5 Gruesome Unsolved Crimes

By rimu
5 Min Read

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Our earth has been considered a peaceful and calm place, but lurking on this peaceful planet are some gruesome mysteries that the police never solved, crimes that were nerve-wracking and could give you chills down your spine, and also terrible nightmares.

Here is a list of some of the 5 Gruesome Unsolved Crimes of the world.


This guy is a very famous serial killer, and many movies were based on his life. His identity remains a mystery even now after almost 127 years of his existence. His activities were mostly confined to the Whitechapel district, London, during 1888. Several female prostitutes were the victims of this person.

He slit their throats and mutated their abdominals completely. His most famous victims were 5 girls named Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth stride, Mary Jane Kelly, and Catherine Eddowes. Many speculations surrounded his identification, but there was no proof. Some say that Jack the Ripper was the Queen’s son. His final victim was Rebecca Sikes Bauer. She was found dead in her bed.

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The Cleveland torso murderer was a serial killer who killed and dismembered at least 12 victims in Cleveland, Ohio, in the 1930s. Only two victims were identified out of the lot. The police at that time may have guessed more than 5000 times about who the suspect was.  But the butcher man was never found, and the case remains unsolved even now. The thoughtful thing about this case was that the victims’ bodies were at their disposal ground for quite some time. One of the victims was found a year after her death.

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This is the name that was given to Elizabeth Short, who was murdered brutally in 1947. The passerby who discovered her thought it was a discarded mannequin. However, on a closer look, her severely mutilated body was found. Her body was cut into half along the waist, and her body was completely drained out of blood. Her face had slashes from her mouth to her ears, giving a Glasgow smile effect. She also had several cuts on her thighs and breasts, and portions of flesh were removed from the cuts. If that was not enough, the murderer taunted the police department by sending her belongings to the police.

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He was an unidentified baby boy aged between 4 to 6 whose naked body was found dead inside a cardboard box in February 1957. Autopsy explained the cause of death was blunt force trauma. Who he was and who killed him is yet unknown. Even after 58 years of his death, his name and death remain a mystery. His body is buried in the Ivy hill cemetery, Cedarbrook, Philadelphia, with a large tombstone marked as “America’s unknown child.”

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This infamous murder took place on 11th April 1981 in the Keddie Resort, a former town in the foothills of Sierra Nevada, California. The murder took place in the early evening in cabin 28, and their bodies were found the next morning, i.e., 12th April. This murder case is also known as “Cabin 28” and “Quadruple murder.” The four victims were the 36-year-old Glenna Sharp(Sue), her daughter Tina Sharp(12 years), her son John(15 years), and his friend Dana Wingate(17 years).

Sue’s fourteen-year-old daughter, Sheila, who slept in cabinet 27 that night, found Sue, John, and Dana’s body the next day. The bodies were bound with electrical wire and medical tape. Little Tina was missing. There was just one eye-witness, Justin, who was a twelve-year-old family friend. Still, the strange thing was that Justin’s statements led the police into major confusion. It kept changing first under hurried hypnosis with the county, then under a polygraph, and would change again when professional hypnosis was conducted much later in his adult life.

Tina’s skull was discovered 3 years later, but the rest of her remains were never found. Martin Smart, Justin’s stepfather, and his friend John Boubede were the main suspects in this case, but no arrests were made as the police lacked evidence.


It is astounding how these murderers remain to be anonymous until this day.

Fanatic Serial Killers Who Never Got Caught
Icy Tales

Last Updated on by Saket Kumar

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