The 9 Fascinating Health Benefits of Coffee

Nikhil Chauhan
4 Min Read

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Great news for all the coffee lovers out there. A cup of coffee can do a lot more than just waking you up in the morning. The lovely brown drink can be pretty amazing for your brain, your skin, and your body. Read on to discover reasons you should wake up and have that cup of coffee.

1. It is the biggest source of antioxidants

Coffee contains a massive amount of antioxidants. In fact, studies show that most people get more antioxidants from coffee than both fruits and vegetables combined.

2. The drink may lower your risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes
By one photo/ Shutterstock

Type 2 Diabetes 1is a gigantic health problem. It is characterized by elevated blood sugar levels. For some reason, coffee lovers have a significantly reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

3. It may improve energy levels and make you smarter

Coffee is said to help people feel less tired and increase their energy levels. This is because a stimulant called caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream. In the brain, caffeine blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine, which results in an increased amount of other neurotransmitters2 like dopamine. This improves energy levels, mood, and various aspects of brain function.

4. It may help you burn fat

Fat burn
By MikeSaran/ Shutterstock

Here is some good news for obese individuals. Caffeine is one of the few natural substances that have been proven to aid fat burning. Studies have shown that daily consumption of caffeine can reduce fat by as much as 10%. Caffeine also increases your metabolism by 3-10%.

5. Just smelling coffee could make you less stressed

A person smelling beans
By Hanna Yandiuk/ Shutterstock

Yes, that sweet aroma of the steaming cup reduces the stress felt due to sleep deprivation3. Now, that doesn’t mean that you should keep a bag of roasted coffee beans on your nightstand every night but feel free to try that out.

6. Caffeine may lower the risk of Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease is the second most neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s4. There is no specific cure for Parkinson’s, making it more important to focus on its prevention. In this case, it appears that caffeine consumption is reducing the risk of developing Parkinson’s.

7. Coffee can make you more intelligent

You usually drink coffee when you are sleep-deprived, right? Well, that much-needed jolt not only keeps you awake it also makes you sharper. Various researches have shown that coffee allows your brain to work much more efficiently and smarter.

8. It could reduce your chances of getting skin cancer

Skin cancer
By Africa Studio/ Shutterstock

According to research done by Harvard Medical school, it has emerged that women who drink three or more cups of coffee a day are less likely to develop skin cancer than those who don’t.

9. It is great for your liver (especially if you drink alcohol)

A study published in 2006 showed that those who drink at least one cup of coffee a day were 20% less likely to develop liver cirrhosis- an autoimmune disease5 caused by excessive alcohol consumption that could lead to liver failure and cancer. The more coffee a person consumes, the lesser the risk of being hospitalized or dying of alcoholic cirrhosis6.

Moral of the story?

Coffee is the best thing ever. Keep drinking it.

  1. Ahmad, Ehtasham, et al. “Type 2 diabetes.” The Lancet 400.10365 (2022): 1803-1820. ↩︎
  2. Qiu, Yihua, Yuping Peng, and Jianhe Wang. “Immunoregulatory role of neurotransmitters.” Advances in neuroimmunology 6.3 (1996): 223-231. ↩︎
  3. Harrison, Yvonne, and James A. Horne. “The impact of sleep deprivation on decision making: a review.” Journal of experimental psychology: Applied 6.3 (2000): 236. ↩︎
  4. Scheltens, Philip, et al. “Alzheimer’s disease.” The Lancet 388.10043 (2016): 505-517. ↩︎
  5. Cooper, Glinda S., and Berrit C. Stroehla. “The epidemiology of autoimmune diseases.” Autoimmunity reviews 2.3 (2003): 119-125. ↩︎
  6. Jepsen, Peter, et al. “Clinical course of alcoholic liver cirrhosis: a Danish population‐based cohort study.” Hepatology 51.5 (2010): 1675-1682. ↩︎

Last Updated on by Sathi

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