The secret to good health lies in the good habits that you follow regularly. Adding a glass or two of easy-to-make alkaline water to your daily fluid intake can do wonders.
In recent years people have become extremely cautious about their health. With a new diet plan popping up every day to stay healthy, it is hard for people to fish out the things that will be helpful for their bodies.
One such thing is alkaline water, it can be easily made at home without spending so much just to stay healthy. Being healthy is a relatively inexpensive concept as opposed to how it is presented now.
1. What is Alkaline Water?
The pH scale is used to determine the alkali content of water. 7 is the pH of normal drinking water while alkaline water usually has a pH ranging from 7.5 to 9. Source and treatment determine whether the water is alkaline or acidic.
Certain minerals in water from natural sources make it alkaline. Consumption of such water leads to a disturbance of pH balance in the stomach and thus to acid reflux.
On the other hand, the consumption of alkaline water has positive effects on the body and is becoming increasingly popular. Since the daily purchase of alkaline water can be expensive, people prefer to make it at home. The preparation of alkaline water is simple and inexpensive, either through kitchen ingredients or filtration systems.
2 . How to Make Alkaline Water?
There are several easy ways to prepare your own alkaline water with the ingredients in your kitchen, and there is no need to spend money on an alkaline water bottle.
But before you start making it, check the pH of your water to see what kind you have been drinking. You may already have alkaline water at home but if it turns out to be acidic or neutral then there are a few ways to solve your question of how to make alkaline water.
2.1. Lemon Juice

It certainly seems surprising, but lemon juice makes your water alkaline, not as acidic as we generally think. Well, it is true that lemon juice is very acidic, with a pH between 2 and 3, but it has been observed to produce alkaline byproducts when the body reacts to it.
Science has yet not confirmed the exact effects of lemon juice on blood pH or the claimed benefits of lemon water. However, this alkaline water as it is safe to consume and even adds a refreshing taste to your regular drinking water.
To make this basic water, simply cut the lemon in half, squeeze it into a glass of water, and stir. Lemon juice is also a great source of vitamin C, which boosts immunity. Lemon water is an indispensable drink, if not for its alkaline effects, then for its immunity-boosting effect.
2.2. Baking Soda
Baking soda is one of the must-haves in the kitchen and is not only an ingredient for baking cookies and cakes. It has a pH of 9, so add baking soda to your water to make alkaline water at home.
According to the Canadian Society for Intestinal Research, alkaline water can temporarily relieve heartburn symptoms when half a teaspoon of baking soda is mixed with at least 125 ml of water.
For healthy adults, 8 ounces of purified water with 1/3 teaspoon of baking soda is recommended. Be sure to stir the mixture until the baking soda dissolves completely.
However, it should not be forgotten that overconsumption of baking soda tends to have aftereffects owing to high sodium content. If you are sensitive to sodium or dieting to keep your sodium levels in check, you should try other methods to make your water alkaline.
2.3. pH Drops
pH drops are highly concentrated minerals and electrolytes that are specifically designed to increase the water’s pH level. You simply have to squeeze 2 to 3 drops in a glass of water, and your alkaline water is ready.
These drops come in small handy bottles and are available in health food stores. Take them around in your pocket or purse anywhere you go. Since you need only a few drops to turn your water alkaline, these drops last a long time and are regarded as an affordable option.
The tastelessness of these drops makes them a viable option to kill the acidity of acidic drinks such as coffee with a few pH drops. A variety of these drops are available, research and buy what turns out to be the best for you.
3. Filter Systems to Make Alkaline Water at Home
Apart from the ingredients from your kitchen, some filters and water purifiers can help you make your alkaline water at home. They filter out acidic waste as well as dissolved minerals. Here are a few:
3.1. Water Filter Pitcher

A jug fitted with a water filter function is known as a water filter pitcher. Simply pour water in it and the water passes through layers of filters giving you high pH water. Although alkalized water is primarily the by-product, the main function of the pitchers is to remove excess chlorine and other water impurities.
The type of filtered water that comes out depends on the type of filters used. Look for filters with alkaline minerals. This pitcher is affordable however the process is a little time-consuming as the water seeps slowly through the filter.
A few minutes of patience to get that enhanced taste and smell of water is needed. Regularly changing the filters to keep your pitcher and water clean is a must.
3.2. Water Ionizer
Water ionizers also known as alkaline ionizer, a device that uses the electrolysis phenomenon to extract alkaline water out of tap water or regular drinking water. It separates the negative and positive electrodes from your water returning it in two streams, one stream of alkaline and another of acidic water.
It is a very effective way to get alkaline water at home. A worth noting point is that it does so without the addition of any substance or water filtration function. But it should be kept in mind that the water coming out of this ionizer has a high pH, nearing 10 to 12, which is too high for drinking.
A water ionizer is a good one-time investment. Rather than buying thousands of plastic bottles, taking a toll both on your pocket and the environment. However, their price is a little much for normal people to afford. But once you get it, your expenditure on bottled water reduces and probably equals the cost in one go.
3.3. Water Filtration System
Not only do filtration systems for your home remove the pollutants and contaminants such as toxic heavy metals from your water, but some are even designed to make it alkaline if needed.
Such filtration systems are fitted with mineral balls, among other things. More advanced and complicated systems make the water alkaline during the remineralization process.
Remineralization involves adding a small amount of calcium and magnesium to the water to raise its pH. It is popular in systems such as whole-house filter systems or under-sink filters, which typically use reverse osmosis technology.
4. Potential Benefits of Alkaline Water

Alkaline water and an alkaline diet have benefits for general health. They improve skin condition, prevent the growth of cancer cells, slow down the process of aging, increase metabolism, aid in weight loss, detoxify, fight acid reflux, maintain blood pH levels, and ward off various health risks.
A study published by the International Society of Sports Nutrition states that alkaline water is much more effective at reducing blood viscosity after exercise than neutral water. Thick blood leads to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
However, these are only a few small studies, and more research is needed to assess the health benefits of alkaline water with absolute certainty. Our body is quite capable of regulating its pH from time to time according to its needs.
5. Disadvantages of Consuming Alkaline Water
An excess of anything is bad- an adage that has been around since time immemorial and applies to everything. if we apply it here, we will see that excessive consumption of alkaline water can have certain side effects.
Possible risks are alkalosis which can cause hand tremors, mild nausea, and slight twitching, but this is a very rare possibility, as no one would consume so much alkaline water that this stage is reached.
Another possibility is overhydration, which can cause seizures and confusion. This happens when liquids are consumed in large quantities, and the body does not have time to process them.
In The End
In conclusion, we can say that drinking alkaline water can prove beneficial to the body, although the extent of its benefits is still being scientifically researched. Drinking basic water supports your immune system by creating an anti-illness environment in your body.
Since drinking your own Alkaline water raises the body’s pH level, it is an excellent drink for people suffering from acid reflux to neutralize stomach acid. Health and longevity are also on the list of alkaline water benefits.
If you suffer from certain diseases that are affected by the consumption of alkaline water, you should consult a doctor before further consumption.
Last Updated on by Arnab