The question of the possibility of finding evidence of another universe in higher dimension i.e., the existence of parallel universe is present for a very long time. To date after an enormous number of experiments being conducted across the globe, we still don’t have a clear idea of the possibilities of its existence.
What could be meant by the existence of a parallel universe or let’s say a multiverse? Well!! there will be a possibility of you becoming an ironman and killing Thanos without dying or you achieving a goal that you lost a long ago dreaming about.
In this article, we will break down this complex topic of interest into various small segments which will make it easy to understand.
1. Higher Dimensions
For a long time, many physicists believed in the existence of universes with other dimensions i.e., other universes that have more than three-dimensional real-world entities such as four dimensions or even more than four dimensions such as the fifth dimension. Scientists like Einstein, and Klauza-Klein attempted to explain the different concepts in the fourth dimension and established many predictions related to it.
Our conscious universe is three-dimensional which means all the real-world entities can be explained using three-dimensional points, but we can also explain those structures in two-dimensional points. similarly, many fourth-dimensional structures can be explained in three-dimensional points with a less clear perspective but enough to predict its points in four dimensions but adding the coordinate of the extra dimensions. But we cannot draw it or explain it. Physicists have been trying to give us an idea about what could appear in the higher dimensions.
The possibility of Finding Evidence of Another Universe in a Higher Dimension is considerably high given the complexity of the universe we live in and the extent of our lack of knowledge and equipment in the present time.
2. Parallel Universes
Our observable universe consists of all the galaxies and nebulas present in the infinite dark of the space-time frame in which we exist in. Theoretical physicists believe in the nature and understanding of this universe can be explained by different laws and theories that have been framed and reframed for so long time. but the creation of our universe is still a mystery because no scientists have been able to explain the time before the big bang or the happening of the big bang itself.
Many theories are floating around that tell about the predictions of parallel universes. the universe in which we exist is believed to be started with a big bang for the existence of alternate universes scientists believe that there was more than one big bang that leads to the formation of multiple universes.
So far many types of possible universes are believed to exist in theoretical physics. The types of other universes are –
2.1 Infinite Universe –
It is believed that there exists a universe beyond the infinite reach of our universe that is exactly the twin of our universe. Life there can be predicted to be the same as ours and if the universe keeps repeating itself, then there is also a possibility of the existence of your infinite twin with a life exact or different from that of yours.
According to the idea of the infinite universe, space never ends and the potential to prove this idea lacked by the tools of this generation.
2.2 Bubble Universe –
Due to the belief in multiple big bangs, there exist many universes alike to our universe that are referred to as bubble universes. Our universe is expanding, and it can be predicted that if similarly, other universes are also expanding then, maybe there will be a coming time when any two universes collide and merge into the existence of a strange universe.
The space-time reality in which we exist is merged with the space-time reality of other bubble universes the results cannot be predicted but this mesh will be stranger than the idea of having pineapple on pizzas.
2.3 Parallel Universe –
The closest thing that could be felt by our senses is the theory of the existence of parallel universes. it is said that there can exist many universes within our universe that just cannot be seen. it is also predicted that given the advancement of uncertainties in our universe, there is a possibility that the universe may collide within leading to the big bang and hence resetting the universe. According to this theory, there also can exist a mirror world in which the reality is almost like a reflection of our world or talking on a larger scale mirror planets may also exist.
This theory becomes thicker with the reported incidences of paranormal activities, Deja vu, and the idea of ghosts and spirits, there are many shows made based on this theory such as Netflix DARK.
To date, there has not been given any sufficient theory or explanation that tells us about the existence of parallel universes.
2.4 Mathematical Universe –
Existence of a universe that has a different set of numerical parameters and diameters. this theory also suggests that the principles of our universe don’t run unanimously but within the coordination of the principles of other universes.
A topic of debate for centuries that whether or not mathematical tools can be considered the fundamental reality of the universe and other universes.
The theory of Fibonacci or the Golden Rule explains that the world and everything within it exists through a sequence of numbers. The numbers in the sequence are always repeating themselves the same, and it appears everywhere in the world, in nature, and in the universe itself so it gives a strong hold in the favor of the idea that mathematics and not science is the fundamental reality of the working of the universe. but no scientific theory or discovery has stated the proof related to these theories as far as now.
2.5 Daughter Universe –
The tiny black hole or many worlds theory, this theory has its grounds in quantum mechanics. The daughter universe is a product of outcomes or choices that are made i.e., for every choice made the universe creates a copy of itself with every possible outcome. for every decision that we have taken in this universe, there exist other universes with realities of each potential outcome.
The idea of reincarnation and many other theories could have arisen from the theory of daughter universes.
3. Possibility of Finding Evidence of Another Universe in a Higher Dimension – the theories behind it.
3.1 Quantum Mechanics –
Classical physics is the age-old traditional subject that has a combination of many ideas and theories with practical explanations of the fundamentals of the world on a macroscopic level and Quantum physics is a new-aged subject which deals with theories and ideas that help us understand the microscopic level such as atoms and sub atoms.
On many levels, quantum mechanics is different from classical physics and physical entities such as energy, momentum, and laws change concerning the subjects in both practices.
The many worlds’ interpretation of quantum mechanics MWI is in its existence since the 1950s.
Quantum mechanics states that in a quantum experiment each time we experiment with multiple outcomes, all those outcomes are obtained in multiple newly formed worlds which may or maybe not be visible to us. Right now, here you can split the world using this quantum world splitter. The creation of the world can happen from as small as a laboratory to as big as the exploding of nebulas.
The MWI consists of a theory that yields the quantum state of a single universe and a linkage between the quantum state of the universe and the experiences it provides.
3.1.1 Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
The small quanta of particles referred to as photons are present everywhere and Heisenberg says that when we are observing a quantum matter, just by the act of observing itself we disturb the behaviour of the matter. So, we can never really find certain values of the attributes of the quantum objects.
This idea was supported by Copenhagen and Niel Bohr suggesting that the theory says that although quantum particles don’t exist in any one state at a given point in time, they can exist in all the different possible state at once. Superpositions are defined as the state of an existing object in different of its possible states and the wave function is defined as all the possible states of a quantum object added.
So according to Bohr’s Observation, the object’s superposition can be broken down, which forces the object to choose one of the states from its wave functions. This explains why physicists have very different measurements for the same quantum objects.
Understanding multiple world interpretations becomes more accessible through this theory. These two theories considerably raise human understanding in the quest to understand the possibility of finding evidence of another universe in a higher dimension.
3.2 String Theory –
String theory was given by a Japanese- American physicist Michio Kaku, this theory attempts to back up the multiverse theory. This theory says that all of the physical forces in the universe like gravity and all essential building block of the universe exists on a subquantum level.
These building blocks resemble tiny rubber bands or strings that make up the quantum particles, the electrons, protons, atoms and cells so on. it is solely dependent on the vibration of the string what kind of matter is created and how it behaves. According to physicists and the string theory, there are about 11 separate dimensions that are present.
In string theory, tiny loops of vibrating stringiness are manifested by the various particles that make up this structure and act as the forces of nature. It is done by vibration. All strings are so small that they appear to be nothing other than a point-like particle, but they may vibrate at different levels, just like you get different notes from a guitar string. Generally, every vibrating mode relates to different sorts of particles.
Like the Many Worlds interpretation theory, the string theory demonstrates that parallel universes exist. unlike the Many worlds Interpretation theory, the string theory believes that these parallel universes can come in contact with one another. It also suggests that gravity can flow between parallel universes. when the universe interacts, a big bang can occur.
4. The ANITA (Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna) Experiment —
An experiment was conducted concerning the sensitivity of the radio waves. In this experiment, the radio waves of a specific frequency from a specific set of energies were found to be coming from beneath the Antarctic ice sheet.
In both theoretical and practical physics there are mentions of many high-energy cosmic particles that travel through the space-time frame and are generated from various sources such as the sun, black holes, pulsars, etc. In this experiment, we have a special emphasis on neutrinos. Neutrinos are practically invisible to average matter.
Most of the high-energy neutrinos are the result of various high-energy particles striking the atmosphere and resulting in producing a cascade of high-energy particles known as neutrinos. some of those particles pass through the earth’s interaction only with the crust region and there they can be detected.
In the phenomenon that ANITA witnessed, three radio waves emitting neutrinos were coming up through the Earth, but they had energies higher than any expected values so much that passing uninhibited through Earth with such values doesn’t seem possible.
In fact. according to some evidence-based claims that suggest that these never came through the Earth. The detectors kept in the experiment are very sensitive to such signals but contrarily they have not seen such signals.
Scientifically, this means that: that ANITA witnessed radio signals that are not practically explainable, and this has led to a hypothesis that this high-energy neutrino could be travelling through the Earth in an upwards direction. but that hypothesis is thrashed by the IceCube observations, which have led to some of the outcomes that as the evidence suggests that there is no astrophysical point source that has created the particle.
So possibly it came from a parallel universe thus giving some pretty wacky evidence that helps to understand the quest for the possibility of finding evidence of another universe in a higher dimension.
5. Black Holes –
What lies inside the black holes is a matter of relative perception. Some claims suggest that our universe may have emerged from a black hole of higher dimensions. some claims suggest black holes are the answer to most of the questions and there lie other dimensions on the other side of it. the magnetic field inside the black hole is so vast that it can even bend the space-time course.
Light cannot pass through the black hole so what lies abundance near and inside it is the dark matter. the particles present in the universe interact with other quanta of energy and matter; the laws of physics govern those interactions stating the fact that they simply don’t appear.
Space is a vast place and there is an infinite number of black holes present out there that disrupts the multiverse and its mechanics. Scientists are so far not able to understand the making and working of a black hole so various possible outcome can be speculated that suggests what could be present beyond the black holes.
Check out – Is The Idea Of Parallel Universe Real? 4 Amazing Theories
6. Conclusion –
Our understanding of the universe keeps changing with discoveries and the formation of new theories, Physicists believed for many years that to form any galaxy like the milky way after a big bang takes billions of years but thanks to the new boon of the James Webb telescope that has enables us to see some galaxies that are not more than half a million-year-old!!! it changes everything that we have known about space-time and how things work up there in the middle of the dark. this discovery has the potential to challenge many laws of physics and may enable us to rewrite every book and concept we have known so far about the mechanics of the world.
The question regarding the possibility of finding evidence of another universe in a higher dimension has been in existence for a very long time and constant progress is being made in this direction at this very point so let’s see in future if we find the answer to it.
Physicists have been trying to put light on different aspects of the fundamentals of the world but due to lack of evidence, we have nothing but the imagination of what could appear Afterall. The human brain can unlock the deepest secrets of the world but all it lacks is information. For centuries, we have studied different subjects ranging from philosophy to quantum physics just trying to penetrate the impenetrable wall that stands between the unknown and the known. Billion years ago, when the big bang occurred, the destruction caused was unimaginable gradually we came to the fact that destruction leads to the formation of new life and without it no new life can ever be formed.
There are an infinite number of galaxies present out there of which we know only a handful and the thirst to look at all those unknown objects can lead to a conclusion that we never thought of or maybe in another universe we already did that!!! What lies in the dark and beyond it cannot be put on a scale, but one thing is for sure we are just some small particles in this large space waiting for a point of time in which we discover the unknown or be discovered by the unknown, the answer to every question lies hidden over time and maybe someday we will find it.
Last Updated on by somya909