9 Signs You Have Been Trapped In Your Relationship!

Shradha Ghosh
12 Min Read

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Relationships are golden
But sometimes they are blue
and if you don’t know the difference
the fault lies in you!

Do you feel Trapped In Your Relationship?

No man is an island. Human beings are born as social beings. The need to affiliate with others and connect with others is an innate desire ingrained from birth. Relationships, be it of any form, are essential to one’s emotional makeup and psychological well-being.

Research has provided compelling evidence to show how positive relationships contribute to a longer, healthier, and much happier life. The more we feel connected to someone we love, the happier we feel, and the higher is our level of personal satisfaction and contentment. The shared sense of belonging helps develop an understanding of personal meaning in life. Besides their biological purpose, romantic relationships help provide a sense of worth, love, care, acceptance, mutual recognition, and personal gratification.

However, being in a successful and positive relationship may not always seem as straightforward as it looks. Instead of building one up and encouraging one to become a better person through the relationship, the relationship may make individuals feel trapped and imprisoned mentally, emotionally, and physically. By doing so, the relationship tends to do more harm than good.


1. You feel lonely even with them around (Trapped In Your Relationship)

A young woman lying on the bed alone and feeling lonely
By fizkes/ Shutterstock

In the beginning, when he was with you, it was all you ever needed. But now it feels like empty air surrounds you, and you look everywhere except him while talking like your eyes seek something else.

This overwhelming sense of separation and loneliness distorts how we view the other individual, and we tend to devalue the relationship and its meaning. Partners may feel distant and different from one another.

They may be present physically in one place but fail to connect emotionally and mentally with their significant other. Instead of feeling happy, ecstatic, and satisfied, the person is overwhelmed by feelings of sadness, anger, resentment and may withdraw from social activity.

2. You don’t want to share things with him anymore (Trapped In Your Relationship)

Earlier, you wanted to share even the tiniest of change or event in your life with him. If anything happened, he would be the first person who’d pop into your mind to tell! It became less important to say things to him with time. You both carry on with your lives like two parallel rail tracks, permanently close by but never near enough!

Relationships help foster a sense of self-esteem and positive self-worth. Having someone to vent to and listening to you when you express your opinions helps boost a sense of self-acceptance and self-recognition. A positive sense of self-esteem and self-recognition help steer one’s emotional and psychological development positively. It also ensures a sense of personal satisfaction, self-reflection, and validation.

However, when relationships turn toxic and conflicted, the innate desire to share things with the other person and the desire to communicate and share time and space die. You no longer view the individual and their opinion as significant as before. Individuals become socially and emotionally cold, withdrawn, and isolated and a high level of self-sufficiency and self-dependency develops.

3. You don’t find his life as attractive as you used to (Trapped In Your Relationship)

Trapped In Your Relationship. A young woman out on a date ignoring her partner
By Prostock-studio/ Shutterstock

In the beginning, you enjoyed your differences, you found him funny, laid back, and cute, but now his jokes sound lame, his laid back is lazy, and pretty is simply pathetic! He looks plain and non-interesting.

Having someone to connect, bond, and laugh with at the end of the day can instill feelings of love, affection, and extreme support. However, passion and romance often diminish over time, and the relationship loses its ‘spark.’ Both partners stop making an effort.

The relationship loses its spontaneity, and spending time together feels mundane and monotonous. Feelings of uncertainty about the future of the relationship begin to creep in. Partners stop communicating and expressing their feelings and emotions with each other. They begin to take the relationship and each other for granted.

4. You feel disconnected (Trapped In Your Relationship)

A young couple feeling distant with each other at a coffee shop
By wavebreakmedia/ Shutterstock

The twin connection, the spark that pulled you towards him, is now just gone! And you wonder why you liked him in the first place (it is a blunt statement, I know, but all of us think that at some point!).

Uncertainty and Doubts about whether the relationship will work begin to arise. You find it more and more challenging to connect with and relate to the other person emotionally.

The relationship loses stability, and the individual feels happier on his own than when he thinks of being with the other individual. Both partners feel distant, and the relationship loses significance, value, and priority.

5. You get angry at small things (Trapped In Your Relationship)

Couple quarrelling with one another
By VGstockstudio/ Shutterstock

Even the most minor things like leaving the toilet seat up can put you off and make you go super mad at him! Even when you are not PMSing, you feel pissed off around him, and it is a signal that you want out somewhere in your heart.

Physical anger is a symbolic expression of how you feel emotionally. Instead of accepting and celebrating the other person’s flaws, the individual is triggered and angered by every minor mistake. A slight miscommunication can result in the most fierce fights and arguments.

6. You don’t feel like yourself anymore (Trapped In Your Relationship)

You feel like you have lost yourself way back in the relationship. You think about your older livelier self and pity the whining, obnoxious person you have become.

In the beginning, individuals become so focused on the other individual that they lose all sense of autonomy, self, and independence. This loneliness can foster feelings of anxiety, resentment, hopelessness, uncertainty, melancholy, and discouragement.

Individuals fail to prioritize and balance what’s important for the relationship and essential for the individual self-growth. Partners are so used to focusing on the other individual that they fail to realize their hobbies and passions and what’s best for their self-care.

7. You don’t feel like jumping at him anymore! (Trapped In Your Relationship)

No more does he look like the most attractive man on earth. The honeymoon phase has passed, and there’s barely any cuddling or kissing. Partners lose their passion and infatuation for their significant other.

Partners start to feel unhappy with each other within the relationship. The realization that all relationships take consistent effort and hard work even when things get boring wears off. They no longer feel the need to spend all the time together. Everything feels boring and repetitive, usually followed by an excuse – “Not in the mood.”

8. You look for reasons to stay (Trapped In Your Relationship)

Finally, when your mind gives in to leaving, you think about reasons to stay. Like the last resort, it runs to all the initial picture-perfect memories so you can save yourself from the hurt of a failed relationship.

Partners start to experience insecurity, anxiety, and self-doubt, believing that no one would ever tolerate or ‘put up with them the way their current partner has. They choose to continue the relationship even when it is unhealthy because of self-focused reasons, i.e., money, time, and effort invested in the relationship or unavailability of better’ alternatives.

9. You can’t leave because you feel he doesn’t deserve to be left (Trapped In Your Relationship)

Even though you’ve had terrible times, you know it’s nobody’s fault deep inside. He is still a good guy who has done nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve to be left just because you grew apart emotionally.

Humans are born with flaws. It is in their innate nature. People often remain in toxic relationships as they believe that the other person is a good person beneath every mistake in the relationship. They avoid all reason and logic to discontinue the relationship and find excuses to help themselves feel better about staying.

They also often decode to continue the relationship, even though it is toxic, because of the belief that their partner is entirely dependent on the relationship and would thereby be emotionally and physically devastated if they were to end it. In such concerns, they focus less on self-care and self-health and more on how others feel.

Relationships make one feel happy and satisfied. If they do more harm than good, they can be toxic to any person’s emotional and mental health.

If you face these feelings, it’s time to seriously reflect and reconsider your relationship, be open with your significant other about these feelings, and know if he feels the same. Give it another chance or forgive, forget and start new! 

Communication is key. Ask for professional help if required. Talking and venting to a therapist helps sort out a lot of emotional baggage and trauma. Communicate and express how you feel with your partner. All relationships can be repaired if treated with a sense of love, compassion, care, and understanding, 

Writer – Anna.

Last Updated on by kalidaspandian

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