Top 12 Effective Home Remedies to Stop Facial Hair Growth in Females

Nijitha Anoob
22 Min Read

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People are quite conscious about their skin and facial beauty. So they look in search of home remedies to stop facial hair growth in females. This type of hair growth in females will reduce their beauty and be shy to face others.

As we all know males have hair growth in their faces and other areas due to the presence of androgen the male hormone that stimulates hair growth. Reduced level of androgen makes the absence of facial hair in females, but some will have the presence of these male hormones.

Hence, they look for home remedies to stop hair growth in females. Dark spots, black marks, blackheads, and unwanted facial hair are some of the factors that affect our beauty.

To avoid all these problems or unwanted hair, women go in search of salons that will offer them clear faces with instant beauty and glowing skin.

While following these salon clean-ups and hair removal methods will be too costly for you to afford. So, people go in search of home remedies to stop facial hair growth in females. Let us see the natural remedies to get rid of facial hair.

1. Reason For Facial Hair in Females

There are many reasons for unwanted facial hair growth in females. After removal, its growth mode will be based on the skin tone and some may have facial hair due to hereditary factors.

Women have low levels of androgen ( male hormones), but if females produce more amount of androgen it results in unwanted hair growth on the facial areas like the upper lip or chin. It is one of the reasons for hair growth in females, some may think that it is hereditary.

Home Remedies to Stop Facial Hair Growth in Females - 12 Best Remedies For You
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The other reasons that produce unwanted facial hair in females will be as follows:

  • Women who have congenital adrenal hyperplasia will have more facial hair as their bodies produce less androgen and more cortisol hormones.
  • Hormonal issues will lead to unwanted facial hair in females.
  • Diseases like PCOS will affect hair growth in the face which may cause hirsutism.
  • Women may experience virilization, a situation in which women develop male hormones.

Hormonal imbalance is the main reason for hair growth in females. Some may produce this hormone in their body without their presence. PCOS must be controlled to a great extent to hair growth on the face.

2. Excessive Hair Growth in Females

Excessive hair growth in the face or other parts of the body is also known by the name hirsutism and commonly is seen in women. This will become excessive when hair becomes thick hair and black color.

The other symptoms of hirsutism are an irregular menstrual cycle, oily skin, and pimples. But PCOS is also known to be another cause of excessive hair growth in the face and other parts of the body.

So, it must be treated well to remove facial hair. There are many home remedies to stop facial hair growth in females.

3. Home Remedies to Stop Facial Hair Growth in Females

How to Stop Facial Hair Growth in Females Naturally

If you have unwanted facial hair and you are looking for natural remedies to get rid of unwanted hair growth, here we present different home remedies that help to remove unwanted hair.

Instead of using harsh chemicals against facial hair, try some simple facial hair removal methods that can help you to get rid of facial hair naturally.

Below listed are natural tips to remove facial hair permanently free of cost. By using this hair removal method you can remove even thick facial hair. So what are the home remedies to stop facial hair growth in females?

3.1. Sugar and Lemon Juice

Mix lemon juice and sugar in a little amount of water. The paste must be sticky and granular. When we take it off, hair must pull out of it. The lemon juice can bleach facial hair.

Home Remedies to Stop Facial Hair Growth in Females - 12 Best Remedies For You
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This paste of lemon juice and sugar can be applied on alternate days. After applying it leave it on the face for not more than 10- 15 minutes especially if you have dry skin. This will be the best method for removing unwanted facial hair.

3.2. Lemon Juice and Honey

This is a method to remove facial hair permanently using honey. Make a paste with lemon juice, sugar, and honey. Add little water to make the paste. Sprinkle little maida on the face, and apply this paste to the place of hair growth.

Place a cloth strip above it and pull in the opposite direction. Now your facial hair will be removed. You can try this 2 or 3 times a week. If no changes appear try other hair removal methods.

3.3. Oatmeal, Lemon Juice, and Honey

Mix oatmeal, lemon juice, and honey to get a thick paste. Massage it on your face in circular motions against the route of hair growth. Then, rinse the face with cold water. This is a three-in-one pack that gives different benefits.

Oatmeal will remove facial hair, honey will moisturize the skin, and lemon will bleach the remaining hair. This hair removal method can be tried on alternative days.

3.4. Turmeric Powder and Milk

Mix little rice flour with turmeric powder and milk. Put this mixture in the place of hair growth and let it dry. Wash it with water. You can use this method every day.

Home Remedies to Stop Facial Hair Growth in Females - 12 Best Remedies For You
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The rice flour helps in removing facial hair, milk will moisturize the sensitive skin and turmeric powder is an antiseptic. Hence turmeric and milk are the best home remedies to stop facial hair growth in females.

3.5. Papaya and Aloe Vera Gel

Make a thick paste of aloe vera gel, papaya paste, gram flour, and mustard oil. Apply the paste on the hair growth area and wait till it dries. After that wash the face with water and massage the face with some olive oil.

This can be used 3 – 4 times a week for 3 months. The papaya enzyme will inhibit hair growth and aloe vera will smoothen the skin. Mustard oil is cause some skin irritation so, a patch test must be done before applying it to the face.

3.6. Lavender essential oil and Tea Tree Oil

Home Remedies to Stop Facial Hair Growth in Females - 12 Best Remedies For You
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Add a few drops of lavender oil and tea tree oil, and mix it. Apply it to the facial hair using a cotton ball. Both these oils have anti-androgenic properties which inhibit hair growth. Use this 2-3 times a day for 3 months.

Avoid tea tree oil will you have acne-prone skin. Those with normal or dry skin can use this hair removal technique.

3.7. Orange Peel Powder and Oatmeal

Home Remedies to Stop Facial Hair Growth in Females - 12 Best Remedies For You
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Make a smooth paste by mixing orange peel, oatmeal, and water. Apply it in the areas of excess facial hair. When it partially dries, massage in circular motions and wash off. Females having excess hair can use this 2 – 3 times a week.

Orange peel has natural bleaching property which damages hair follicles and removes excess facial hair. This can be used in all skin types with skin irritation or allergic reactions.

3.8. Gram Flour and Rose Water

This is one of the home remedies to stop facial hair growth in females. Gram flour has extra exfoliating properties and can release ingrown hairs when mixed with effective rose water will remove facial hair. Now let us see the easy way to remove unwanted facial hair.

Add two tablespoons each of gram flour and rose water, then add little lemon juice into it. Apply the paste to excessive facial hair growth areas to get rid of facial hair.

Wait till it dries and rub it off with your fingers, you can use it 3 – 4 times a week. So here are the next home remedies to stop facial hair growth in females.

3.9. Gelatin and Milk

As another tip is to remove facial hair permanently using gelatin. A mask using gelatin and milk will help to remove facial hair naturally. Add a teaspoon of gelatin powder and 3 teaspoons of milk and a few drops of lemon juice into it.

Apply to the areas of unwanted hair growth. when it dries, pull it off. It helps in removing hair from the facial areas and in the upper lip naturally. This will be the best home remedy to stop facial hair growth in females.

3.10. Honey and Sugar

Applying sugar to your skin will exfoliate the dead skin cells and remove facial hair. Honey helps to nourish your skin hence, it is a good remedy for facial hair removal. Prepare the paste by adding two teaspoons of honey and sugar with little water in a bowl.

Apply to the area of unwanted hair growth. Place a cloth strip on it and pull the hair in the direction opposite of the hair growth. Olive oil can be used after peeling off to make skin moist. Hence honey is another home remedy to stop facial hair growth in females.

3.11. Oatmeal and Banana

12 Best Home remedies to stop facial hair growth in females
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Make a paste of powdered oatmeal and ripe banana. This mix must be applied in a circular motion and rubbed against the direction of hair growth. Wash off the mixture with cold water after drying.

The oatmeal has the ability to remove the hair and dead skin cells, and the banana moisturizes the skin. Use it once a week.

3.12. Fenugreek and Green Gram

Make the paste of fenugreek and green gram and water. Apply it on the face and when dried rinse it off with cold water. You can try this method 2 or 3 times a week.

Fenugreek will stick to the hair and when pulled off, the hair will be removed. Try not to use it in sensitive skin types, because it causes allergic reactions. These are the best home remedies to stop facial hair growth in females.

4. Natural Remedies to Remove Facial Hair Permanently

Home Remedies to Stop Facial Hair Growth in Females - 12 Best Remedies For You
Image by YuriArcurs on Unlimphotos

Now explains the home remedies that remove facial hair permanently in our homes. These are permanent hair removal treatment that works and gives the best result.

4.1. Spearmint Tea

This is a remedy that must be taken to as a medicine to remove facial hair. This is because drinking spearmint tea two times a day will help to remove unwanted hair. This also helps to remove upper lip hair follicles as it affects the whole body.

4.2. Egg and Corn Starch

Egg whites are excellent home remedies for removing hair easily by releasing ingrown hair. Mixing it with cornstarch will provide from eliminating dead skin cells and remove unwanted hair.

Prepare the smooth paste of egg white of one egg with one teaspoon of corn starch and little sugar to it. Apply the mask, and leave it for about half an hour when it dries peel off the mask in the opposite direction which helps to get rid of facial hair permanently. These are the home remedies to stop facial growth in females permanently.

4.3. Potato and Lentil

To do this procedure mix two spoons of honey, and lemon juice with 3 tablespoons of potato juice. Grind the lentil to a smooth paste and add to the potato mix. Add all the ingredients and apply to the hair growth area and wash off after 20 minutes.

The potato used in this mixture has bleaching properties and can make the remaining hair invisible.

5. Other Ways to Remove Facial Hair

According to each skin type, each method is followed. If you have no time to waste, go through the instant ways to get rid of facial hair.

Through this process, hair follicles will be partially disabled. Sensitive skin type women must take special care while doing this.

5.1. Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is another method that is used to remove body hair. Before choosing this technique, you must know about the laser treatment. For this process, sensitive skin type is not considered.

Home Remedies to Stop Facial Hair Growth in Females - 12 Best Remedies For You
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The principle of this process is damaging hair follicles for getting rid of facial hair. Many people have tried this treatment to remove facial hair permanently.

5.2. Facial Waxing

Waxing is another permanent hair removal method that can be performed from our home itself. Waxing strips will help to do this procedure. Many creams are available in the stores to do waxing by yourself.

Home Remedies to Stop Facial Hair Growth in Females - 12 Best Remedies For You
Image by YuriArcurs on Unlimphotos

Wax cab often leads to bloody patches on the skin. There can be discoloration in the skin, Skin irritation, and other allergic reactions. Since you continue the process, the pain will be a permanent factor for you.

5.3. Shaving

Shaving is another method treated in our home to remove hair and also dead skin cells that produce facial hair. This is one of the methods used by the males to shave their mustaches and underarm hairs.

It can also lead to ingrown hair and will have cuts if not done carefully. Remember to moisturize your skin after shaving to avoid dryness and itching.

5.4. Threading

Home Remedies to Stop Facial Hair Growth in Females - 12 Best Remedies For You
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Threading is another method used to remove facial hair using a thread. It is the simplest method used by salons which can be done without other items. Only a simple thread is pulled and twisted to remove hair follicles from the area of hair growth.

It is usually used for better eyebrows and to remove hair from the upper lip and chin. It can be used to remove large areas with less period.

6. Food Management for Hormone Balance

Some food items can be used to maintain hormone balance in our body which will help to reduce facial hair growth naturally. Let us look at what are they:

6.1. Soya

It is the best food that can be included in our diet to balance hormones. Soya contains phytoestrogens which help to produce less amount of estrogen and reduce hair growth naturally.

Soya is a mode of vegetable that can be included in our diet in different forms. So while following the above remedies, try to include soya that helps to reduce facial hair.

6.2. Some Seeds

Some seeds when included in your diet will help to reduce facial hair growth. Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, dry fruits, lentils, and oats can help to increase hormones in the body.

The increase in female hormones helps to reduce facial hair naturally without any other techniques.

6.3. Vegetables

Some vegetables tend to control hormones and reduce facial hair. Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage can be included in your diet.

This food is an enemy to people having thyroid diseases which may lead to an increase in their thyroid hormone. Therefore it affects the other functions of the body. Eating vegetables is another home remedy to stop facial hair growth in females.

Final Note

Beauty is in your hands, you can try different home remedies to make your skin free from all rashes, dark spots, and even facial hair. Removal of facial hair makes the skin glow and certain remedies will give a bleaching effect.

All will not have time to try these home remedies as they must be tried twice or thrice a week. So, then go to salons to remove these facial hairs. But it does not last long and will be costly, so it will not be affordable for common people.

They go in search of natural ways to remove unwanted facial hair growth. Now you will be clear about the home remedies to stop facial hair growth in females. Try different methods and feel the experience from them.

If you are interested, read more


Q1. What is the cause of facial hair in females?

Male hormones and androgen are the reason for hair growth in males. The presence of these hormones in females results in facial hair in females.

Q2. Can diet control hormone balance?

Including certain foods in the diet can reduce facial hair growth in females. Some vegetables, soya, and some seeds will help to balance the hormones and reduce facial hair.

Q3. Which is the best remedy to remove facial hair?

The combination of gram flour and rose water is a good solution to remove facial hair. Rose water helps to brighten the skin and gram flour helps to remove facial hair. There are many home remedies to stop facial hair growth in females.

Q4. Can we use laser hair removal treatment?

People are using laser treatment as an instant remedy to remove facial hair from salons. It can remove the hair follicles from the face. It has both good and bad sides.

Last Updated on by Sathi

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