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Things like smartphones, computers, social media, and television have become an integral part of everyone’s life. Though everything is useful, only when utilized for essential purposes, overuse of anything leads to mental and physical issues.
Everyone is so fond of gadgets nowadays that they just scroll down social media or play video games on smartphones to entertain themselves. It merely limits the physical activities of people and kids that they must do, but instead, they prefer looking at the screens all the time, which can affect the eyes and lead to headaches too.
So, I have gathered some ways to stay away from your cellphones and other devices to embrace digital detoxing in your daily routines and once you get used to it, you can see the surprising results on your mental and physical health yourself.
1. Set a Schedule to Take Breaks from Screens
Many people prefer to multitask, so first ensure to stick to one screen at a time. Then, the next thing you can do is to take small breaks from the screen. For corporate workers, it’s hard to cut off their time to engage with the computer and mobile screens and you can’t say no to the jobs just because of this. So, it’s better to take small breaks from the monitors and relax your eyes for five minutes every half an hour by closing them and if possible keep the brightness always low to protect your eyes.
2. Turn Off Unnecessary Notifications
Notifications are extremely distracting, especially their sounds whether these are necessary or not. So, turn off all the unnecessary push notifications of all social media accounts or other unuseful apps except the ones that you need for your work. It will create less hindrance in your mind and won’t disturb you while taking rest too.
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3. Put the Phone Aside During Meal Time
The worst routine nowadays which is becoming common is using phone during the meal time. Instead of using the phone, make your meal time, family time, or personal time, and in which you are forbidden to use the phone. And remember nobody else can limit your gadget use except you, so you have to set limits for yourself and strictly follow them.
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4. Rediscover Physical Activities for Entertainment Purposes
People nowadays already do limited physical activities due to their tight working schedules and spending the rest time after working hours on the phone for entertainment, I don’t think it’s a wise choice. Instead of engaging with devices all the time, try to be involved in your favorite physical activities like dancing, yoga, or walking among nature to stay fit and adopt digital detoxing.
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5. Clean and Limit Your Social Media Accounts
Social media plays a vital role in everyone’s cellphone life but frankly speaking, I think social media is just for entertainment and there are very few people who use it for educational purposes. Until there is a specific purpose for scrolling down your social media handles, cutting up on time to use social media handles will be the best choice for digital detoxing. The lesser the engagement, the lesser the screen time you will face.
Lastly, if you can adapt to the above pointers, then you are ready to accept digital detoxing, and if you’ll take it as a part of self-care, you can surely put up with it for a longer time or even a lifetime.
Last Updated on by Icy Tales Team