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When thinking of attractiveness, the first thing we think about is looks. It is not a lie when we say looks determine our attractiveness. However, what one person finds beautiful, others may not, making looks play a small part in the game of attraction.
A recent study proved that men who established successful connections with women did so by displaying specific non-verbal behaviors. Such as:
- Short glances at the woman and eye contact to signal interest.
- Taking more space by moving their body.
- Making less close body movements.
These behaviors all have a common factor behind them. That is, they all show confidence. Other than that, they show social skills and assertiveness. We can say that women find confident men more attractive than other men.
But is being attractive to a woman as simple as being confident? Are there other things that can help a man become attractive to women? If so, what are those things? Let’s find out in this article!
1. What Makes a Man Attractive to Women?
There are quite a few qualities that cause a guy to be more attractive to women. While these qualities vary from woman to woman, there are certain traits that most women find desirable in men.
1.1. The Physical Characteristics That Make a Man Attractive
There are a few physical features that make a man attractive. A man can have a few attractive features to attract the opposite sex.
1.1.1. Look Older

Psychologists in Scotland have found that women tend to find older men more attractive. This has been named the George Clooney Effect.
Previously, studies have found that women tend to emphasize a man’s ability to provide for them, while men emphasize the importance of good looks. However, a new study revealed that their tastes change as women earn more and gain independence.
The lead researcher of the study, Dr. Fhionna Moore, said that they assumed that as women earn more, they would prefer younger men rather than older. However, the preference for age difference has not changed regardless.
This study was conducted online with 3770 participants consisting of an equal number of heterosexual men and women. They were asked questions regarding their background, their personal situation, and how independent they are financially.
In order of importance, the participants were asked to rank a series of criteria, including physical attractiveness, finance, and humor. These results did not match their income and financial independence.
The study showed that even though men and women show similar behavior as women earn more, it only goes as far as the importance of physical attraction. The similarities stop there, women still prefer older attractive men.
1.1.2. Grow a Light Beard

Facial hair has always influenced people’s judgments of a man’s socio-sexual attributes. Being a highly sexually dimorphic androgen-dependent trait, it varies markedly among men. Facial hair growth begins at puberty and continues throughout adulthood, often considered a sign of maturity and masculinity.
On one hand, beards are associated with positive attributes of self-confidence, courage, sincerity, generosity, and perseverance. On the other hand, they are judged as less appealing socially and more aggressive.
In 2013, a study was conducted by the University of New South Wales, where the researchers had 351 heterosexual women look at the images of 10 men in either one of four conditions:
- Clean-shaven
- Light stubble
- Heavy stubble
- Full beard
The study concluded that it was a heavy stubble that women find attractive while deeming others less attractive.
The study also found that beards affect the judgments of male socio-sexual attributes and that an intermediate level of beardedness is seen as the most attractive.
Thus, we can say that a light beard can increase facial attractiveness in most guys. Based on his physical features, it can increase the sex appeal in most men, making a man physically attractive.
1.1.3. Build Muscles but Not Too Much

Most men have this misconception that they need bigger muscles to attract women. However, this is only partly true. The opposite sex is attracted to men who are muscular but not overly so.
In 2007, a study was conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles, where 286 women were asked to look at the photos of shirtless men and indicate whom they preferred best as long-term and short-term partners.
The results showed that women love men with bigger muscles as their short-term partners. The researchers, David A. Frederick and Martie G. Haselton, took this as another way to tell that women preferred a less muscular man to be a better fit as a long-term partner.
The study concludes that women find a muscular man sexually attractive but not suitable for a long-term relationship as they are less likely to commit. While traditionally, less attractive men are more likely to commit to a long-term relationship. Thus, women prefer a less muscular man as their long-term partner.
1.1.4. Show off Your Scars
Scarring results from healing after most types of dermal injury in mammals. Stores are hypothesized to be necessary for an injury’s quick, optimal healing. They also provide visible evidence of past trauma and illness.
In some cultures, scars are considered a symbol of inner strength and are considered battle scars. According to those cultures, scars can increase facial attractiveness, giving the bearer an attractive face.
However, a study by researchers at the University of Liverpool and the University of Stirling in 2009 might make you reconsider it.
The researchers took images of 24 male and 24 female undergraduates. They then digitally manipulated half of the images so that the subject appeared to have facial scars caused by an injury.
Then, another group of around 200 heterosexual undergraduates, both males and females, were recruited. The participants were asked to rate all the people in the images based on their attractiveness for long-term and short-term relationships.
The results showed that women found men with facial scars to appear slightly more attractive for short-term relationships. However, women did not prefer a man with scars as a long-term partner. Men’s ratings of these physically attractive women remained unaffected.
While it was a small study, the research showed that scars advertise valuable information about the person under certain circumstances, which can positively or negatively impact human behavior.
This study also revealed that women found men with scars attractive for short-term relationships.
1.2. The Personality Traits That Women Find Attractive in Men
Having a great personality can make a man attractive physically. Here are a few human behaviors that an attractive man has.
1.2.1. Kindness

People usually perceive physically attractive people positively and are treated as such. This human behavior is dubbed the Halo effect.
Psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman notes that the Halo effect works the other way around. Kind people are often perceived as attractive, even if they are average in terms of looks. Not only that but kindness is considered one of the most attractive personality traits.
A study was done in China in 2014, where one hundred and twenty participants were present. Among them, sixty were men, and forty were women. They were divided into three groups of 40 participants each.
They were then asked to look at the images of men’s and women’s faces and rate them on attractiveness. After two weeks, the participants were asked to rate themselves again, and the results showed no significant changes. However, during the second rating, a significant change was found in the results.
The study concluded that people find “what is good is beautiful,” we can presume that personalities can contribute to judging facial attractiveness and vice-versa.
We can say that altruistic men are generally perceived as attractive as potential partners. Additionally, many women consider kindness one of the most desirable qualities.
Thus, it makes sense why most women tend to prefer nice guys over bad boys, especially when it comes to personality.
1.2.2. Sense of Humor

Humor and physical attractiveness are two things that indicate the desire for future interaction in different heterosexual relationships.
Multiple experiments show that in heterosexual dynamics, women are more likely to meet a man in the future if they find it humorous. The more a woman laughs in a conversation, the more interested she is in meeting the man in the future.
A study found that humor was rated more desirable in partners when looking for serious relationships and marriage. However, this was only true with physically attractive individuals.
Another study was done to find the correlation between physical attraction and humor. This study showed that both genders preferred someone with a good sense of humor as their partner. Studies found that men prefer women who find themselves funny, while women love men who make them laugh.
In this study, the researchers asked the students to indicate the importance of their partners and their ability to make each other laugh.
The results found that women gave importance to both- their partner’s sense of humor and ability to make their partner laugh, while men only showed interest in their ability to make their partner laugh.
1.3. The Other Attractive Qualities of Men that Women Find Attractive
1.3.1. Wear Red

Females are attracted to the red color of male conspecifics in many non-human species of vertebrates. The color is considered a signal of male status in many non-human vertebrates, and females showed a mating preference for such males. This attraction was found even when the red was displayed artificially on males.
People were curious to see if there was a parallel between human and non-human females’ responses to male red.
For this reason, a cross-cultural study was conducted in 2010, consisting of seven experiments. This study consisted of participants from China, England, the United States of America, and Germany.
In one of the experiments in the study, fifty-five female undergraduate women were asked to look at photos of a man wearing either a red or green shirt. They were asked to rate his attractiveness.
The experiment showed that the man in the red shirt was rated a bit more attractive than when wearing the green shirt.
Multiple experiments concluded that women find men more attractive in red clothing. The participants showed no awareness of the influence of the color.
The study also concluded that the red color has aesthetic value and has a meaningful impact on psychological functioning in subtle and provocative ways.
1.3.2. Play Good Music
Charles Darwin was the first to argue that birdsong and human music, which have no survival benefits, were obviously for sexual selection. While the first contention is universally accepted, the latter hasn’t received the same attention.
A study was done in 2014 by researchers at the University of Sussex to find the influence of music in the selection of their partner. This study also found a correlation between music, the menstrual cycle, and mate choice.
The results showed that women have sexual preferences for composers of complex music when they are ovulating. This is attributed to the changes in hormone levels and finding an appropriate mate for mating.
In non-human animals, the ability to create complex music is attributed to more excellent musical aptitude, which indicates higher general intelligence, making them a perfect partner.
In humans, women have been keen on choosing composers who create complex music as their mating partners. However, this was only noticed when selecting potential partners for sexual relationships and not meaningful long-term ones.
The researchers found that an individual’s ability to make more complex music was not considered a valued skill in long-term mates.
1.3.3. Wear Scented Deodorant

Body order in humans is essential in modulating their self-perception and interactions with individuals. Artificial fragrances have been used for centuries to manipulate personal odors. However, its nature and extent of influence on a person’s perception have been relatively unexplored.
A small study was published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science in 2009 to find how scents affect an individual. One group of male undergraduates was given a scented deodorant spray, and another group was provided with a non-fragranced one.
Over the next few days, the first group of men were found to report that they felt more confident and attractive.
The other part of the study showed silent videos of these men to a group of women. The women tend to prefer men who wore the scented spray more attractive.
The researchers concluded that the men who used their scented spray seemed more confident, which, as a result, made them appear more attractive.
1.3.4. Consume Garlic

We know the smell of garlic on our breaths is a great way to make people avoid you. However, many recent studies have found that garlic may have a positive effect on body odor.
In one such study, researchers gave eight men a piece of bread with cheese and 12 grams of fresh garlic, and another eight men consumed the same things except the garlic.
Then, they were asked to wear axillary pads for half a day to collect body odor. They were under strict instruction to avoid the use of fragrances and deodorants.
The next day, the researchers asked 40 women to smell the pads and rate the odor on attractiveness, pleasantness, intensity, and masculinity. Interestingly, the results showed that the group that consumed the garlic was rated to be more pleasant and attractive and less masculine and intense.
Another study found that increased garlic consumption resulted in a more attractive, pleasant, and less intense odor. The studies indicated that garlic consumption might positively affect the hedonicity of the perceived body odor, which can be because it makes a person have a healthy immune system.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to be more confident?
An invaluable trait that also makes a man attractive is confidence. To gain more confidence in your skin, you can try these tips:
- Set and achieve your goals.
- Have a good posture.
- Take care of your appearance
- Practice self-awareness.
How do you look physically more attractive?
To appear more attractive, get a haircut that suits your face shape and keeps your skin clear. Wear clothes that suit you, preferably red and black. Work out regularly to achieve a leaner and muscular physique. Maintaining a good posture and good hygiene makes a man attractive.
How to be fitter?
The fitness level a person wants to achieve is your choice. However, there are certain things a person can do to be fitter, such as consuming lots of protein, taking supplements, and having lots of water. Besides a healthy diet, an active lifestyle is as important as working out regularly. Pack it up with an adequate amount of sleep.
How to be more mature?
Older men are considered mature as they can control their emotions and respond appropriately to situations. To be more mature, develop self-control and keep your commitments. Make thoughtful decisions and be humble. Risk-takers have a certain level of maturity. Persistent and respecting others is also a sign of maturity.
How to look older?
Looking older, especially when you have a baby face, can increase your attractiveness. Try to show maturity through body language. Wear clothes that age you up, and try growing a light beard. Develop your conversational skills and speak maturely. Bulking up and clearing acne can also make you look older.
How to be kinder?
Kindness is a really attractive quality. To be kinder to others, be kind to yourself first. Practice empathy and try to see the other side of the situation. Lastly, try to be supportive of others and not judge anyone.
How to be funnier?
To be funnier, you can research different comedic styles and practice them. Find an appropriate situation and the right audience and make them laugh. Work on your timing and sometimes make jokes at your own expense. Avoid memorizing or retelling older jokes and aggressive humor, as it might not be for everyone.
The Game of Attraction
From this article, we can conclude that what makes a man attractive to women is more than his looks. While it is true that a man’s looks play a part in his attractiveness, his personality, how he acts around others, and how he carries himself make him attractive to women.
Multiple studies have shown that there are a lot of things that can make a man attractive to women. Some that we have always known, while others are a bit newer.
Wearing red is attractive to both men and women, while kindness is always appreciated.
Newer things that researchers have found are pretty surprising. Who knew that music impacts how women perceive men or that applying scented deodorant can change a woman’s perspective of men?
The most surprising might be that of eating garlic. No one would have guessed that eating garlic can increase a man’s attractiveness to women.
All these points, along with a pleasant personality and a man’s non-verbal behavior, can make him more or less attractive.
Please remember that all these traits are based on a general observation, and not all women find them attractive. What makes men attractive to one might be a complete turn-off for others.
Many men try to change themselves completely to be seen as attractive to the opposite sex. However, the best way to become an attractive man is to be the best version of yourself.
Last Updated on by Sathi