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Thanks to science, we know a lot about the world we live in. New discoveries are made almost everyday. Mysteries are fun to solve, and humans are good at it. There are mysteries about themselves that they have not been able to solve. Ironical, isn’t it? Some things just happen cause they do. Science has not been able to give us an answer.
- Why do we need sleep?
We sleep to recharge our bodies. Our brain remains mostly active while we do sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to a lot of problems- physical and psychological. Why? We don’t know.
- Why do we yawn?
We yawn when we see others yawn. Everybody yawns. Why? Some say that we yawn when we need oxygen. Others say we yawn when we are tired. You are yawning right now, aren’t you?
- Why do we dream?
There are many theories to explain this phenomenon. But then, we cannot really prove anything. There is no way for us to know if dreams are random memories or our unconscious mind trying to tell us something.
- Why do we feel pain?
Why and how do we feel pain? No one knows. Doctors know how to stop the pain. That’s all we know about pain. Can some people tolerate more pain than others? Does a heart break hurt more than a broken nose? We can’t really tell.
- Why do we kiss?
Why do people kiss? It’s just something people like to do to show affection. Do our hormones make us kiss? If it does so, what is the use? All we know is that it makes people feel good.
- Why do we go through puberty?
Puberty prepares one for all the adult things they have to face. Why does it have to be so awkward and difficult? It does not really help with anything. Then, why? No one knows.
- Why do we blush?
People blush when they are happy, embarrassed, angry or nervous. We cannot control it. Does it help in anyway? No! It lets others know what we are feeling.
- How does the brain do what it does?
How does our brain work so fast? Why does it give different jobs to different areas? We may never know.
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Last Updated on by Himani Rawat