When Should You Start Celebrating Christmas?

Yukti Thakur
8 Min Read

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Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way…..”

Well, hold on, hold on, folks. Hearing this line reminds you of the whole song, of course. And you get immersed in that vibe of decorations, jingling bells, lights, delicious festive food, a Christmas tree, and most importantly, the giant man with a snow-like white beard and a bag of gifts—Santa Claus. Yes, you are correct. The buzz is all about Christmas—the festival of joy.

So, as year-end approaches, we are filled with joy, happiness, and celebrations. What is more interesting is that for kids, it is all about waiting for Santa Claus to bring them their favorite gifts and fulfill their wishes.

1. Christmas Celebration and Its Significance

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Birth of Jesus Christ (Credits: Pexels.com)

Hearing the word Christmas drags our thinking about Christmas trees, celebrations, etc. But why is Christmas celebrated? Some say it is the mark of remembrance of Jesus Christ’s birth; for some, it is because of various traditions or celebrations. The stories are different, but most derive Christmas’s meaning from Christ- the son of God.

Yes, the beloved Jesus Christ was born on this day, i.e., December 25th, and is celebrated as Christmas Day. The day is believed to be when the god turns into a human, and ultimately, the incarnation of god on the earth happens.

The largely believed story is that long ago, a lady named Merry was informed by an angel named Gabriel that she would give birth to a baby boy named Jesus. The lady and her husband Joseph soon gave birth to the baby boy in a stable.

Since then, every year during the dark winters, this day of 25th December is celebrated as Christmas Day by offering presents to each other in the community, bringing joy, hope, harmony, and happiness to all.

2. How Long Is Christmas Celebrated?

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Christmas vibes in markets (credits: Pexels.com)

Christmas is a festival celebrated by Christians, but it is not just limited to this religious group; it is celebrated worldwide. Christmas Day falls in December, a holiday time for most people, and Christmas brings them an opportunity to celebrate. It’s a festival that brings together all the family and friends for a celebration and enjoyment, and they have fun spending time with each other.

For some, this enjoyment lasts more than one day, 25 December, but it lasts three days, from 24 to 26 December. For others, it starts on 1 December and continues throughout the month.

For some, it begins on December 25 and goes on until January 6(the birth of Jesus until the visit of the Magi—The 12 Days of Christmas. For some, if they are lucky enough to have their birthdays around Christmas, they celebrate it after their birthday ends.

For instance, someone has their birthday on the 20th of December. For them, the celebration of Christmas begins on the 21st. So, the answer to how long Christmas is celebrated is that it depends from person to person. There is no hard and fast rule. The timeline of the events related to Christmas is as follows:

  • 24th December—Christmas Eve or evening—is considered a partial holiday before Christmas to prepare for the next day.
  • 25th December- Christmas day
  • 26th December- Boxing Day, better known as Thanksgiving Day.

3. When Should You Start Celebrating Christmas?

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Credits: Pexels.com

Now that we know about Christmas, its significance, timeline, etc., readers, the question arises, “When should you start celebrating Christmas?” This question is debatable for everyone, and the exact answer is unknown. But let’s try to find out when we should start celebrating Christmas.

3.1 When Does the Christmas Celebration Start in the Philippines?

We often hear Christmas music around the end of the year, but Filipinos start celebrating Christmas four months early. Yes, now you know that Christmas starts around September in the Philippines. The Filipinos celebrate Christmas, better known as Pasko, for the longest time in the world.

Hence, if you are a big fan of Christmas vibes, you can visit the Philippines during this time to enjoy all that Christmas music, Christmas decor, Christmas cheer, and much more.

3.2 When Does the Christmas Celebration Start in Mexico?

Coming to Mexico, the Mexican people believe December 12 is appropriate to start the celebration of Christmas, which continues until January 6. From December 16 until Christmas Eve, the posada tradition is celebrated, signifying the 9-month journey of Merry’s pregnancy and the hustle to find a home for the birth of Jesus Christ.

3.3 When Does the Christmas Celebration Start in Scotland?

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Christmas Tree (Credits: Pexels.com)

The official start for the people in Scotland is believed to be 25 December itself. Along with the main day celebration, they also celebrate Christmas Eve and give importance to Thanksgiving. Moreover, 25th December is an official public holiday there.

3.4 When Does the Christmas Celebration Start in Germany?

Christmas in Germany is celebrated on the 25th and 26th of December, marked with Christmas shopping, Christmas lights, etc., done on Christmas Eve on December 24. Moreover, it is a public holiday on Christmas and the day after Christmas.

The exciting thing about Christmas in Germany is that the people call Christmas day ” Erster Feiertag,” or the first celebration. In contrast, the day after is called “Zweiter Feiertag,” or the second celebration day.

So, When Do You Start Celebrating Christmas?

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Christmas & Santa Claus (Credits: Pexels.com)

So folks, when will you start decorating your houses for Christmas? When will you put those glittery, shimmering little Christmas balls and lights around your home? When will you buy presents for the Thanksgiving ceremony?

Altogether, now that you know so much about when most people enjoy the Christmas vibe, what are your thoughts on “When should you start celebrating Christmas?”

If you ask us, we recommend starting the preparations whenever you wish, as there is no specific time to enjoy the event. I hope you like our content. Do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

Last Updated on by kalidaspandian

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By Yukti Thakur Content Writer
Yukti, a budding engineer, weaves simplicity into creativity. Academically inclined, she explores content writing, seeing it as a platform to shape diverse thoughts. With 3 years of experience, she is a versatile writer, seamlessly adapting to various genres.
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