According to the US Government, the small man syndrome is indeed a reality.
The small man syndrome1 refers to a condition where men feel they are not ‘masculine enough in society’s eyes.
These men are more likely to commit violent acts than people who are comfortable with their bodies and personality. It has been researched and studied, and we have Proof of Small Man Syndrome Found In The US.
While it is a common perception that people who act all ‘macho’ are prone to act aggressively, it turns out that acts of aggression are committed more commonly by people who feel less masculine2.
Much of it is owed to the baseless stereotyping by society, and people who do not feel masculine tend to seek power, war, and conquests to make up for their’ shortcomings.’
The Centre researched Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia. This condition is known as the ‘male discrepancy stress.’ Men who are not comfortable with their ‘masculinity’ commit crimes and assaults more often than men comfortable in their skin.
- Meinck, Hans‐Michael, and Philip D. Thompson. “Stiff man syndrome and related conditions.” Movement disorders: official journal of the Movement Disorder Society 17.5 (2002): 853-866. ↩︎
- Jung, Carl Gustav. Aspects of the Masculine. Routledge, 2015. ↩︎
Last Updated on by NamitaSoren