Is It Possible to Create a Universe in the Laboratory?

By Joshita
21 Min Read

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The galaxy is vast and incredible, with human beings as only a fraction of it. But do humans possess the possibility of creating a universe?

Science and technology have come a long way. Things that were unimaginable only years ago are now possible. From smartphones or television to cures for the most challenging diseases or even means to venture into deep and dark space – science has never ceased to amaze and impress with new inventions and discoveries time and again.

But does that mean that with the proper science and technology, there can be a possibility of creating a universe in the laboratory? Now, that seems too far-fetched and even an impossible feat to achieve.

However, you will be surprised to learn that the chances are not that small. With this guide, you can learn more about the fantastic concept.

1. The Possibility of Creating a Universe in Laboratory: A Few of the Most Interesting and Mind-blowing Theories

How can there be a creation of a universe in the laboratory? A universe is not exactly a compact science experiment that can be made in beakers and bottles.

It is the vast galaxy and cosmos that hold everything that is known and unknown, seen and unseen, discovered and undiscovered.  It is everything that came from nothing and has since grown and developed with space and time.

Exploring Space
Source: Pixabay

And yet there are research, studies, and theories pointing out that there is, even if small, a chance or possibility of creating a universe, especially with the method of quantum tunnelling.

Very little is known by human beings who are a part of the cosmos. However human beings are resilient in their pursuit of knowledge and discovery. So even an impossible feat of making a universe is not entirely unthinkable.

And with this guide, you can discover all the fascinating facts and mind-blowing theories.

1.1. What is a Universe?

Before diving into an adventure in deep space, you first need to understand the universe concept. After All, unless you grasp the idea of the cosmos, how else will you comprehend the possibility of the creation of a universe in the laboratory?

The entire celestial system of substance and energy of which the Earth, and hence the human beings, is a piece of can be referred to as the universe.

Humanity has come a long way since civilizations believed that the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon were the only primary matters of creation. They thought the remainder of the universe was made just as an afterthought.

Today everyone is aware that the blue planet Earth is just a little sphere of rocks, grass, and water in an expanse of inconceivable vastness and that the origin of the solar system was most likely just a single episode among several that happened against the stage of an already developed universe.

1.2) The Evolution of the Universe: Big Bang Theory

The big bang is a model or theory by which astronomers illustrate how the universe started. The idea or model is based on the concept that the universe began at only one point, after which it extended and spread to evolve as huge as it is currently, not to mention how it is still growing!

The Big Bang
Source: Pixabay

1.3) How It All Began: The Beginning of Everything

When the universe started forming, it was simply hot and small components made with light and energy. It had almost little to no resemblance to what we observe today. Since everything developed further and had to take up much more room, its temperature gradually cooled as well.

Those tiny particles gathered and molded to form atoms. After that, those atoms came together, forming the cosmos, stars, and galaxies in time.

The very first stars produced larger atoms and branches of atoms. This resulted in the birth and formation of many more leads. While all this was happening, the galaxies kept smashing and assembling. While more and more births and deaths of stars kept occurring, celestial entities such as asteroids, black holes, comets, and planets were being created.

Source: Pixabay

1.4) The Possibility of Creation of a Universe in the Laboratory

So now that you more or less have a clear picture of how the universe formed and developed with space and time, does the possibility of a universe being made in the laboratory seem probable?

If so, how can such an unthinkable and remarkable feat be achieved? The answer is that a huge venture can only be attained through baby steps. And therefore, the solution comes in the form of the baby universes theory.

Various research and theories by scientists and experts delve into creating such baby universes with a small quantity of energy and matter.

The fundamental concept is to take up a small quantity of substance in the lab, incite it to go through inflation, and wait until its magnitude can somewhat conform to that of the universe being examined and observed.

The energy consistency of the inflating area stays consistent. Since it comes to be the energy density of an enormous size, the inflating territory earns a vast amount of non-gravitational energy.

Indeed, you only have to have just a milligram of substance in a vacuum-like developing condition. After that, the method of self-reproduction will generate from that matter not only a single universe but endless more!

Not to mention, there are theories believing that even the universe in which we live and exist was first made in a lab as a baby universe. And now that the baby is grown, it is exploring and seeking ways to create new worlds and universes.

Source: Pixabay

Though it may sound simply ludicrous, it must be remembered that physics has advanced and evolved a long way, and each year, a new impossible thing is being achieved with ease.

However, the entire matter is not very simple either. A child or baby universe made in a lab by a super-evolved and scientifically progressive community would trigger a succession of perpetual inflation. Should man possess God’s power and become the creator of such infinite worlds?

The Icy Tales team interviewed Gavon Burkdull, CEO and Co-Founder of Zestain, about his thoughts on creating a universe in a laboratory. Here is what he said:

Gavon Burkdull - Featured
Gavon Burkdull

“Creating a universe in a laboratory could potentially divert attention and resources away from urgent environmental issues like climate change.

While scientific endeavors may captivate public interest and funding, they risk overshadowing pressing concerns about the degradation of our planet and its ecosystems.

By channeling resources into ambitious cosmic exploration, we may inadvertently neglect immediate environmental threats, such as rising temperatures, biodiversity loss, and pollution.

This shift in focus could delay or undermine efforts to address critical environmental challenges, exacerbating the already precarious state of our planet.

As stewards of Earth, we must prioritize addressing pressing environmental issues while also pursuing scientific exploration responsibly, ensuring that our quest for cosmic understanding does not detract from our duty to safeguard our home planet for current and future generations.”

1.5) The Role of Theology and Science in the Matter

Many religious individuals might get disturbed that scientists and physicists are striving to take the miraculous action of universe-creation out of God’s hands.

However, scientifically speaking, the matter is not who might not or feel offended by the theory of cosmogenesis and the idea of continuous creation. But then, what would occur if such a feat could be accomplished? What moral duties and obligations would arrive with flawed humans undertaking the position of celestial creators?

As you have already learned, theoretical physicists have struggled for years with the mystery of the origin and creation of the universe before the emergence of the Big Bang Theory.

While the theological view that the all-powerful God created the universe out of nothing is one perspective, the scientific notion is quite different.

The notion is that if one could impart sufficient energy to a monopole, it would begin to expand. Instead of stretching in volume within this Universe, the enlarging monopole would alter space and time in the accelerator to build a small wormhole tunnel to form an independent space area.

From inside the laboratory, it would be possible to view just the maw of the wormhole, which would look like a mini black hole – so tiny that it would seem completely innocuous.

Source: Pixabay

However, if one were to visit inside that wormhole, they would go through a gateway into a fast-developing baby universe that has been created.

1.6) The Consequences of the Possibility

Building laboratory universes allies that there will be more and more countless new and unnatural universes to an already endless pond of natural cosmos. Is there any way by which one can understand the magnitude of the consequences and influence of other universes?

One strategy can be to analyze the volume of artificial galaxies inside the whole. But the problem is that this seems unlikely to be accomplished separately.

Then there’s creating artificial conscious life for the new worlds to expand and flourish. But this brings the question of cosmic evil and suffering with a new creation. Many believe this would be too much like “playing God” and result in devastating consequences.

After all, the possibility of creating a universe is just the beginning – where does the sequence of creation and destruction end?

1.7) Was the Universe You Live in Made in a Laboratory?

What are the chances that the universe in which you exist and live was also made in a lab?

The greatest puzzle about this universe’s past and history is what occurred before the Big Bang.

The most known and accepted theory is that the solar system, the stars, and all other planets, along with our blue planet Earth came into existence due to the collapse of substances inside a black hole. On the contrary, many theorists beloved the certainty of other different possibilities.

A much less explored likelihood is that this universe was made in the lab of a scientifically developed and more advanced civilization. So simply put, the universe in which we all live and exist is, in truth, a baby universe that expanded and developed after its birth in the lab of advanced life species or cultures.

Source: Pixabay

1.8) An Overall View

It can be said that humans will not develop baby universes anytime soon, but that does not mean it will not happen.

Physicists and scientists in all parts of study and research are exploring all options for achieving such an impossible accomplishment.

Cosmogenesis is one of the leading and ultimate examples that assess the belief. Theological views and a fear of offending religious folks have made many scientists wary of proceeding with this research. However, this should not be a barrier to advancing the human race on the blue planet.

Source: Pixabay

So with proper research, study, and fearless dedication to doing the impossible, maybe one day you or your descendant will be able to be a part of something historic.

Evan Tunis, President of Florida Healthcare Insurance, talked to the Icy Tales team on this. Here is what he had to say:

Evan Tunis - Featured
Evan Tunis

“The idea of creating a universe in a laboratory may seem like something out of science fiction, but recently it has become a topic of serious discussion among scientists.

On one hand, the potential benefits are vast—from gaining a deeper understanding of the origin and evolution of our universe to potentially discovering new laws and principles of physics.

This could lead to groundbreaking technological advancements and further our understanding of the natural world.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. The risks involved in creating a universe in a laboratory cannot be ignored. One of the biggest concerns is the ethical implications of playing ‘creator’ and potentially altering the course of an entire universe.

There are also fears about unintended consequences and the possibility of creating a universe that is unstable or poses a threat to our own.”

2. FAQs on the Subject

Do you still have questions about how an entire galaxy can be created in a lab? Well, read on to find the answers to the most frequently asked questions on the subject.

2.1) Is there a possibility of creating a universe?

At first glance and thought, the possibility of creating a universe might seem like an utterly absurd idea. But if you minutely study the comprehensive studies on the creation of the cosmos and its evolution, you might think a little differently.

With proper study, comprehensive research, relevant skills, and true dedication, the human race might make the possibility, a reality.

2.2) What are baby universes?

Simply put, it is believed that an area of space-time can be bound to a different part of space-time by a wormhole.

It has been theorized that when an enormous matter in the Universe disintegrates into a black hole, it brings the possibility of going through the singularity amid the black hole and creating a growing baby universe in a different part. Now, due to space inflation, the small universe can start to grow, enabling a baby universe to become massive very quickly.

Believe it or not, there is a big chance that the Universe you exist in was born with the same method.

2.3) Can there indeed be a possibility?

With many concepts from quantum theory, nuclear physics, and quantum mechanics, today’s scientific and advanced civilization can bring baby universe-making reality to happen. However, such an experiment is no easy feat to perform.

And even if there is a chance of creating a rapidly expanding baby universe, there are religious and ethical consequences of conducting such experiments. Along with that, there is the matter of intelligent life.
With the building of new worlds in a lab, there will also be the need to give birth to artificial sentient life.

But creating artificial intelligence is a matter of another time and theory – for now, rest assured that there is a possibility, no matter how small, of creating a universe in the laboratory. And just like that, human beings hold the power to become cosmic creators in the future – to become gods to a new life form.

2.4) Was the Universe you live in made in a laboratory?

You already know that the Big Bang theory is the most common and accepted theory behind the history and origin of universe creation.

However, a much less widespread but fascinating theory is that this universe began as a result of experiments of some advanced species. It means that our universe is, in truth, just another baby universe born in the lab of a technologically and scientifically advanced community.

And now this baby universe has grown and developed scientifically and technologically – so much so that it is exploring and looking for ways to create worlds and universes.

In short, however slight, if there is a possibility, there is a chance that even the universe you live, breathe, exist, and design was a successful lab experiment of an advanced society.

Closing Thoughts: A Hypothesis of Possibilities

So now that you have learned all about the universe, its creation, and the scientific probability of creating a universe in the laboratory, what do you think? You have learned about nuclear physics and have a practical grasp on the quantum effects – does the idea of creating baby universes anytime seem absurd or possible?

As you know and can see from this guide, science, and technology have come a long way and have kept developing with time. There is no end to how far man’s imagination can go and no there is a limit to where science will keep creating things keeping pace with creative and genius minds.

Creating New Universe
Source: Pixabay

Things that were unimaginable once are now a part of daily life. New studies, research, and ideas are emerging every day, and each day, something new and impossible is being invented, discovered, or achieved.

So, though it may sound unbelievable, making a baby universe in a lab is not entirely improbable. With proper research, skill, talent, collaboration, and effort, the possibility of creating a universe in the laboratory may become a reality someday.

Guest Author: Saket Kumar

Last Updated on by Joshita

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By Joshita

An avid reader of all kinds of literature, Joshita has written on various fascinating topics across many sites. She wishes to travel worldwide and complete her long and exciting bucket list.

Education and Experience MA (English) Specialization in English Language & English Literature Certifications/Qualifications MA in English BA in English (Honours) Certificate in Editing and Publishing Skills Content Writing Creative Writing Computer and Information Technology Application Editing Proficient in Multiple Languages