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We have been witnessing a thousand “awwww” moments while movies and serials. Be it the iconic pose when a girl falls and suddenly out of nowhere the boy comes and take holds of her, or when a the girl is surrounded by some rustic goons and the hero rescues her. Though I, personally have never witnessed any of these in real life but some of them are listed below which make you go “WOOOOWWW”.
(P.S.- Not an “aww” girl. I prefer woowww” :-P)
That first eye contact.
This is something which makes me fall in love every time I think of it. There is something very special about it the first time when you talk through eyes and they speak volumes, volumes of love. The kind of love which can never be spoken through the lips.
The “Confession”.
This is something we all wait for. That D-Day, when everything is somehow changed. No matter how close friends you both have earlier been, the confession of love brings you two a bit more closer.
(P.S.- And if it’s over the phone, then the next meeting is awkwardly cute :-P)
His oversized clothes for her.
Though his clothes rarely fit her, yet a girl looks best in his man’s clothes. Somehow it’s the best outfit where she is practically comfortable because its loose and emotionally he is always with her in some form. I guess every girl has once asked for this from his man.
When he helps her with her stuff.
This is the best thing, wherein a man helps his girl with her stuff, somewhat like tying the shoelaces. It was during a trek that I saw this boy, who bent down to tie up the shoelaces of his girl. And that boy was a huge gym going well-built person, a kind of person I least expect such behavior from.
The first time she prepares food for him.
Trust me guys, this still holds a special place in every girl’s heart. The time when she prepares something for her man for the first time. Unaware of things, she is nervous as to how far did he like the food. And the man’s reaction is all she is waiting for. (and obviously for a positive one”).
Holding hands.
No matter how far have you been into your relationship mentally, physically and emotionally, holding hands of your beloved is something which remains most chaste feeling forever. It gives a sense of protection, a feeling that yes everything is fine. And yes, the first time when the two hold hands is worth capturing. The moments, how slowly-slowly the touching hands get entangled together.
A little bit of jealousy is good. Yes, it makes you feel wanted. I personally love it when my man sometimes gets jealous of my close friends. It is somehow lovely, like the point where I want to express my deepest love to him, that says “don’t worry dear, I am only yours”.
These are some of the most touching and cute moments which occur in every relationship. Do tell us what was the cutest moment of your relationship and if it is any of the aforesaid please mention.
Last Updated on by Icy Tales Team