To the People Who Think Arts Can’t Yield You a Good Future

Shristi Roy
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If you’re Indian and you’ve been to Indian family functions, which I’m quite sure you must’ve, you ought to have been asked questions about your life, its plans and all the likewise life-sucking questions.  Lord save you if you’re a teenager in the deciding years of your life and you’ve to stay surrounded by all those distant aunts and uncles giving you

Lord save you if you’re a teenager in the deciding years of your life and you’ve to stay surrounded by all those distant aunts and uncles giving you free suggestions and advises. The problem with our general society is that people still aren’t over the idea that Science alone isn’t the only path to a #bright future. By the way, what does a bright future mean anyway? Future is uncertain and no-one’s seen it, so how can choosing science as a subject confirm a person’s future happiness?

The problem with our general society is that people still aren’t over the idea that Science alone isn’t the only path to a #bright future. By the way, what does a bright future mean anyway? Future is uncertain and no-one’s seen it, so how can choosing science as a subject confirm a person’s future happiness?

To the People Who Think Arts Can’t Yield You a Good Future 2

Most people don’t have the job satisfaction in their lives today, why?  I’ll tell you why, because in the crucial years of their life, they weren’t given the choice to study what they wanted to.  It’s important to give a person their necessary freedom of thought and the freedom to express and execute those thoughts.

People need to get over the cliche idea that the one’s studying Arts took it maybe because they’re not “Intelligent enough” or don’t have “what it takes to do science”.  The mere fact that we compare two completely different streams is funny, because science cannot exist without arts and vice-versa.  There are people, who have always wanted to take up arts and not opted it just because their marks didn’t fetch them a subject in science. Yes, they exist! (Above examples are based on true events)

Image result for chasing dreams

Meet Ankita. Ankita wanted to take up History since she first got acquainted with it. But when she got 93% in her 10th Boards, she was told to take up Science ahead, since she had the necessary marks (basically, she had the marks to tell people she’s intelligent; sarcasm intended). She kept her dreams aside and took up science in +2, but she couldn’t do so well (obviously).  After this, she chased her passion, cleared entrances and opted Arts in college; History major. Her grades got better from the first exams itself. She has more job satisfaction today than she’d have had if she forced herself into science. Ankita is happy now.

She kept her dreams aside and took up science in +2, but she couldn’t do so well (obviously).  After this, she chased her passion, cleared entrances and opted Arts in college; History major. Her grades got better from the first exams itself. She has more job satisfaction today than she’d have had if she forced herself into science. Ankita is happy now.

You can do well in something that interests you, something that you connect with, only then can one truly succeed, if success refers to happiness.  The common misconception is that people in arts have to struggle a lot before they get a decent position, but tell me what about the engineers studying it from Bla Bla College and joining jobs with a 12K package? Hadn’t they taken up science?

And there’s so much more to Arts than English hons. and UPSC preparations.

To the People Who Think Arts Can’t Yield You a Good Future 3

The subject spectrum is very wide and diverse. From Psychology to Geography, from Philosophy to Pol. Science to Archaeology, from Travel and Tourism to Economics to Sociology, there’s a large spectrum to choose from.

We need wider mindsets and the ability to respect every kind of stream and to openly accept things a little more.  (Also, I’ve talked about science and arts objectively, because it’s what most people in India talk about, thus would relate more.)

Last Updated on by Icy Tales Team

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