In a world of misfits, rebels, nerds, and the common people, you also have the category of perverts, and they are the ones you need to watch out for. No matter what the policy and law enforcement are in a country, this category of people exists.
So, are you worried that you have met a pervert but aren’t sure if they really are a pervert? Or are you worried that you are one?
It isn’t easy for many people out there to figure out the same. Women, especially, are always at risk of becoming victims of unwanted sexual advances and sexual harassment. They might meet many guys every day, and distinguishing between those who can be true friends and those who cannot can be a hard task.
The basic question to ask here is, what is a pervert? The term pervert is derived from the Latin word ‘pervertere‘, which means ‘to overturn,’ in the sense that someone has turned the wrong path and has become morally corrupted.
If you look at a dictionary, it describes perverts as people with unacceptable sexual behaviors. However, you don’t need the Thesaurus to identify a pervert. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable with their behavior or language, you should know that it is time to pull the plug.
These people are the ones who will scan you from top to bottom as if you’re their meal, and their stare will be fixed on your private parts like a licentious creature hunting its next prey.
It is important to be careful and aware of it because anyone around you could be a pervert. It could be a perverted doctor, uncle, older man, teen, or even a family member. Interestingly, more people fall in the pervert category than you would think. While statistics say that most of them are men, it isn’t always necessarily so. So do not completely disregard females, as even they can be perverts, and should you come across a pervert, don’t hesitate to raise your voice.
However, we understand that it is hard to identify a perverted person. It is hard to tell when lines are crossed and some of it may even seem ‘normal’ at first. So, how do you identify and know whether someone is a pervert?
Here Are 11 Signs That Will Help Identify a Pervert –
1. Leering
This does not require much explaining, but for those who are not sure, a person is probably a pervert if they gawk openly at all the short skirts and tight T-shirts strutting around, making those people uncomfortable.
Their eyes would probably wreak havoc on your soul just by the sharpness with which they look at you, having seemingly stronger X-ray eyes than Superman himself. These people, as they say, have the power to intrude with their eyes moving to the top and bottom of a person’s body.
You definitely don’t want anyone doing that to you or anyone else, so it is important to be aware of this.
2. Touching Inappropriately
Most of us have been taught about the “good” and “bad” touch right from our childhood. Even if not, it is something you probably have understood by now through various experiences growing up.

If a person is a pervert, their eyes and hands are not controlled by their better judgment but by their “significant” body part. They will always be trying to find reasons to touch you inappropriately, no matter what the situation is.
If a guy is into you, he might make excuses to grab your arm, hug you, or kiss you on the cheek. Public displays of affection are not wrong as long as they are appropriate to the environment and do not make you feel uncomfortable.
However, if that is not the case, the person might be a pervert, trying to touch your private parts in public. In this case, either the guy does not care about your reputation, or he is that desperate. In both ways, he is a pervert.
When someone touches you inappropriately, push them away and make your discomfort known. If you are in a public place, the person is less likely to react harshly, but do ensure your own safety at all times.
3. The Never-Ending Talk About Sex
Talking about sex is a common thing among friends, but everything has a limit. If a person keeps going on and on about sex or starts giving nasty comments, not stopping to care about how uncomfortable all the listeners are, that person is likely a pervert.
This person would not try to control their pervy behavior once they start talking and would pass insensitive comments about the other people involved.
So, if you feel such discomfort when talking to someone, ring the alarm inside your head! Yes! The pervert alert! Hopefully, the alarm ringing inside your head will deafen you and help prevent you from hearing those nasty comments and uncomfortable talks about sex.
4. Flashing Private Parts

I want to believe that everybody is quite proud of their personal assets. We store our assets like priceless possessions just for the right person. But Mr. Pervert likes to flash them to the entire world.
The brains of these people work differently. According to them, their private assets must be considered public property. Sounds kind of disgusting, right? These people will flash their private parts as if they are flashing a ray of light to a bright future.
If a person flashes his torch to you, tell him to shut his torch before shutting your eyes. Don’t forget to flash some real ray of light into his dumb brain so that he realizes what he did is wrong.
5. Pervert Message Alert!
Does your ‘friend’ in question send random pictures of his private parts? Well, Pervert Message Alert! Time to block!
And to all those who think this is a cool and decent version of flashing your private parts, let me tell you, it is not! It is equally inappropriate.
6. Locked Phone Galleries
Normally, people put passwords and locks on their apps. But think about it, why would people put locks on their gallery unless they have something to hide?
If someone puts locks on their phone gallery, they might be a pervert. But keep in mind that I do not mean you should go nosy and mind other people’s galleries. I’m just saying that they might have a stashed collection of nude pictures or a lot of porn videos.
So if you have doubts, you should sniff their pervy behavior, as I am pretty sure that you would not want to freak out seeing the number of nudes and porn videos after unlocking a gallery.
7. Those Weird, Out-Of-The-Blue Compliments
If a not-so-close friend of yours addresses you intimately, such as “Baby, I’ve been thinking about you” or “Sweetheart, I love the way you move,” look out!
Also, unwanted comments disguised as compliments about your body, which make you feel uncomfortable, also fall under this category.
Men don’t necessarily compliment out of the blue like that! Good guys do not give such compliments right away if they really respect you.
But a pervert has an impossible level of confidence to outrageously flirt with a stranger or someone they barely know and compliment them in a way that only brings discomfort. So don’t fall prey to this move.
8. A Peeping Tom

Is the person of interest a Peeping Tom? If yes, you better avoid them! A peeping tom will peep into your privacy with cheap tricks and without your consent.
And don’t forget that this peeping tom often ends up stalking as well. So be cautious and try to get rid of them before they reach dangerous levels of stalking and peeping.
9. Can See It in The Eyes
Have you ever gone to a feast with mind-blowing varieties of delicious cuisines and wanted to take a bite from all the dishes? That is what a pervert thinks when they see a pool of beautiful people. One could see the glint in their eyes like an eagle eyeing its prey.
If you spot that and feel an uneasiness, that is your gut feeling, and all you need to do is trust that feeling.
10. Goes All Touchy
Pervy behavior can express itself in different ways. Some men behave politely and assist women in the nicest possible way that one may stop and think, ‘What a gentleman!’.
But beware, these “Oh-what-a-gentleman” might turn out to be a pervert later!
Once they gain your trust, they go all touchy, leaving you mentally shocked and scarred for life. The memories will haunt you, so don’t be naive and trust no one.
11. Wants Sex Stories
It is quite normal and honest to speak about past relationships. It is also normal if someone is curious about your past and your relationships.
But if someone asks you about your sexual resume with all the graphic and gory details, beware! Think of all possible ways to end the talk and escape. They are a pervert!
There are more corrupt people out there than you would think. These people are extremely interested in sex stories and highly fantasize about them, too. But be careful and don’t give in to their ‘friendly’ talk because if they genuinely care about you, they won’t make you feel uncomfortable.
Wrapping Up – Navigating Pervert Territory
Keep this guide handy while navigating pervert territory. It will help you tune into your inner sensors and activate your detective mode to spot a pervert.
If you encounter one, don’t hesitate to call them out and rid your life of their uncomfortable presence. And if you have faced such unpleasant instances due to such individuals, don’t hesitate to seek support or justice. Remember, you aren’t alone in this.
And if, after reading this, you are worried that you, unknowingly, might be exhibiting such inappropriate behavior, it’s time to make some changes.
Last Updated on by Sathi