The Specs Issue – Things Faced by Shy People

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This post goes for every person out there who wears glasses because they need one and not to make a fashion statement. These are some of the issues faced by specs-shy people.

Issues Faced by Specs-Shy People

So, raise your glasses to relate to any point stated below.

1. Partial Blindness

All thanks to the ciliary muscles for losing the accommodation property for viewing. And thanks to people who think we are entirely blind. When we take off our glasses, we don’t see wavering objects nor go completely blind. We are just partially blind.

Things get blurry, and we can’t define the boundaries, but we sure can tell when you’re sticking up two fingers or no fingers at us. I sincerely pray to all good and evil lords that the population gets this straightened out!

2. Smudges 

Glasses, you had one job. To make things seem more transparent to me. And then you go ahead and get fingerprints all over your surface. *sigh*

Smudges have got to be the single most and top problems that deserve a solution. No matter how much you wipe them with that velvet cloth offered to you, they don’t go. And no matter how conscious one gets about not touching the lens region, they still appear out of nowhere.

3. Fogged Up Specs

Woman wearing foggy glasses
By New Africa/ Shutterstock

This phenomenon is a distant cousin to smudges for people who wear specs. This is one thing all optical-related companies should pay attention to. Nobody wants their glasses fogged up while having a cup of hot coffee.

4. The Sliding Factor 

The frames that we buy from the shop aren’t tailor-made for our faces. Well, you know what, they still don’t sit. I, myself, am a very expressive person. As humans, we are pretty expressive.

I cry in a river when anything goes wrong. I squeal and exclaim out of joy, and as my spectacles, you are to go through thick and thin with me. You are supposed to stay where you were. And not droop down the nose and kill my vibe when I celebrate.

5. Losing the Specs

Oh, this is the horrifying one off the lot. Especially if one is a highly irresponsible person, these are these times one wishes that Google could help them figure out the whereabouts of their lost spectacles.

The Blurry Issue - Issues faced by Specs-Shy people
By Who is Danny/ Shutterstock

This is horrifying because we are already entitled to blurry and distorted vision. It’s only when we lose our glasses that we feel and relate to Velma’s pain *Scooby doo reference*

As a girl who wears glasses, these are the few things I go through. I know everyone with glasses can relate to this. Have a good day, fellow humans!

Last Updated on by Steffy Michael

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Loves science. Loves progressive metal. Is an Artist. Loves reading and traveling. Loves eating too. Potato.
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