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What are the things to write in a journal? It’s a big question, right? Writing ideas are truly tough to find. Although we want to keep a journal and continue using it, we procrastinate and get out of topics.
Here are the 20 Best Points to Include in your Journal
1. Things to Write in a Journal: Your Past Self

Journaling is like a good habit, a habit that we all must have. Just like that, keeping track of your growth and progress is a good habit; it helps you with being productive, free writing, creative writing, and encourages you altogether. Journal is a good secret keeper, and you can write about your fear of studies or work today, read it after five years, and think about the progress and mental growth you have achieved.
2. Your Future Self

Humans long to be a perfectionist, some of us are. With the effort to perfectionism arrive questions of inadequacy and existentialism. Journals can keep your thoughts about yourself on their pages, what you want to be short, and the city you want to settle in, the kind of job you would prefer, the house you would like to build, and more.
3. Things to Write in a Journal: Things You Are Grateful For
Writing down the things you are grateful for is a great writing topic. Perhaps one thing every day, and write a little bit about it. It can improve your mental health condition, and you will find reasons to look forward to it. You must suggest this to the people who are trying to move on from any depressive scenarios of their life.
4. Idea of Your Ideal Day

We all go through days when we just sit down, do nothing, feel unproductive, and procrastinate. During those days, you should write down what motivates you to get your work done, what makes your day better, or just how you could have spent your day. So that when you read these pages later, you know just what to do to make your day productive.
5. Things to Write in a Journal: Confessions

Some of us are quite social, and some of us are absolute introverts. But we all have things that we are unable to talk out loud, any awkward situation that we are too ashamed to talk about, things that we think about at 3 am, and people we miss but do not want to talk about it with someone else. Write them down in your journal; share all the thoughts with your journal; use your journaling habit.
6. Add Your Favorite Quotes

Noting down quotes by your favorite author or quotes that you find inspiring, one quote every day can be life-changing; plus, it feels like taking annotations. You must try this with the novels you read, write down the lines you like the most and fill your journal.
7. Things to Write in a Journal: Mood Tracker

Along with a calendar for a week, month or year, the journal is the best to track your mood. Create a calendar, and then fill the box, which is the date with yellow color, if it was a happy day, or green if it was normal. You can be very creative with mood trackers, add little drawings and different colors.
8. Letter Writing

At times and in different situations, we tend to think about certain people. Hold your pen and write Dear … and start writing, write a letter to that person, if you do not want to disturb by texting or calling.
9. Things to Write in a Journal: Birth Dates

Journaling is a great idea to be creative with calendars, be it monthly, weekly, annual, and birthday calendars. Decorate the boxes of months with birth dates, small drawings, and stickers to make them look aesthetic and beautiful.
10. Daily Habits
Draw out some small boxes, and tick off your daily good habits, like studying for more than your general study hours, brushing your teeth twice, exercise, meditation, and more.
11. Things to Write in a Journal: De-Stress and Self-Care

Every individual has different ways to de-stress; it can be listening to music, reading books, binge-watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S, or going for an evening walk. Self-care is a very natural and healthy way of de-stressing. Make a list of all the things that helps you to de-stress and things you apply as a way of self-care.
12. Skills You Want to Learn

It can be something you want or learn after your final examination, a year, or when you get a job. It can be learning piano, guitar, or any other instrument, a new language, practicing a sport, or any dance form. Make a list of all the things you want to learn in your journal. It will work as a reminder in your everyday life.
13. Things to Write in a Journal: Your Childhood Memories

Journal is a great secret keeper, and it is there with you when you realize it is your time to write. You can write down your childhood memories, the bad memories, the embarrassing memories, and the good memories, all of it. You can add your little pictures from childhood taken by your parents with your first friend, your weird birthday outfits, siblings whom you miss, and more.
14. To-Do Lists

Designer Ryder Carroll needed a method of a private organization, as he was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder as a kid. So, he came up with the bullet journaling system, also known as BuJo. Journaling can help you with your everyday life, especially the students. BuJo helps you to note down your to-dos for the day, and it is a constant reminder which helps you get your works down and feel productivity at the end of the day while ticking the tasks off.
15. Things to Write in a Journal: Movies You Want To Watch

Journals are beautiful, and you can make them more creative by adding stickers, pictures, and drawings. Create a small drawing of your favorite genre on the corner and make a list of your favorite movies of all time, of the year, or the Netflix series you have watched recently.
16. Books You Want to Read
Make a list of books you want to read, along with the month and price, to have a better outlook of your expenses. Not only books, but you can also make a list of all the things you are spending your money on to know how much you have spent and saved.
17. Things to Write in a Journal: Your Favorite Songs, Books, Singers, and More

Make few lists in the journals of your favorite songs, favorite books, singers, places, and more. You can also add pictures of your favorite singer or writer and list down their works and about them to make it look more creative and aesthetic.
18. People You Admire

We all have some people in our lives that we look up to or admire. If you are a literature student or admire reading, you must admire Shakespeare, Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson, or other authors. If you are a student of psychology, you must have opinions about Sigmund Freud and his psychoanalysis.
Note down your opinions and thoughts about the people you admire in your journal, their childhood, mental health, success, works, and more. That sounds like a good idea, right?
19. Things to Write in a Journal: Your Future Goals

The only way you can achieve things is by keeping your goals clear. Write them down in your journal. Write down big goals, goals you want to achieve after five years. Write down small goals, the things you want to learn by the end of the year, the language you wish to learn after your semester, the subject you want to learn next, and the list can go on.
20. Places You’ve Visited

Don’t we all just miss being in places that we have visited once? Suddenly, in the middle of the day, while doing our daily duties, we miss certain places. In those days, you should write down about the places that you miss and wish to visit one more time and again and again.
In that way, you are continuing your daily writing habit and as well as noting down your feelings and filling your journal with your thoughts.
What else do you include in your journal? How do you decorate your journal? Do you like to add pictures and keep the memory of the moments? There are 100 journaling options and journaling ideas; which is your favorite?
Let us know in the comment below – THINGS TO WRITE IN A JOURNAL.
Last Updated on by ritukhare