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Buying a car is usually one of the biggest transactions we make in life. So it’s not surprising when buyers get angry about defects, dishonesty, deceptive practices, or any other false business practices that come their way.
If you ever find yourself in this situation, don’t worry! This article will guide you through everything you need to know on how to sue a car dealership in California.
Let’s dive right into it!
1. How To Sue In California?

1.1. The Preliminary Step: Sending a Demand Letter
Before jumping into lawsuits, the first step consumers should take during this process is sending a demand letter. A formal communication outlining grievances and the amount sought for resolution. This letter will set the stage for potential pre-court settlements using People Clerk’s AI-powered tool. Individuals can create this quickly.
1.2. Learning from Lawsuits: Examples and Outcomes
There are many lawsuits against car dealerships out there that could shed light on your case as well as provide valuable insights on where you stand, legally speaking. Familiarize yourself with some cases to estimate potential damages and prepare a compelling case.
One buyer was awarded $1700 due to title and mechanical issues, while another received $10000 because of his defective car malfunctioning car.
1.3 Identifying Common Small Claims Lawsuits Against Car Dealerships
Californian customers have many situations where they can file lawsuits in small claims court:
Post-purchase mechanical problems: When people complain about this, they mention an “as-is” sale, which means no warranty. Fraudulent misrepresentation: Basically saying the dealer sold them something that wasn’t true; Refusal to honor warranties or provide refunds; Failure of car dealer to provide title documents, even if there are unresolved liens on the vehicle itself; Private sellers engaging in auto fraud.
If these sound familiar then maybe it’s time for you to start thinking about what you might want to do now.

1.4 Understanding Lemon Laws in California
When buyers unknowingly purchase a vehicle with unrepairable defects, lemon laws are there to save them from despair. These laws offer cash settlements, buybacks, or replacement vehicles for those car buyers who need them. If this sounds like something that might have happened to you, then check out your state-specific lemon laws, as they may cover new, used, or leased vehicles.
1.5 Suing for Negligence: A Viable Option
If customers can prove that the dealership broke the standard of care owed to them, they can sue for negligence. And the critical part of legal claim here is establishing that these actions fell below what any reasonable person would consider reasonable.
Think about misleading statements and misrepresented facts regarding purchased vehicles. Has anything like that happened to you? Then, think about your options.
1.6 Dealing with Title Issues
If you’ve ever experienced the failure of a seller (private or dealership) to provide necessary title documents, then you’re not alone in this frustration. When sellers do this, their reasons range from avoiding taxes to unresolved liens on the vehicle.
And unfortunately, consumers can’t just sit around and take it! They need their titles so they can register their vehicle with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
Even though dealerships and private parties will fight back against giving title documents, legal action should still be taken.

1.7 Purchasing from Private Sellers: Risks and Legal Solutions
Buying things from private sellers always comes with extra risks because transactions are usually “as is.” This means that buyers don’t have any warranty, while sellers aren’t required by law either!
So when buying privately, keep an eye out for additional red flags and get a bill of sale, which will serve as a contract between both parties involved in this transaction.
1.8 Navigating Warranties
It is important to know what warranties your purchased vehicle comes with. The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Buyer’s Guide has information on “as-is” warranties, which the dealer does not have to fix problems after you buy it. Implied warranties on used car — such as the warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose — offer additional protection in specific circumstances.
1.9. How do I file a complaint?
Consumers can take several steps to seek recourse before taking a car dealership to small claims court. Filing complaints with the DMV, your state’s consumer protection agency and the Better Business Bureau can prompt investigations into cases of auto fraud and lay the groundwork for legal action.
1.10. How does small claims court work?
Filing a small claims lawsuit against a car dealership in California involves several key steps:
- Finding out the legal name of the dealership,
- Filling out initiation forms provided by the court,
- Serving papers to the dealership or private seller
Small claims courts are informal, typically lasting 15-30 minutes and focusing on presenting evidence to a judge.
2. Frequently Asked Questions

2.1 Does my case require hiring an attorney?
Nope! It’s designed so that individuals can represent themselves rather than having to hire an attorney, thus keeping costs low for consumers.
The process is user-friendly and easy to navigate if you understand it correctly — People Clerk offers many resources, such as their demand letter tool, that can help guide individuals through this process.
2.2 How long does this process take typically?
The small claims process is known for its efficiency in California! Filing all documents needed to attend court hearings should be quick.
Hearings are usually scheduled anywhere from 30 to 70 days after filing your claim, with only one hearing date scheduled at that time frame as well. In contrast, some other states could potentially schedule multiple dates for one claim case, but more often than not, they’ll stay two months apart from one another.
2.3 What evidence do I need to collect for my hearing?
Ensuring you have enough evidence is crucial to the success of your claim. This includes contracts and policies with the dealership and any conversations made via email or letters between you and the dealership. Lastly, photographic evidence of the car’s issues can also help strengthen your case.
2.4 Can I sue a private seller in small claims court?
Yes! Small claims courts are not limited to just disputes with car dealerships — private sellers can be taken to small claims as well.
Similar principles apply, and having a clear bill of sale as a contractual document is essential. The laws regarding private transactions should be understood before taking this route, though!

2.5 How much will it cost me if I want to sue a car dealership in small claims court?
The costs involved are generally affordable. Filing fees for courts typically range anywhere from $15 up to $75, while serving could potentially range anywhere from $0 (if delivered by mail) up to $75 (sheriff doing it). Fee waivers can also be requested if consumers find themselves struggling financially.
2.6 Can I still sue if I am owed more than what the limit allows for within small claims?
While there are monetary limits set on small claim courts, you may still choose to sue within their limit, but anything over will have to come out-of-pocket.
This choice is usually smart. You can get lower court filing fees, quicker processing, and the lack of lawyers in small claims court.
Closing Thoughts
In California, it’s great to see customers taking legal action against a car dealership without involving law firms or lawyers. By understanding the steps involved, learning from past lawsuits, and recognizing common scenarios, individuals can navigate the legal landscape effectively.
Private sellers, title problems… warranty concerns… This guide helps consumers get the knowledge needed to pursue justice independently and assert their rights in small claims court.
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian