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Pets- they are considered our best friends, family, and sometimes even more than that. However, these days, we need to dig into our pockets before selecting a pet.
The Top 10 Most Expensive Pets
Here is the list of the 10 expensive pets. You must get medical insurance even before buying them.
10-The Bengal Cat– $3,000
It’s a hybrid of domestic cats and Asian leopards. They were developed in the late ’70s and ’80s by Jean Sugden Mill. They purely notify the beauty of wild cats.

These cats are known for being extremely active.
9-Chinese Crested Hairless Puppies – $4,000
It’s a family-friendly breed, and it is gentle towards children. They are famous among pet lovers because they are hairless. These little puppies need all the care you can shower on them.
Their skin is like human skin, which can get dry and is also prone to acne.
8-Rhesus Macaque—$4,000
Rhesus Macaque monkeys are the best-known monkeys and belong to the Old World Monkeys category. It’s the most common monkey species that humans pet. This species is self-sustaining and is spread across wide global ranges.

They can live up to 25 years, and they are mostly known for their usage in Space programs and medical research.
7-English Bulldog– $5,000
Bulldogs are among the gentlest of the dogs, although even though they look daunting. This breed is very persistent and does not give up easily.
They are given the name “Bull” because, in ancient days, they were used in bullfights, and the dogs had a temperament that could defeat Bulls!
6-Capuchin monkeys—$10,000
This species of monkeys came into hype after it was featured in the 1990s hit sitcom- Friends– where Ross has a Capuchin monkey named Marcel. They can live up to 55 years in captivity, although their normal life expectancy is 25 years.

They are clever and easy to train, and they can even recognize their reflection if shown a mirror, unlike most other animals.
5-Dromedary Camel—$10,000
These Arabian camels with just one hump display tremendous travel speed up to 100 desert miles(161 kilometers) without water. They can carry loads up to 25 miles a day.
A very thirsty Dromedary camel can drink 135 liters of water in only 13 minutes and are bred for 3500 years!
4-Hyacinth Macaw – $12,000
These parrots have enriched blue feathers and a black beak, which gives them a unique and fascinating appearance. They are also known as gentle giants because of their gentle behavior. They are one of the many endangered species, and that is why they are expensive.

If you are looking for an inquisitive and affectionate companion, you can have this beautiful bird as a companion who has a lifespan of up to 60+ years.
3-Palm Cockatoo—$15,999
Also known as the black parrot or Goliath cockatoo, they are the largest species of Cockatoo. Their price is generally so high because of their unique size, structure, and their restricted diet.
They have a very slow breeding cycle, but most species live up to 50+ years.
2-Savannah Cat—$22,000
A hybrid of several domestic cat breeds. This breed was first developed on April 7, 1986, and was given the name Savannah.
This breed of cat is very adventurous, active, and friendly.
If you are looking for a companion with whom you can interact and have lots of adventure, Savannah is the best choice for you.
1-White Lion Cub—$138,000
Very rare due to their white coat, which is caused due to a genetic disorder called leucism. Some people, especially Africans, believe white lions as messengers of God. As they are rare, they are also very expensive.

Looking for medical insurance? You should pick your options carefully. You don’t want to risk it, after all.
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian