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Most probably every one of you has heard the term “Twin Flame”. But possibly ignore it with a thought that it is a synonym for a soulmate or life partner but actually it is a much more deep and intense term. The terms twin flame and soulmate seem synonymous to each other so people use them identically but they are not the same.
Although they have similarities yet love and connection between twin flames is beyond what you can think of, it cannot be described in words still we will discuss What is a Twin Flame? so you understand it in a better way.
Every relation, every connection either a relation of friendship or of a romantic relationship, teach us valuable lessons in life. A connection of twin flames is considered an ideal or inspirational relationship. It not only teaches you but supports you to grow in your life.
It is possible that everyone has a twin flame but it is difficult to meet with your twin flame, it needs the power to connect with your twin flame that’s why only powerful souls experience meeting their twin flames.
So according to experts “A twin flame is a very deep and intense connection with a person who is your soul twin” and hence also known as “Mirror Soul”. Experts further added that a twin flame is your own soul in a different body. You need to be a little spiritual to understand this concept.
It is based on the concept that when a soul splits into more than one part when they are created, they are like mirrors of each other and hence yearn to meet and connect again.
What Is The Purpose Of Twin Flame?

The main purpose of twin flames is to encourage each other towards spiritual growth and to wake your soul up. Basically, the main feature of twin flame relations is that you will experience both challenging and healing phrases. The reason behind this is the mirroring nature of your twin flame, as mentioned earlier they are your mirror soul.
So they will reveal to you your insecurities, your fears, and your darker side although they will support you to overcome them and you will also work vice versa for them. The purpose of finding your twin love is to lower your baggage, to grow more quickly in your life, this will lead you towards self-love.
True self-love is accepting yourself the way you are, so on one side you will grow but on the other hand, this will become challenging for you as you will discover your fears, insecurities, and weak points of yourself. Another aspect of this phase is that it will draw your attention to spiritual growth that possibly becomes difficult for you to face.
You will experience the things or situations that you don’t want to deal with, self-doubt, your deficiencies, and the reason for all this is the presence of your twin flame in your life. Although they don’t do anything to make you feel like that yet you feel inadequacy within yourself.
How Is Twin Flame Love Different From Others?
Twin Flame relations are very unique, it is actually soul split which means one soul in different bodies, so it is obviously different from other love, you will not experience the same connection and bond with anyone else in this world.
Comparing it with soulmates, so your soul mate relationships may be romantic but the intensity can not be compared with the one of a twin flame. Savvas explained it by saying “Every soul has its own sound/tune, soul mates can have a tune that is similar or closely related to the tune of their partner but your twin flame will have the same tune as yours because you both have the same soul”.
Also, twin flames are not necessarily romantic. You can find your twin flame in a friend, in a mentor. Your mind wants to convert it into a love story as the vibe and connection make us feel that it will work out very easily.
But it does not always work like that, the twin flame relation is specially designed and your soul needs the power to be with them, as the relation with the twin flame helps you to develop self-love, and understanding of your energy, and encourages you towards spiritual growth. It is a myth that they make you complete, in reality, you are complete in yourself but they help to be more whole and complete within yourself.
What Signs Will You Receive When You Find Your Twin Flame?

Every relationship gives butterflies, uniqueness, spark, and sleepless nights, together with a combination of emotions like love, excitement, and happiness, sometimes you have clear thoughts, and other times a confused mind. All this in every new relationship but what are the signs that you are sharing a relationship with your twin flame? So here are 10 signs that will clear your mind for your queries related to twin flame connection:-
1. Your Soul Will Recognise Them Instantly
When you meet your twin flame you will feel intense attraction, spark, and a sense of recognition on just a glance. It will make you feel at your home. You will experience a bond that you already know even if you saw them for the first time.
2. You Balance Each Other
You guys probably share many similarities with each other but there are some differences as well. When you find someone who complements those differences, handle it wisely then he/she is your twin flame. As twin flame is your mirror soul, you will be easily aware of how your bond with them affects your inadequacies or shadows and vice-versa.
3. You Will Feel Magnetism
People with twin flame connections will experience a deep sense of attraction toward them. The moment you meet them you will feel a different vibe, a physical attraction when you guys are together and when you are not together then also you can feel attraction for them. Although their energy will remain with you yet you will experience an urge to be closer.
4. You Will Notice Various Similarities
Both of you will notice that you share a lot of things in common, especially your past experiences. The stories of your past have a lot in common, like similar situations, interests, values, and much more.
5. Your Insecurities and Fears Are Augmented
Your twin flame purpose as discussed earlier is to encourage and support you to attain an understanding of yourself, to complete your divine purpose that is possible only with spiritual growth. Hence, this relationship with twin flames will augment your problems by discovering your deepest fears and insecurities. All you need to do is to heal, overcome those inadequacies, and grow.
6. You Will Receive Support For Growth
Although their presence challenges your weakness, they also help you to heal from those insecurities. They push you to become the better version of yourself. You do the same for them, push them to grow in their life and achieve new heights of success.
7. Experience Of A Thunderous Relationship
Imagine how adventurous a combination you and your mirror soul are. Sharing a bond with another you is not easy, instead, it will be challenging. You have to deal with other versions of yourself or the parts of your nature that you don’t like much. Everything will not be smooth every time. You will experience various ups and downs, but facing and solving them facilitates incredible growth for both partners.
8. Keep Running Into Each Other
This point of the relationship is called “The Chase”. As twin flames help in discovering each other, this may arise fear, aggression, and insecurities. Basically, you can experience an on-off relationship with your soul twin as well. There are some things that will attract you to each other randomly. Even after weeks, months, or even after years you guys find a way to get back with each other.
9. An Intense and Divine Connection
You and your mirror soul feel so much in common that you feel a connection between souls, this feeling is so deep and intense that cannot be defined in words. The presence of a sensation of passion and intensity makes you feel a divine connection that you are connected by power, this strong bond and relation are also known as a “karmic relationship”.
10. You Share Psychic Connection With Them
You and your mirror soul can communicate without words, looking at each other is enough sometimes. You can feel what the other person is thinking or feeling about the particular situation.
Whenever you experience the above-mentioned signs you’ve possibly met your twin flame. You will feel a deep soul connection, your true twin flame will help you in spiritual awakening, and you will experience an intense relationship. Such relationships are possibly romantic relationships. You will experience an instant recognition of a deep longing for soulmate connection.
Twin Flame Stages

There are 8 stages in a mirror soul relationship. It is unique when it comes to your twin flame depending upon their involvement. Following are the 8 common stages of a twin flame relationship:-
1. The Yearning Phase
Prior to the time when you meet each other, you know that there is someone out there who is just like you and waiting only for you. During this time you work on yourself, and you prepare yourself to meet your twin flame.
2. When you finally meet
This is the second stage of a relationship. Be prepared to feel numb, excited, and insanely attracted to them. You can’t just stop yourself from thinking about them after you meet them. Both of you want to spend a lot of time together.
3. Twin Flames Honeymoon Phase
Twin Flames have this phase as well. During this phase, the bond starts becoming more meaningful and positive. But how long this feeling stays depends upon the partners. Their maturity and ability to handle the challenges.
4. When Challenges Arise
There are ups and downs in all relationships. Some experience it early and others experience it later, the intensity of those ups and downs depends upon the understanding of partners. As twin flame is your mirror soul, besides working on relationships you need to improve yourself as well to maintain your bond.
5. The Testing Phase
Once you start getting deep into the ocean of your feelings and your shadow, you will experience that your love needs to be proven now, your fear and insecurities will boost when you question each other. In this phase, one of you possibly tries to avoid you to avert the circumstances while the other will feel emotional issues.
6. Chasing Phase
This phase is a sort of separation of twin flames. In this phase, one partner will walk away from another, there is a lot of push and pull between partners. Although chasing even after the push results in a reward for both, if one of you will pull the other one away, it will result in separation.
7. Surrender Phase
In this phase, after chasing each other for years, when all the push and pull will stop, all the issues will resolve. Both of you worked well with all the insecurities, fears, and challenges. You just surrender yourself in this phase that becomes a game-changer for both of you. You accept your partner as the way he/she is, with all their positives and flaws. This brings both of you together again.
8. Back To Pavilion
Now both of you accept your destinies and feel light. Life will be balanced again. You will experience more understanding, bond, sharing, and love in the relationship. You support each other, help and love each other and grow together.
Are Twin Flame Relationships And Soul Mates Different?
These terms are used identically but they are different. The connection between twin flames is different, it is more intense as they are one soul in different physical appearances. This is the biggest difference between both although soul mates are similar in various aspects and share a great bond whereas twin flames are one soul that was separated after creation.
Twin Flames bring you closer to yourself, this will bring changes in yourself. Soul mates are a sort of giving and take relationship and hence they are not always meant to be in a romantic relationship. You can find your soulmate in friendship, family members or any other loved one.
Are You In A Relationship With Your Twin Flame?

According to psychologists following signs indicate a twin flame relationship:-
- A sensation deep within yourself that you’re meeting yourself.
- Various similarities between you two but sometimes you will feel the presence of weird things.
- Deep and inexpressible connection.
- Presence of growth aspiration
- Growing yourself is a priority instead of a relationship.
- When you meet your twin flame you will experience various sudden changes in your life.
Test To Check If You Found Your Twin Flame Or Not
Ask the below-mentioned questions to yourself to find out if you are with your twin flame or not:
- What things or habits of this person make you feel familiar? Is it healthy or positive?
- What changes do you notice in yourself when you are with him/her?
- Is this really a unique connection?
- Do I feel Deja Vu when he/she is around me?
- Do I panic or get thrilled with that person?
Some Facts To Keep In Mind
Sometimes confusion arises between twin flames especially in cases when partners are self-centered as they don’t want to be codependent in a relationship.
Narcissists or self-centered people are good at hitting the weakness or unmet needs of people. That’s how they survive with others. They hardly give attention and typically appreciate others. So it is difficult to feel that you are important to them.
Self-centered people do not think much about others’ feelings so whenever they experience a dull or low phase, instead of solving it together they push you away that will possibly tear you down.
These problems are usually experienced by many people in their relationships. So people misappropriate that they are with their twin flame and instead it could be a relationship with a narcissist.
As described above in the chaser phase, one person pushes away the other person. You will experience the same in a relationship with narcissists. That is why people get confused in their relationship. To avoid these circumstances you need clarity within yourself, constant personal growth, and spiritual growth.
When someone is in love, they want their relationship to work anyhow even when it becomes toxic. So they name these dynamics as ‘twin flames’ to justify their actions, says Vallejos.
Believing in twin flame relationships sometimes risks your opportunities, people keep waiting in the obsession that they are supposed to be with their twin flame, they delay marriage and sometimes end up spoiling a healthy relationship.
Questions Related To Twin Flames:
Here are a few questions related to the twin flame reunion.
Do Twin Flames Always Romantic?
They are romantic and attracted to each other. They are just like soul mates even more than that. They are not an only romantic partners but they are spiritually connected to each other. They help each other to grow spiritually and in every other aspect of their lives.
Is There Only One Twin Flame?
Twin flames are two halves of one soul. When the same soul is separated in different physical appearances they form twin flames, so yes you can only have one twin flame. Also, this is a topic of debate. So the rest depends on your definition of the twin flame.
Is It Necessary That Everyone Have A Twin Flame?
No, it is not necessary that everyone have a twin flame. Instead, it is a rare and unique connection. Also, not everyone experiences attraction towards the other part of the soul as it hasn’t separated this way.
Can The Relationship Of Twin Flame Become Toxic Too?
Yes, they can also become toxic. They are your mirror soul, their own problems, and habits, possibly result in an imbalance of relationship. When twin flames are not together they experience a hard time functioning. These aspects make them interdependent, which is sometimes not healthy to accept and hence becomes toxic.
When Do Twin Flames Meet Each Other?
The ultimate purpose of a twin flame is to grow on a spiritual path. Most of the time it is divinely set when both will meet, also it depends on the power when your inner self is ready to grow and face the challenges on this path.
What Happens In Case You Don’t Meet Your Mirror Flame?
Mirror souls are meant to meet and reunite with each other. But this doesn’t mean that they will always meet. Sometimes they don’t recognize each other, other times they are not ready for this, there is probably a lack of growth and power that is necessary for the reunion.
Final Note
Proper self-love, self-worth, and awareness are necessary for both twin flames otherwise it will become incredibly challenging for them to maintain the relationship or to face the challenges that will come on their path to reunion. It is necessary to love each other unconditionally, instead, people keep focusing on the negative parts of the relationship.
A twin flame is unique, rare, and a real powerful relation. They are strong but still need effort and support from each other because they are breakable. Also, it is important to work on your own yourself as well the individual growth is necessary as codependent relationships become toxic. Once you successfully win the battle and challenges you will experience peace, harmony, an overwhelming feeling, and lots of love in your lives.
But before that, you will experience various hurdles, ups, and downs in your life and relationship. You need to cross them patiently, with your inner power. You found your perfect match now you just need to attain the best version of yourself, together with caring for the other person’s emotions and you will successfully make your relationship work.
Last Updated on by NamitaSoren