Is India Ever Gonna Be Corruption Free?

Deepali Rastogi 97
4 Min Read

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Corruption is one of the most important issues our country is currently facing. It has caused serious ill to our economic and political setup and brought shame to India on the international front. From time to time, the money made out of under table activities is increasing, and trillions of dollars are sent to Swiss banks from our country. This is creating serious harm to our international reputation and made us rank 94th out of 176 most corrupt nations.


India has always been knowing for its strong moral and ethical values but these ever rising instances of corruptions make us question our own values and principles. Corruption is prevalent in many countries and is the biggest hurdle in the development of any country. It is so deeply rooted in India that the bribes seem like basic charges to be paid to get the work done. Its all about give the money and get your work was done and our society has turned into Sirf paisa bolt Hai Bhai.


Corruption not only hampers the working of the country and brings shame but also has severe negative impacts on our economy, its not just the trillions of dollars that our country is loosing but also the prospective capital that can be invested in Indian markets and earn interests thereon. Our country’s black money is providing a heavy amount of capital abroad and on the other hand, India is facing huge debts and covering them we are borrowing from abroad and paying interests on them. This way our country is facing dual economic loss.


Corruption started when you paid 100 rupees to get your work done before hand and probably seeing the ease everyone started doing the same and this made the officers and us give 100 on every visit as a fee for the work, and the ones who refused to do waited forever. Corruption is so badly prevalent that the whole system is into it from the peon to the Chief Minister to the Prime Minister, even the Judiciary is not out of it. So with such strong control over our country’s setup, how can we expect to swap it out so quickly.


Corruption has grown stronger in India but our country is surely not so weak that it can never be out of it. The citizens are getting smarter; they have better judgemental skills, and the opening up of so many scandals gives us hopes for a corruption free India. We now have the RTI Act to safeguard our interests and bring more transparency. We have the independent media, which maintains proper check over the system. But no doubt India has to go a long way in its fight against corruption. The country needs stricter rules against corruption, a stronger check over our minister, our Judiciary needs to be more independent and above all this, we all need to be ethically strong enough to refrain ourselves from indulging in it. We need to prioritize the interests of our country over our personal interests because we can be better off only if our country turns out to be the best.


Last Updated on by Laveleena Sharma

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