Cuban Coffee and Cigars have worldwide popularity for their quality. The Best Cuban Cigars are the result of a centuries-long quest for perfection.
When Christopher Columbus reached the Cuban territory, he was amazed by the style of tobacco consumption. The late 15th-century Cuban people rolled tobacco in palm leaves to inhale the satisfying smoke.
Few of them took maize leaves to roll tobacco. Fascinated by the novel idea, Columbus took some tobacco to his native place.
Spain itself set up the cigar industry and monopolized the trade. In the late 18th century, Cuba finally established some cigar factories and changed the old practices.
The early 1990s is considered the Golden Era of Cuban cigars. With the benefits of free trade, the best Cuban cigars reached world territories.
So, what makes Cuban cigars so special? Letโs find out through the following ideas.
1. Maintaining The Legacy
Most of the cigar brands have maintained their old legacy of production. Every single Cuban cigar is perfectly made.
Their reputation for genuine cigar production has been unmatched for several centuries. Reputed dealers add more quality to the product for genuineness.
2. Government Control
At present, Cuban cigar production comes under direct government control. The government supervises the quality control of the best Cuban cigars.
It ensures that the cigars are properly rolled, well made, and flawless. Every genuine Cuban cigar has to prove its authenticity before final delivery.
3. High-Grade Cuban Tobacco
The quality and expansiveness of Cuban cigars depend on high-grade tobacco. There are several tobacco varieties produced in Cuba according to varied geographic locations.
Piloto, Olor, Corojo, Criollo, and Sumatra are among the widely used tobacco leaves. Piloto Tobacco is commonly used in premium Cuban cigars.
It is an incredibly flavored, spicy, and full-bodied tobacco species. Its quality is remarkable and known for its strong taste.
With such favorable political and business conditions, the Cuban cigar industry is globally appreciated for its distinct quality. Letโs have a look at the best Cuban cigars available at present.
15 Best Cuban Cigars You Should Know About
1. Trinidad La Trova LCDH
It is one of the best Cuban cigars blended with the highest Cuban quality tobacco. It is a big cigar and offers half an hour of smoke time.
There is no need for a cigar cutter as a light twist works for it. The taste is of white chocolate coated with spices and earth, giving La Trova a distinct class among Cuban cigars.
The tobacco of the La Trova comes from the best tobacco-growing area in the world: the Vuelta Abajo. You enjoy it since the very first puff for its remarkable quality.
2. Cohibas
Cuban political giant Fidel Castro smoked Cohibas. It was the favorite cigar of the high-ranked Communist Party officials.
The brand was established in 1966 and has become a cult for its exclusive status as a diplomatic gift. It is made of tobacco from Vuelta Abajo after a long fermentation process.
Today, Cohiba Behike 52 is an improved version and ranks among the best Cuban cigars. Properly aged Cohibas give your even more pleasure and satisfaction.
3. Bolivar Royal Coronas
Bolivar cigars are full-bodied,ย Ligero-blended, and one of the strongest Cuban cigars. They are one of the best Cuban cigars distributed by Habano S.A.
This cigar brand got its name after the revolutionary leader, Simon Bolivar. The cigars have an elegant look and earthy aroma.
Royal Coronas measure 4 7/8โณ by 50 ring gauge. They have fine touches of coffee, leather, and chocolate.
They taste much better with age and are the new generation of Havana cigars.
4. Romeo y Julieta Short Churchill
It is a big cigar measuring 4 7/8โณ by 50 ring gauge. It has consistently ranked among the Top 25 Cigar Aficionado list.
Cuban cigar lovers endorse it for its smoothness and rich aroma. Habanos S. A. proudly distributes it through La Casa del Habano cigar stores across the globe.
It is one of the oldest brands and famous for its size. Short Churchill and Wide Churchill are two world-renowned sizes.
5. Double Corona
Double Corona is one of the best Cuban cigars that is completely manufactured in the Cuban territory. It has once scoredย 99 pointsย in the Cigar Aficionado test for taste.
It measures around ย 7 1/2 to 8 inches by a 49 to 52 ring gauge. It burns nearly an hour and gives an ethereal experience.
It consists of darker tobacco that verifies the astounding quality. It is super strong and ideal for after-meal smoke.
6. H. Upmann
Owned by Habanos S. A., H. Upmann is a milder cigar. It is known to be J. F. Kennedyโs favorite cigar.
H. Upmann Magnum 50 has been rated 93 points in the Cigar Aficionado test for taste. It is also one of the oldest Cuban cigar brands.
This Havana Cigar is known for its finest tobacco quality. It is blended with tobacco exclusively grown in the Vuelta Abajo region.
7. Ramon Allones Cigars
The next inclusion in the best Cuban cigars list is the 1837 founded full-body cigar brand Ramon Allones. These hand-made cigars may measure up to 7 5/8โณ mm to 49 ring gauge.
The blend of buttermilk, white pepper, and cedar offers a distinct quality of smoking. The sweetness and earthy taste at the top rejuvenate the experience.
Its tobacco comes from the Vuelta Abajo region that certifies its quality. There is no deviation of rings, which is a rare classic Cuban cigar quality.
8. Hoyo de Monterrey
Handmade with the silky richness of Vuelta Abajo tobacco and the aroma of rosewood, fresh herbs, and musk,these are the markers of one of the best Cuban cigars, Hoyo de Monterrey. This Havana cigar comes in three medium to full variants and is suitable for beginners to seasoned smokers.
It is a classic cigar brand with historical significance. It is an ideal medium strength cigar.
9. Partagas Series Cigars
Partagas is a famous Cuban cigar factory in the Havana region. It is one of the best-selling Cuban cigar brands.
Partagas Aristocrats, Partagas Capitols, Partagas Maduro No. 3, Partagas Serie D No. 4 & 6, and Partagas Lusitanias are some of the popular variants. They are made of rich tobacco with a strong and earthy flavor.
Partagas Alphabet Series has been dominating the cigar market since 1930. Its cool and round smoke with complex flavors make it popular among cigar-lovers.
10. Punch Cigars
Launched in the 1800s, Punch is known for its bold, full-flavored taste. The Punch cigar has a spicy and earthy taste.
It is a medium-body cigar blended with leather and musk aromas. These cigars are hand-made and contain the best Cuban tobacco.
Brandโs popular mascot, the contended Clown, has become a trademark of quality. Its furniture polish, heavy cream, and rare steak make it one of the best Cuban cigars.
11. Cuaba Cigars
It was the first Cuban cigar brand that was commercially used outside Cuba. Cuaba is basically a Cuban bush used to light tobacco in the territory.
They are available in four vitolas:
- the Exclusivos
- the Generosos
- the Tradicionales
- the Divinos
These vitolas are blended with tobacco from the Vuelta Abajo region.
12. Montecristo
Montecristo is a prominent Cuban cigarโs limited edition brand and one of the best Cuban cigars. With its fine quality, it has become a standard for Havana cigars.
All the cigars are exclusively handmade and have medium strength. The brand has a variety of sizes and different flavor profiles.
Montecristo Edmundo, Montecristo Lรญnea 1935 Leyenda, Montecristo No.2 , and 4- Montecristo Petit No.2 are some variants. A true Montecristo cigar is flavored with citrus, pepper, earth and wood.
13. Saint Luis Rey Cigars
Straight from the land of Vuelta Abajo, this finest cigar brand has been producing one of the best Cuban cigars since 1940. It is believed the brand got its name after American author Thornton Wilderโs novel, The Bridge of San Luis Rey.
Some exclusive handmade vitolas are:
- Coronasย Vitola de Galera
- Churchillย Vitola de Galera
- Lonsdaleย Vitola de Galera
These cigars are good both young and aged. Coffee and dark honey flavors add pleasure to the smoking experience.
14. Diplomaticos
Founded in the year 1966, it primarily aimed at the French cigar market. Diplomaticos is very similar to Montecristo in nomenclature and size.
They are handmade, home production cigars and available in medium to full-bodied variants. Ring gauge varies from 38 to 52.
Its historical significance lies in the fact that it was the first cigar brand after the Cuban Revolution. It was not sold everywhere and had exclusive editions on demand.
15. La Gloria Cubana
La Gloria Cubana, the glory of Cuba, is one the best Cuban cigars and is known as the little jewel among Habanos. It also among few Cuban cigar brands that are totally homemade.
Its strength is medium and available in small sizes. It has an astounding range of more than 15 variants including, Belux No. 1, Cetros, Tainos, and Flechas.
Experienced smokers with extensive knowledge about cigar quality enjoy La Gloria Cubana across the globe. It has been providing quality tobacco and aromatic blend since 1885.
The best Cuban cigars have traveled a long journey of political turmoil. As most cigar companies are state-controlled, it was never easy to continue the legacy of quality.
The Cuban geographical condition helps produce the finest tobacco. The traditional technique is still prevalent that preserves the distinct taste of homemade cigars.
However, at present, these best Cuban cigars are available throughout the world. You can enjoy the rich aroma and blend of coffee and chocolate with every vitola.
Check out Dos and Donts in Cuba.
Last Updated on by Laveleena Sharma