Rediscovering Reading: How a Single Reddit Post Revived My Love for Books

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I was an avid reader, and this started back when I was in school. So, remember when we went to schools and had libraries with hard-bound cover books? We used to get a library card and could issue only one book at a time, but if you wanted to issue two books so as not to break the flow of the story, then we asked our friend to issue the next issue of the same.

Well, all these are stories of long back to which kids of this day can not relate. But who am I to blame these little ones? I can not get myself to read a complete book in even a week now. Although earlier my best friend would do 800 pages in 2-3 days. Now, even 300 takes more than 10.

I’ve lost my old reading habits and I feel like it became a luxury I can’t afford
by inbooks

I have been thinking for a bit now that I have lost the reading habit and maybe I should resume, but every time I tried it did not last for more than days or chapters. Until I came across this post on Reddit which emphasized why reading is beneficial and why we should be reading as much as possible.

The first thing that hit me was the knowledge that came along with reading. So a few days ago somebody asked me about an upcoming event in my city and I wasn’t aware and a few more times similar things happened which eventually made me feel that I’m quite unaware.

As I read along I could relate to everything that was mentioned, how screen time has taken over our lives. We are so addicted to our screens that we try to consume everything off them. It deprives us of complete and factual information so many times.

Our attention span is so small that we can’t focus on anything for more than 30/45 seconds. But that’s not all what made me change my belief was when I started reading just after I had this realization. I was reading a theological book which talked about how there are different beliefs in god and how people across the globe believe in gods and other rituals or superstitions around it.

Halfway through, I felt a deeper connection to the people and a deep connection to my thoughts and emotions as well because this was something related to the superpowers and beliefs of a person.

The huge importance of reading
byu/charleshere insimpleliving

Another important change that I observed was my thinking became more diverse as I became more aware of all the things around me. And since I had regained my reading time and speed; it was easier to keep up with different happenings around me and in the world. So, it helped me grow in a better manner. Try reading the post and see if it inspires you too. If you still have a problem restarting, refer to the suggestions below, and you might find a way out.

byu/mad_toothbrush from discussion

Last Updated on by Icy Tales Team

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