Emotions – Human Beings, Weak or Smart?

Prince Jebastin
7 Min Read

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What are human beings made of? If you’re going to answer atoms, you’re wrong. If quantum mechanics was a way to define them, then our ancestors could have avoided so much melodrama in the past. No, I believe humans are made of more complicated segments, fragments, and complicated emotions that no one will ever understand.


Human beings are made of emotions, drama, understanding, ego, and more. People have made so much progress in the years that have gone by, but no progress in what controls us, the emotions that drive us off the cliff.

1. Shrinks

Shrinks are the people we go to because we assume they understand human beings. That’s a big lie, and we all know it; shrinks understand the standard features of the human being; they do not know us individually. They don’t understand you as a person; instead, they understand you as a species they have spent their lives studying and a species they try to relate to according to their studies.

They judge. That’s a funny statement, and it’s funny when someone says, ‘I don’t judge.’ That’s a lie, everyone judges. From the age at which we start remembering things to the age where we stop, we judge people left, right, and center.

2. Do We All Judge?

You can tell me that you don’t judge, but that’s not true. The moment you heard the story about the shrinks and decided that that person is a lousy human based on the stories that I have told you, you judged that person without knowing him. That also qualifies us as judging.

Young girl being judged
By Syda Productions/ Shutterstock

When you look at someone and decide that they haven’t explored the more philosophical end of life, you judge them. The moment you think that someone isn’t as good or intellectually as wise as you, you are judging them. In short, no matter what opinion you have of anyone, it is a judgment.

You can never know a human being too well to know what they are going to do or what they are going through without judging. You can know 9 out of 10 times what your friend is going through, but there’s always that one time when you judge a person wrong or the situation wrong.

In short, everyone judges. People who say that they don’t judge are the biggest liars globally. We say we don’t judge; why is that? It’s simple; it’s easier to tell someone that you won’t judge them regardless of what they tell you; this comforts the other person and gives them the security they need to tell you their deepest secrets.

But the moment you tell them that you won’t judge them, your mind comes up with a thousand and one stories that could match whatever it is that your friend was going to share.


3. Security

Here’s another thing that I don’t understand, security. People have to be so secure about everything, their bank balance, house, and property. The security that I am specifically talking about is emotional security. Security is the primary food for religion; it is the nutrition that helps religion sustain itself.

People believe in God because they want something or someone to love them endlessly. After all, a life spent without love is just scary.

4. God

Don’t be a better person who deserves love but create an imaginary person who will love you. Nonetheless, in short, God is just your imaginary friend who should have stopped existing the moment you entered maturity. People have to feel secure about how they talk, how they dress, how they walk, and even how they eat.

They are worried about what people around them are going to think. What I always fail to understand is why bother? Why do you want to bother what some x,y, or z will think about how you eat or talk or walk?

For those 3 seconds of your life that you come into the physical field of that person, you worry so much about what that person will think about you. You don’t know that person, you have never met that person, you will never meet that person in your life again, nor will you ever talk to him again. How sad can your life be?

5. Can Everyone Like You?

You will never satisfy everyone, and there will always be that one person who will not be satisfied with what you are and who you are. What are you going to do then? Try to satisfy the person that doesn’t matter instead of satisfying yourself? Does self-satisfaction not mean anything anymore to people, or was it just a hoax for those who wanted to seem different?

6. Humans and Emotions

Human beings seem so simple and yet aren’t; the plethora of emotions wound around an imaginary soul excuse us from our actions.

Sad woman crying
By Evgeny Atamanenko/ Shutterstock

The need to not be a failure in front of others, the need not to have another failed relationship, and the need not to accept that it’s over even though it is.

These are all helpless struggles of one person trying to stay afloat, grabbing whatever pieces of the broken ship they can. ‘Moving on‘ is an imaginary phase that people use and yet the simplest. You can tell someone to move on, but you wouldn’t know its pain. However, that doesn’t excuse the person from mourning over the broken ship.

Life is short.

It’s not long enough to be worried about something as trivial as human relationships, especially a human relationship controlled by the most unstable emotions.

Last Updated on by kalidaspandian

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