The United States will have its Presidential election in November 2016, and President Obama has little hopes to be seen again as the president for the upcoming term. Barack Obama may finally move out of the White House after completing his two terms as the President of America. If you are in doubt as to why Obama won’t be the president again, then we have some important points for you to consider beforehand.
Economic Policies of USA:
The country is facing unemployment issues as Obama’s Government can’t create enough jobs for its citizens. The unemployment shows a reduction, but actually, the unemployment is on higher trend as the people who lost the willingness to work are not accounted for. The US economy is also not doing well and has shown the weakest recovery and the country can’t allow Obama victory as it may lead to the continued weak economy.
Terrorism under Obama:
The Obama Government underestimated the threats from ISIS and now shifts the blame on his intelligence advisers. He said that James Clapper, the current Director of National Intelligence is at fault as he underestimated the series of events in Syria. But as per many reports, Obama had informed about the growing threats a year ago. Moreover being the President of the country, any failure on the part of the administration makes the President accountable and Obama should assume the accountability of underestimating the possible threats.
Affordable Health Care Act:
The Affordable Healthcare Act was enacted to improve the quality of healthcare and to make it more affordable. It was presumed to lower uninsured rate and improve the health outcomes. Early implementation of the Act emerged as a setback of the Obama Government and has received universal negative reactions as the website that allowed people to apply for insurance through exchange crashed on opening and suffered a rash of problems throughout the first month.
US Constitution:
As per 22nd Amendment of the US Constitution, no President shall be elected to the office more than twice. But Obama considers that he is pretty good as a President and can surely win the seat if he could contest for the post. He has great plans to do good to America which probably he missed acting upon in his Presidential tenure of 8 years.
Obama has faced severe criticism even on matters of his foreign policies. The US constitution prohibits Obama for a third term and even if he would have contested, the chances of being reelected stands out to be dim.
So its finally the time to bid a bye to President Barack Obama and see the new President coming up to the White House pretty soon.
Last Updated on by Rahul Malpe