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This poem is a verse written by a girl about her jilted love. She was loved, broken, and thrown away by that one person she loved terribly. The same guy deserted her like she never existed. These are the words that she has carved out of her heart and desperation. It’s all about a heartbroken girl struggling to cope with the heartbreak and her lost love, someone she dearly loved.
Lost Love
I know I’m nothing without you,
And I know I never was.
It’s been years since our separation
But the smell of memories
Never parted.
I replaced you
But no one can be you.
I, the love fool, still weep,
On your loss,
On my “lost love.”
This pain never leaves me; this fear never leaves me.
And I will keep writing about you
And our “Incomplete story.”
You were my healer,
But you are beyond my reach.
You taught me to live,
But you are not here.
My ears ring with your words; certain things are lost forever.

Last Updated on by kalidaspandian