond my comprehension (and your father decides to back you up with it). But please deal with it. There might be times when I’d have to do things for you without giving you an explanation. Please be patient with me.

Mom and Dad were not super kids. I still remember my childhood days, and my teenage years were probably the start of my better understanding of this planet and everything around us. So, it would be yours.
It was then that I started observing, analyzing, doubting, and questioning. Teenage years are like a roller coaster ride with a compulsory ticket. It’s going to be the best and the worst simultaneously. There will be proud moments and failures, and there will be love and heartbreak; there will be friendships and people who try to bring you down.
But listen up! No matter how taxing and pesky it gets, we want you to give everything your best—study with all your passion. Create with all your heart. Do, with all your soul. Don’t ever wait for something or someone to define you. Please do it for yourself.
Our duty would be to show you this world until you can see it yourself. As you grow up, you will have made a mental catalog of cardinal rules for surviving in this world. That would be a product of your own experiences. This world is every oxymoron there is- it’s beautifully ugly, sinfully pure, and kindly cruel. But that’s what life is about. Discover you and everything around you.
Don’t you fret! Because that’s when you might genuinely learn what a ‘family’ actually means. We would be your first, most dependable friends. ALWAYS. We would be your shelter in every storm that passes by. You could count on us any day and anytime. But sometimes, there would be things you wouldn’t be comfortable sharing with us. And that would be understandable because you would move to your next most dependable person. Your friend

Mom and Dad would never be half the person we are if it weren’t for our friends. Those would be the people who’d have your back. Those would be the people who would teach you and learn from you. And we hope you find your golden nuggets too!
And that entire process would be the basis of some of the most beautiful relationships you are ever going to make, a child. And don’t always expect to be the friend you want to have instead. Be the last person to judge unreasonably and the first to offer unconditional help to those who deserve and need it. Okay?
And now, I’m going to tell you the Golden rule of survival and success. It’s the most clichéd thing ever, but I can’t stress its importance.
“Love yourself! Accept yourself for the way you have been uniquely molded!”
I tried to articulate whatever I wanted to pass on to you. But there will be so many things you would have to deal with and sort out independently. And this rule is going to be your most potent tool.
“Don’t EVER pretend to be the person you are not.” Don’t get disheartened if you think you’re not good-looking. Don’t lose hope if you think you’re not intelligent enough. You have something in you that will make you stand out. And the journey of your life will be about discovering that in you and nurturing it over the years. Use it. That will be your identity. Embrace it. Love it with a burning passion. Because come what may, nobody will take that away from you. Ever.

We promise to make your childhood as enjoyable and exciting as we can. You’re always finding yourself amidst dogs, good books, great music, laughter, and love. I promise.
Also, when you feel drowsy, I will make you the best Blueberry Cheesecake. And it’s going to be a zillion times better than your dad’s messed up Chowmein. Bet my life to it.
We ask you for just one thing in return. Be a good human being. Don’t let temporary people or situations change you or your perception. Make your niche
Lots and lots of love, hugs, kisses.
– Ma (and dad, who is busy trying to make the unhealthiest chowmein tonight)
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian