The Science Behind Falling In Love

Monimoyee Chakrabarty
3 Min Read

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People fall in and out of love all the time. Watching the behavior of these people change is amusing, one can almost never again catch them being so silly in other times. When in love, people smile for no reason. The sky seems bluer and the world- a happier place to live in. They lose their appetite and sleep; they keep talking about that one person all the time. No matter what the conversation is about, they will find a connection. While it can be amusing for the observers, it can get annoying for those who are in unhappy relationships or are single. 



Watching a person fall out of love or get betrayed by their lover is depressing. One sees them crying, listening to sad songs, sleeping and losing their faith in love. Some people can handle it better but still, they are a mess.

What causes this? Science can explain. Our hormones are responsible for all of this. When we see someone we are attracted to; our heart starts beating faster. We start sweating; our mouth becomes dry. Adrenaline is responsible for this. Dopamine rewards us by giving us immense pleasure. Hence, simple day to day activities with the loved one can make us extremely happy. Neurotransmitters Nor-epinephrine and Phenylethylamine make us remember the little things about our partner. These lead us to focus our attention on them. They are also responsible for the loss of appetite and sleep. Serotonin makes sure that the one is always on your mind. While love has all of these hormones playing a part, lust is aided by testosterone and estrogen. 


Oxytocin and Vasopressin are responsible for the feeling of attachment. Both are released when people in love have sex or are in physical contact. Oxytocin, the love hormone, helps strengthen the bond between two people, makes them feel connected and attached. Vasopressin strengthens the bond too and makes one protective.

When two people fall in love, they are said to become ‘blind.’ They start idealizing their partners, make excuses for their faults, exaggerate their virtues. They often believe that the bond they share is stronger than a bond shared any other couple in love. This phase lasts for a short time. 


Last Updated on by kalidaspandian

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